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Geolocation API Specification

Geolocation API Specification
Abstract This specification defines an API that provides scripted access to geographical location information associated with the hosting device. Status of This Document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. This document was published by the Geolocation Working Group as a Last Call Working Draft on @@ May 2014. it merged errata into the Geolocation API v1 Recommendation, which was published on October 24, 2013.This document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation. Publication as a Last Call Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. Comments on the document should be sent to the Working Group's public mailing list (subscribe, archives). This document has been produced by the W3C Geolocation Working Group, following the procedures set out for the W3C Process, with the intention of advancing it along the W3C Recommendation track. Table of Contents 1 Conformance requirements 2 Introduction 3 Scope The

The Screen Orientation API Abstract The Screen Orientation API provides the ability to read the screen orientation state, to be informed when this state changes, and to be able to lock the screen orientation to a specific state. Status of This Document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at This document is still in a work in progress state. This document was published by the Web Applications Working Group as an Editor's Draft. Publication as an Editor's Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. Table of Contents 1. This section is non-normative. Example 1 <! 2. This specification defines conformance criteria that apply to a single product: the user agent 3. The concepts and

How To Design A Mobile Game With HTML5 Advertisement Care to make a cross-platform mobile game with HTML5? No need to dabble in Java or Objective-C? Bypass the app stores? Sounds like an instant win! A handful of game developers are pushing the envelope of mobile HTML5 games at the moment. Getting Started Before you start sketching the next Temple Run or Angry Birds, you should be aware of a few things that could dampen your excitement: Performance Mobile browsers are not traditionally known for their blazing JavaScript engines. Now, as a Web developer you’re used to dealing with the quirks of certain browsers and degrading gracefully and dealing with fragmented platforms. In this tutorial, we’ll make a relatively simple game that takes you through the basics and steers you away from pitfalls. It’s a fairly simple game, in which the user bursts floating bubbles before they reach the top of the screen. We’ll develop this in a number of distinct stages: 1. Enough of the background story. Let’s kick off with a basic HTML shim: 2.

Tutorial: Simple game with HTML5 Canvas - part 1 Check other language versions: [RUSSIAN] Tutorial: Simple game with HTML5 Canvas Part 1 - Introduction & Background Part 2 - Character & Animation Part 3 - Physics & Controls Part 4 - Platforms & Collisions Part 5 - Scrolling & Game States If you are interested in news and updates of that tutorial just follow me on twitter: [MichalBe's Twitter] Because 10KApart is closed now, and we are all waiting for the results, it is good time to remind my very simple "Stairs to heaven" game and explain in details how it was made. StH is very simple clone of Doodle Jump, but to be honest I was inspired by Icy Tower and discover DJ after I submit StH to the competition. Never mind. Part 1. That's all in HTML we will need during this tutorial. First of all its important to understand one thing about canvas - it is not possible to move objects in the canvas surface. var clear = function(){ ctx.fillStyle = '#d0e7f9'; //set active color to #d0e... Nice, but boring less only a little. Part 1.

HTML5 Game Dev Tutorials iOS 7.1 - minimal-ui is anything but minimal for HTML5 game developers Posted 15:16PM on March 20 2014 by Pascal Rettig This is a guest post from Odobo CTO Peter Mareš. As the developer program for real-money gaming, we assess the impact that any new software update is likely to have on our developer community. The most exciting addition is a modification to how Safari handles web apps: it makes development easier, improves the look of games and enhances the player experience. In this article, we cover some iOS 7.0 history, prior solutions, and the future ahead with 7.1. iOS 7.0 Safari: a brief history In iOS 7.0, Mobile Safari hid the address bar and changed the behaviour of both full-screen browsing and full-screen mode. iOS 7.0 Safari: a temporary solution Since no browser event was fired when the browser bars appeared, workarounds had to poll the visible browser area for each frame (we used requestAnimationFrame). This provided a solution; however, it was a messy hack. About Odobo

10 cool HTML5 games and how to create your own Thanks to Apple dropping support for Flash on iOS, HTML5 has gained a lot of traction and is getting very popular. For games, HTML5 (understand canvas and a lot of javascript) is slowly replacing Flash on online gaming websites and mobile games. I have done in this post a selection of cool and popular HTML5 games, maybe it will give you some motivation to create your own. 10 cool HTML games A list of pretty cool games, make sure to check out the source to understand how they work. 1. Control two characters at the same time and try to let them meet. 2. Defend your planet against incoming meteorites. 3. Addicting simple game where you race with a stick figure in levels designed by other users. 4. Your hero has fallen into a sinkhole and has a broken arm. 5. Not exactly a game, but a game emulator that gives you access to old games that you’ve probably missed. 6. A shoot-em-up with cool isometric 3D graphics. 7. A game created by Kevin Roast. 8. 9. A pretty entertaining tower defence game.

