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Extraordinary Cartagram — Geocoded Image Visualization — by Bloom Idea Management helps to convert Ideas into Reality so buy this idea management tool. In a small organization with 20 employees, each and every employee can share their ideas and after brainstorming sessions, the best ideas maybe chosen. But in an organization with thousands of employees, this is not practical. Earlier suggestion boxes were used, which rarely came up with any results as ideas from the box were usually discussed within closed walls. Only those who influenced the higher management got their ideas approved. There was no motivational factor for the employees in the lower levels. The procedure itself involves three incisions to each breast, the configuration of which is likened to a ship’s anchor. The three part surgical strategy offers the maximum remodeling of the breast, with the end result being a more natural breast size and elevated bust line. Average breast lift cost, according to the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, is $4332 in the United States. End of rant

Your everyday life stories Today, I got on an elevator with a woman and her child. I was the first one on. When she stepped on, the capacity alarm went off. 280 comments Mar 31 I agree, your life sucks (117615) you deserved it (6646) Today, I was on the bus going to formal for my sorority. 163 comments Mar 22 I agree, your life sucks (115433) you deserved it (6563) Today, I found out my blood type is B. 398 comments Apr 11 I agree, your life sucks (114842) you deserved it (4922) Today, I went to get a sports physical at a hospital. 154 comments Feb 28 I agree, your life sucks (112937) you deserved it (9177) Today, we got our yearbooks for school. Mar 25 I agree, your life sucks (111534) you deserved it (7647) Today, I was at the dentist getting a cavity filled. 194 comments Mar 06 I agree, your life sucks (110675) you deserved it (3558) Today, my girlfriend of 8 years dumped me. 217 comments Apr 13 I agree, your life sucks (110549) you deserved it (7790) Today, I was in my new boyfriend's apartment for the first time. 372 comments Jul 01

Wrapster earbud cords organizer by Matthew Fleming In general, we often spend some time detangling earbud cords. But now, we will have a great tool to solve this trouble. Wrapster is a unique design of headphone cord organizer that allows users easily wrap earbud cords around its central bar by a more convenient, less bulky way. Designer: Matthew Fleming

this isn't happiness™ Peteski Dessiner avec le cerveau droit Le dessin d'observation n'est qu'une des multiples possiblités d'envisager le dessin, à assimiler à la figuration réaliste ou hyperréaliste en peinture. D'autres approches du dessin peuvent être comparées à d'autres courants de la de peinture: l'abstraction, l'expressionnisme, le cubisme, le surréalisme, le pop'art, l'op'art, la peinture naïve, etc. Cette approche fascine parce qu'elle donne le sentiment de maîtriser les formes de la nature, d'exercer un pouvoir sur elle. Mais elle décourage également le profane accroché à la conviction "qu'il ne sait pas dessiner", or, s'il ne sait pas dessiner, c'est essentiellement et d'abord parce qu'il ne sait pas VOIR, enregistrer consciemment et fidèlement ce qu'il a sous les yeux. L'apprentissage du dessin d'observation commence donc par une éducation du regard. J'ai déjà mentionné dans ces pages l'excellent ouvrage de Betty Edwards "Dessiner grâce au cerveau droit" (éd. Premier point, voir juste. Remarques: Reprenons l'exemple de l'oeil.

Home - AmO Images: Capturing the Beauty of Life - AmO Images: Capturing the Beauty of Life Gleb Goloubetski was born in 1975 in Omsk, Russia, a Siberian town. His father, who died when Gleb was six, was a merited artist of the Soviet Union, and his grandfather was an architect. His mother currently owns a gallery in Omsk. Gleb's talent was discovered during his early childhood and he began selling his work at the age of 15. He studied at an art academy in St Petersburg, and from 1989 to 1995 continued as a student in the master class of Valerij Kullkov. Gleb spends weeks at a time in Greece, Italy, Egypt, Thailand, Maledives, and Brazil painting interesting houses, flowers, interiors, and the contrast of light and dark. Goloubetski shows his work in Prague, where he currently lives, as well as Germany and London.

Colonel Blimp - View OneInThree Work Colonel Blimp is an award winning production company with a reputation for creative innovation and excellence. Rascal of the Blink family we make commercials, music videos, branded content and everything in-between. Colonel Blimp takes its name from the 1944 film "The Life And Death of Colonel Blimp" In the film Roger Livesey plays a man who fights a duel and cuts his top lip so badly that he is forced to grow a large and unusual handlebar moustache which he keeps for the rest of his life. Creating a memorable piece of film is much like growing an unusual moustache.

Bé trai 7 tuổi bị chém chết tại nhà bạn học | Đời sống | - Chuyên trang Phụ nữ trẻ & Gia đình Vụ án mạng thương tâm xảy ra vào trưa 8/3 tại căn nhà số 428 đường Nguyễn Duy, phường 10, quận 8. Nạn nhân được xác định là bé Nguyễn Gia Hưng (7 tuổi, người địa phương). Thời điểm bị sát hại, bé Duy Hưng đang là học sinh lớp 1 trường tiểu học Đinh Công Tráng (phường 10, quận 8). Nhiều người dân ngỡ ngàng vì chuyện ông Hòa sát hại bé trai 7 tuổi Thông tin ban đầu, vào khoảng 12h40 cùng ngày bé Nguyễn Gia Hưng từ trường học về nhà đã đến nhà ông Trần Hoà (tự “Quá”, 59 tuổi, ngụ nhà số 428 đường Nguyễn Duy) để chơi với cháu ông Hòa. Khoảng 30 phút sau thì người nhà bé Hưng thấy ông Hòa chạy sang nói là mình đã chém chết cháu Hưng. Sau khi nghe tin cháu Hưng bị chém nhiều người đã tiếp cận hiện trường, đưa nạn nhân đi cấp cứu. Bố mẹ nuôi của bé Hưng cho biết, họ vẫn không hiểu vì lí do gì mà ông Hòa ra tay tàn nhẫn với một bé trai mới 7 tuổi như vậy. Được biết, bé Nguyễn Gia Hưng là con thứ hai trong gia đình có 3 anh em. Hung thủ vụ án bị bắt tại cơ quan công an

Design You Trust – Design and Beyond! 3D Sketchbook Drawings Art & Design Nagai Hideyuki is Japanese artist who has the impressive skills to create 3D drawings. Using light and shadow his drawings give the illusion of jumping of the page when seen from the right angle.
