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Hang cousin's best of hang duo 2009

Hang cousin's best of hang duo 2009 Best Ambient Music Of All Time ( Top 25 ) Best ambient music of all time lists are quite popular on the internet. While waiting for some mixes to render I came across this list by "Darktremor" over at "listology". Here he lists his "Top Ambient Music Of All Time." I found it closely resembles my own section of best ambient music in the minimal ambient sounds sense. 1. I almost unarguably call this the best ambient album of all time. It is truly a work of art that can be listened to (or rather, slept to) again and again: it almost never grows tiring, because it takes you to so many places. 2. I've always felt like this sounded like a world created within a song. 3. This is a pretty experimental work, but still fantastic. You find yourself flying above the earth's atmosphere on a sound wave, through space, underwater, to unimaginable, beautiful, and warm tropical places, before finally finding yourself away from the island, sailing home on a ghost ship, called by the transmitter. 4. 5. 6. This is a beautiful album. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Napkin PC (by @baekdal) #design It is the time of CES and the media is currently filled with a lot of very interesting products - but here is one that you will not see (unfortunately). It's a PC the size of a napkin. The best part is that it is based on passive screen technology (epaper), which means that it only needs power when you change it. The result is that whatever you draw on it will stay on the screen forever (or atleast until you change it) without the need for cables or batteries. This is a brilliant concept by Avery Holleman, and apart from the color epaper, all of it could be done today. In any case, I want one - as soon as somebody makes one. Note: I am not really sure that running windows on it is such a good idea - or let me rephrase that, any operating system. (Tip via email) Follow: 42Concepts

Radiohead, New York, NY 1997 | Danny Clinch Radiohead, New York, NY 1997 Sizes: 11x14 16x20 20x24 30X40 Color: Black and White Type: Silver Gelatin Edition of: Limited Edition (11x14 & 16x20 Open Edition) Signed Other Images You Might Like This Image Is Also Featured In Where the Workers Who Made Your iPhone Sleep at Night | Gadget Lab  I traveled to China to report on Foxconn and Shenzhen as part of a special feature for Wired magazine, which will be published in an upcoming issue. In the meantime, here's a glimpse of some of the things I saw in Shenzhen. Foxconn's factory in Shenzhen, China, is home to about half its 420,000 workers. Workout equipment is located in the spaces between buildings.Newer dorm rooms share a sink on the balcony, where workers can wash their clothing and themselves. I traveled to China to report on Foxconn and Shenzhen as part of a special feature for Wired magazine, which will be published in an upcoming issue. This special report is a partnership between Gizmodo and Wired magazine. See Also: inShare0

How-To: Easily Remove the Vocals from Most Songs 2015 Shortcut: When I wrote this article Audacity didn’t have an automatic center-panned vocal canceling effect… but now it does, so rather than do the stereo-separate / invert-one-track / play-both-as-mono trick (and that’s pretty much all there is to it), you should be able to find the Vocal Remover option in the Effects menu – but it’s more fun / interesting and can give better results if you do it yourself! =D I found this trick the other day whilst stumbling the Interwebs and thought I’d do a quick-write up w/ pictures to make it as easy as possible… For this exercise we’re going to be using a piece of free audio software called Audacity, which you can get for Linux, Windows and Mac. Update: If you’re trying this out on a Mac, please make sure you get Audacity 1.3 Beta or newer – the stable 1.2 version appears to have a missing equaliser decibal-range slider which you need towards the end of the process! 1.) 2.) 3.) With that done, give it a play and see what happens! 4.) 5.) Wrap Up

Fan video proves that every anime show has the same opening credits @transitnap: The difference being that the intro of an american show is maybe 40 seconds, tops. Animes drag this formulaic self-indulgent nonsense on for at least a minute and a half before the actual show starts, often a lot longer. @MisterFoo: I don't think it's self-indulgent so much as it's just convention, the opening sequences probably last as long as the theme song does (which, for many fans, is an important part of an anime, so much so that it often changes through seasons). Both those genres use these formulas to signal to the audience what they are; think of it as packaging. All in all though, it is nice to see when a show, anime or otherwise, breaks some conventions (well, until they become conventional themselves).

Downloads - Audio - n-Track Studio 20 Most Amazing Microscope Shots Pictures !!!! These microscope pictures are taken from the book ‘ Microcosmos’, created by Brandon Brill . This book includes many scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of insects, human body parts and household items. These are the most amazing images of what is too small to see with the naked eye. 01 – A wood or heathland Ant, Formica fusca, holding a microchip 02 – The surface of an Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory silicon microchip 03 – Eyelash hairs growing from the surface of human skin 04 – The surface of a strawberry 05 – Bacteria on the surface of a human tongue 06 – Human sperm (spermatozoa), the male sex cells 07 – The nylon hooks and loops of velcro 08 – Household dust which includes long hairs such as cat fur, twisted synthetic and woolen fibers, serrated insect scales, a pollen grain, plant and insect remains 09 -The weave of a nylon stocking 10 – The end of the tongue (proboscis) of a hummingbird hawkmoth 11 – The head of a mosquito 12 – A human head louse clinging to a hair

Nogeno permite crear perfiles web para músicos emergentes En los últimos años han ganado mucha popularidad los servicios web enfocados a servir como tarjetas de presentación online, perfiles en la web con los que podemos reflejar nuestra identidad y a la vez condensar nuestra presencia online con links a perfiles de Twitter, Facebook y otras redes sociales. En esta categoría entran servicios como o Si bien estos servicios son “generalistas”, es decir, apuntan al común de los usuarios, también han aparecido otros servicios de perfiles que apuntan a segmentos específicos. Uno de ellos es Nogeno que está dirigido a músicos emergentes, permitiéndoles publicar y difundir sus creaciones. Al igual que en, acá la idea es que los perfiles entren por los ojos, por eso se han preocupado de ofrecer un diseño vistoso y elegante, junto con dejar a los artistas subir fotos en alta resolución que sirvan como fondo de la página. Vía | The Next Web Enlace | Nogeno
