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REALIDAD AUMENTADA Abajo podrás ver unas muestras en tu cámara web. Solo necesitas: 1. imprimir el "MAKER" que lo puedes descargar AQUÍ (si tienes problemas con el pdf, descarga AQUÍ un jpg) la calidad de la impresión debe ser óptima para un buen resultado. 2. tener una camara web y permitir recibir video cuando aparezca esta ventana al ingresar a cualquier ejemplo: (si no tienes una camara web conectada no te aparecerá)

Three Random Guys Sing Together and Its EPIC! So it all starts with a street performer jamming outside a store. Shortly after another guy comes along and joins in, but then.. The 3rd guy tops it all off.. Morphogenetic Creations by Andy Lomas Created by a mathematician, digital artist and Emmy award winning supervisor of computer generated effects – Andy Lomas, Morphogenetic Creations is a collection of works that explore the nature of complex forms that can be produced by digital simulation of growth systems. These pieces start with a simple initial form which is incrementally developed over time by adding iterative layers of complexity to the structure. The aim is to create structures emergently: exploring generic similarities between many different forms in nature rather than recreating any particular organism. In the process he is exploring universal archetypal forms that can come from growth processes rather than top-down externally engineered design.

Augmented Reality Since the beginning of 2009, we've been adding web-based Augmented Reality projects to our list of services we can offer to clients looking for an innovative way to reach their audience - because we think this is really cool stuff and a logical extension of our long-standing tradition of the creative use of leading-edge technology. More recently though, we have taken AR a step further and branched into mobile AR. As a member of the Layar Partnership Network, we are creating some fun apps for IPhone and Android phone users that help bring the world of AR that much closer. Want to know more about the possibilties of AR? Interested to have AR in your project Contact us for a quote. -- Here's more about the exciting possiblities of Augmented Reality --

Tutorial paso a paso de como hacer realidad aumentada Hola a todas las personas que visitan mi blog a diario. En esta ocasion quiero compartir con ustedes como hacer realidad aumentada ó augmented reality empezando desde cero. Muchas personas me escriben a diario queriendo saber como iniciar en el mundo de la realidad aumentada, ya sea para pc o moviles, por tal motivo decidi hacer un compendio de todos mis tutoriales en una misma entrada. algo maravilloso no es asi!!! Para comenzar a hacer realidad aumentada (RA) ó augmented reality (AR) necesitan unos programas “software” para poder trabajar correctamente, en mi caso utilizo los siguientes. Flash builder ó antes conocido como Flex.FLash cs5 ó Flash cs6.3D studio max – version 2009.

El "mejor" video stop motion de YouTube Disconnect To Connect - DTAC [HQ] Captured Dimensions - Full Color 3D Printed Replicas
