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Sociolog: Dårlige penge fosser ud af bankerne hver dag Ole Bjerg Født i 1974. Ekspert i penge, sociolog, ph.d. og lektor ved Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi på Copenhagen Business School. Bor på Nørrebro i København, er gift med Kathrine Vitus og far til Sylvester og Balthazar. Folk fatter ikke, hvordan penge og banker fungerer. Sociologen Ole Bjergs budskab er lige så kontant, som det er kontroversielt: Danskerne har helt grundlæggende misforstået, hvad der sker, når de låner penge i banken. Før de kan forstå, hvad der virkelig sker, må de berede sig på lidt af et chok. Banken skaber penge»Folk tror typisk, at en bank låner penge ud, som den selv har – enten fordi den har tjent dem, eller fordi andre har sat penge ind i banken. Det kan umiddelbart lyde fuldstændig surrealistisk, og mange – selv økonomer – tænker aldrig over det. Det mener Ole Bjerg, som i sidste uge udkom med bogen 'Gode penge – et kontant svar på gældskrisen'. Men når manden bruger pengene på kontoen, bliver banken da nødt til at have penge op af lommen?

Convertir voz en texto, las 8 mejores aplicaciones web Convertir voz en texto es una solución muy interesante que nos puede ayudar a ser más productivos, es más rápido dictar que escribir, y también son muchas las ocasiones en que nos puede interesar realizar una transcripción. Por eso he preparado esta selección, espero que la encontréis tan útil como deseo, con las 8 mejores aplicaciones web para convertir voz a texto o realizar transcripciones. Todas estas herramientas son de uso gratuito, así que ya no tienes excusa para tomar anotaciones y transcribir textos usando tu propia voz. Estas son las mejores herramientas online gratuitas para convertir voz a texto, no importa el orden, quédate con la que más te guste o te resulte más completa para tu trabajo. Speechnotes Una de las opciones más completas para tomar anotaciones dictadas con nuestra voz, es compatible numerosos idiomas incluyendo el español. Podemos utilizar comandos de voz para insertar signos de puntuación, comas, guiones, saltos de línea o párrafo, etc. Dictation Speechlogger

Stunning Macro Photos of Bees Courtesy of the US Geological Survey Once in a while we stumble across a great archive of public domain or creative commons imagery that just blows us away. Sometimes it’s historical photos, other times beautiful photos from space, but this time around it’s neither. Thanks to the US Geological Survey’s Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab Flickr, we now have access to over 1,200 gorgeous macro photos of bees and other insects. Given the name, you would think you’d only be looking at photos of bees, but that’s not the case. The Flickr is curated by USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Biologist Sam Droege, who seems to be on his game, given that the most recent photos were uploaded 21 hours ago. Below we grabbed some of our favorites. You can find a ton more photos where these came from, all in glorious high-resolution and available to download and use free of charge just as long as you properly credit the USGS as we have bellow. (via Boing Boing) Image credits: Photographs by the US Geological Survey

Steal This Article Girl Stealing Grapes, Henriëtte Willebeek le Mair (1915) “Stealing is stealing. I don’t care if it’s on the Internet or you’re breaking into a warehouse somewhere—it’s theft.”—United States Senator Patrick Leahy If a rich person has something you need, you should take it. And if a big corporation has something you want, you should steal it. The rich people who run these big corporations like to act as if we live in an age of austerity. TNI Vol. 20: Off-Brand is out this week. The truth is the human race has never been better off. Those at the top take all the credit in the best of times and blame everyone beneath them the rest of the time. But the concentration of wealth in the hands of a tiny minority is not the result of some higher law and a can-do attitude. Having money means defining right and wrong. Change comes about when those in power feel scared: when they feel that conceding to the public interest is the only way to maintain their status. You could, of course, get caught.

WhatsApp Ghost, usa WhatsApp sin que se refleje tu última conexión (Android) A pesar de las muchas quejas sobre su seguridad, WhatsApp sigue siendo el cliente de mensajería móvil más popular y empleado por usuarios de todo el mundo. Otra de las características de esta aplicación que no gusta a bastantes de sus usuarios es que se refleje la última conexión, es decir la última vez que abrimos el programa y participamos de WhatsApp. Si formas parte de este segundo grupo, de los que están molestos con que WhatsApp muestre la última vez que se conectaron, puedes evitarlo con la ayuda de una aplicación llamada WhatsApp Ghost. El primer paso, como es obvio, es instalarla, después deberás recordar pulsar sobre el icono de WhatsApp Ghost antes de abrir WhatsApp. Es muy importante que después de leer los mensajes te acuerdes de cerrar WhatsApp Ghost, en caso contrario impedirás que funcione correctamente WhatsApp. Artículo relacionado | WhatStat, app Android gratuita con estadísticas de tu uso de WhatsApp

Breathingearth - CO2, birth & death rates by country, simulated real-time In historic vote, New Zealand bans software patents A major new patent bill, passed in a 117-4 vote by New Zealand's Parliament after five years of debate, has banned software patents. The relevant clause of the patent bill actually states that a computer program is "not an invention." Some have suggested that was a way to get around the wording of the TRIPS intellectual property treaty, which requires patents to be "available for any inventions, whether products or processes, in all fields of technology." Processes will still be patentable if the computer program is merely a way of implementing a patentable process. But patent claims that cover computer programs "as such" will not be allowed. It seems there will be some leeway for computer programs directly tied to improved hardware. "These are the heavyweights of the new economy in software development," said Curran. The head of New Zealand's Institute of IT Professionals, Paul Matthews, celebrated the passage of the bill, tweeting: "Software patents are now disallowed in New Zealand.