No Tears Guide to HTML5 Games Introduction So you want to make a game using Canvas and HTML5? Follow along with this tutorial and you'll be on your way in no time. The tutorial assumes at least an intermediate level of knowledge of JavaScript. You can first play the game or jump directly to the article and view the source code for the game. Creating the canvas In order to draw things, we'll need to create a canvas. var CANVAS_WIDTH = 480;var CANVAS_HEIGHT = 320; var canvasElement = $("<canvas width='" + CANVAS_WIDTH + "' height='" + CANVAS_HEIGHT + "'></canvas>");var canvas = canvasElement.get(0).getContext("2d"); canvasElement.appendTo('body'); Game loop In order to simulate the appearance of smooth and continuous gameplay, we want to update the game and redraw the screen just faster than the human mind and eye can perceive. var FPS = 30; setInterval(function() { update(); draw();}, 1000/FPS); For now we can leave the update and draw methods blank. function update() { ... }function draw() { ... } Hello world Player movement

Starter for the new HTML5 game developers DaRaFF/jsgamewiki Getting Started With HTML5 Game Development There are plenty of valid ways to create an HTML5 game, and quite a bit of material on the technical aspect of each, so for this article I’ll be giving more of a broad overview of HTML5 game development. How “HTML5” can be better than native, where to start with the development process, where to go when you’re stuck, and how to monetize and distribute games. Most of the audience here already sees the value in HTML5, but I want to re-iterate why you should be building an HTML5 game. If you are just targeting iOS for your game, write the game in Objective-C, the cons outweigh the benefits in that scenario… but if you want to build a game that works on a multitude of platforms, HTML5 is the way to go. Cross-Platform One of the more obvious advantages of HTML5 for games is that the games will work on any modern device. Unique Distribution Most HTML5 games that have been developed to this point are built in the same manner as Flash and native mobile games. Quicker Development Process js13kGames

Category: Design Diversity, communication, and Animal Crossing: New Leaf by Christian Nutt [04.02.14] Aya Kyogoku, co-director, and Katsuya Eguchi, producer, sit down and discuss the development of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and how fostering a diverse, communicative team leads to the best results. Design, Production, Console/PC, Social/Online What's next for Puzzle & Dragons and GungHo? by Christian Nutt [03.28.14] The president and CEO of GungHo, the studio behind the massive success Puzzle & Dragons, explains his philosophy toward game development, his studio's relationship with Supercell, free-to-play, and more. Business/Marketing, Design, Console/PC, Social/Online, Smartphone/Tablet, Mobile Games Giant Sparrow — Santa Monica, California, United States [04.22.14] Game Designer Blizzard Entertainment — Irvine, California, United States [04.22.14] World of Warcraft - VFX Artist The World of Warcraft team is looking for an animation centric FX artist.

Paper.js - Paper.js Paper.js — The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. Paper.js is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas. It offers a clean Scene Graph / Document Object Model and a lot of powerful functionality to create and work with vector graphics and bezier curves, all neatly wrapped up in a well designed, consistent and clean programming interface. Paper.js is based on and largely compatible with Scriptographer, a scripting environment for Adobe Illustrator with an active community of scripters and more than 10 years of development. Paper.js is easy to learn for beginners and has lots to master for intermediate and advanced users. Paper.js is developed by Jürg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey, and distributed under the permissive MIT License. Getting Started First of all, take a look at some of our examples.Download Paper.js or check out the latest version from our Github Repository.Want to learn Paper.js? Overview Browser Support

arbor.js Orbit APIs To Use In Your Movie Movie Controls Stop and play a movie; movie.stop(); movie.pause(); Control movie timeline movie.goto(2); // Goto frame 2 movie.goto('10s'); // Goto 10 seconds after start Stage Set background color stage.setBackgroundColor('red'); Set Framerate of the movie (frames per second) stage.setFramerate(30); Freeze and unfreeze the movie stage.freeze(); stage.unfreeze(); Draw a Path Create a new shape with a specified path. shape = new Path(); shape.moveTo(0, 0).lineTo(100, 0); shape.addTo(stage); Use SVG-like paths to create the same shape. Draw a rectangle Overview new Rect(x, y, width, height, cornerRadius) Draw a rectangle, at 0x0 of size 100x100 (still invisible) new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100).addTo(stage); Rectangle, with rounded corners of radius 5px (still invisible) new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100, 5).addTo(stage); Red rectangle with green border, 10px wide (visible) Rectangle with 1px borders of color 0xFFAABB, no fill color Half opaque rectangle of color rgba(100,100,255,0.5) Bitmap