Las relaciones familiares de todas las lenguas de Europa, explicadas en este brillante mapa Europa es un crisol de lenguas: un vivero que comienza en Tarifa y termina en el Ártico a través del cual conviven y se relacionan entre sí un centenar de lenguas de la más variopinta procedencia. Hay de todo, desde herencias deformadas y antiquísimas del latín hasta monstruos deformes que han terminado dominando el mundo, pasando por idiomas arcanos e ignotos y lenguas que provienen más allá del muro. Si no eres lingüista, hacerse una idea de cómo se relacionan entre sí y de dónde provienen las principales lenguas (y las más pequeñitas) puede convertirse en un quebradero de cabeza. Para ello hay pequeños héroes (siempre sin capa) que han dibujado diversos mapas lingüísticos del continente. El último y más espectacular con el que nos hemos topado es este realizado por Alternative Transport, un divertido blog anglosajón que atraviesa algunas de nuestras pequeñas obsesiones (transporte, mapas, idiomas, etcétera). Las urálicas, incluyendo la lengua húngara, ugria. Las lenguas celtas.

Medicinal-sælger: Vi "hjernevaskede" lægerne til at give vores drugs til børn - Krimi - Netavisen Udgivet for 637 dage siden i Krimi Tilføjet 25/07 04:10 til Boblere af Klaus K Kilde: Medicinal korruption: - En tidligere sælger hos medicinalgiganten GlaxoSmithKline har i kølvandet på en aktuel amerikansk regeringsundersøgelse afsløret chokerende insider-oplysninger om metoderne og moralen i medicinalbranchen. Oplysningerne er et wake-up call til hele sundhedssektoren og til alle, der bruger medicin - også i Danmark. Den 48-årige insider Blair Hamrick fra Florida arbejdede i flere år som sælger i GlaxoSmithKline - et af verdens største medicinalselskaber. I Glaxo deltog han sammen med sine kolleger i storstilet bestikkelse af læger - svindel med videnskabelige data i den medicinske litteratur - off-label salg af medicin (dvs. salg af medicin til behandling af andre sygdomme end dem medicinen virker imod) - samt ulovligt salg af anti-psykotisk medicin til børn & teenagere. ”De store medicinalselskaber er globale, og de arbejder sådan overalt. ”Dette er ulovligt.

Greasy Fork - scripts de usuario útiles y seguros How Facebook May Secretly Foil Your Activist Plans In recent years, Facebook has become an unexpectedly crucial tool for activism. The social media platform allows activists to efficiently connect and communicate with one another in order to arrange meetings, protests and boycotts. Unfortunately, activists who once found that Facebook helped make organizing easier are now encountering obstacles – and the resistance is coming from Facebook itself. With little explanation, Facebook has been disabling pages related to activism. Realistically, that’s the downside of relying on a hundred billion dollar company. For example, this year’s March Against Monsanto events have been popular with people across the globe, but not Facebook. When the “Boycott Target Until They Cease Funding Anti-Gay Politics” group became extremely popular, employees at Facebook didn’t erase the page, but effectively shut it down anyway by putting severe restrictions on it.

The Semantic Web: An Introduction This document is designed as being a simple but comprehensive introductory publication for anybody trying to get into the Semantic Web: from beginners through to long time hackers. Recommended pre-reading: the Semantic Web in Breadth. Table Of Contents What Is The Semantic Web? The Semantic Web is a mesh of information linked up in such a way as to be easily processable by machines, on a global scale. The Semantic Web was thought up by Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the WWW, URIs, HTTP, and HTML. What's the rationale for such a system? So the Semantic Web can be seen as a huge engineering solution... but it is more than that. The Semantic Web is generally built on syntaxes which use URIs to represent data, usually in triples based structures: i.e. many triples of URI data that can be held in databases, or interchanged on the world Wide Web using a set of particular syntaxes developed especially for the task. URI - Uniform Resource Identifier RDF - Resource Description Framework Why RDF? Logic

Klimabenægtere på krigsstien »Pas på: En tsunami af dumhed kommer bragende hen over verden på fredag,« advarede miljøbloggeren John Upton forleden på Fra USA over Europa til Australien mobiliserer højreorienterede organisationer nemlig for at miskreditere FN's rapport om klimaets tilstand, som offentliggøres i Stockholm i dag. FN's klimapanel, IPCC, offentliggør første del af sin nye status over verdens klima. Denne femte statusrapport bygger på hundreder af forskeres arbejde gennem seks år og sammenfatter resultater fra 9.000 videnskabelige artikler. Rapporten slår med større sikkerhed end nogensinde fast, at den truende globale klimaforandring skyldes udledningen af CO2 og andre drivhusgasser. »Vores mål er at informere offentligheden, forskersamfundet og medierne om, at den kommende IPCC-rapport ikke har det videnskabelige grundlag for at foretage informerede vurderinger,« siger en talsmand for Heartland Institute, en liberalistisk tænketank med sæde i Chicago. Fem faser af benægtelse Cherry-picking

RDF - Semantic Web Standards Overview RDF is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. RDF has features that facilitate data merging even if the underlying schemas differ, and it specifically supports the evolution of schemas over time without requiring all the data consumers to be changed. RDF extends the linking structure of the Web to use URIs to name the relationship between things as well as the two ends of the link (this is usually referred to as a “triple”). This linking structure forms a directed, labeled graph, where the edges represent the named link between two resources, represented by the graph nodes. Recommended Reading The RDF 1.1 specification consists of a suite of W3C Recommendations and Working Group Notes, published in 2014. A number of textbooks have been published on RDF and on Semantic Web in general. Discussions on a possible next version of RDF W3C has recently set up a new RDF Working Group, whose charter is to make a minor revision of RDF. Last modified and/or added All relevant tools
