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Related:  Timeline

wait but why: Putting Time In Perspective Humans are good at a lot of things, but putting time in perspective is not one of them. It’s not our fault—the spans of time in human history, and even more so in natural history, are so vast compared to the span of our life and recent history that it’s almost impossible to get a handle on it. If the Earth formed at midnight and the present moment is the next midnight, 24 hours later, modern humans have been around since 11:59:59pm—1 second. And if human history itself spans 24 hours from one midnight to the next, 14 minutes represents the time since Christ. To try to grasp some perspective, I mapped out the history of time as a series of growing timelines—each timeline contains all the previous timelines (colors will help you see which timelines are which). A note on dates: When it comes to the far-back past, most of the dates we know are the subject of ongoing debate. For teachers and parents and people who hate cursing: here’s a clean, Rated G version. - All the Photo References and Textures Comic Artist Wants PHOTOS. Vieillissement de la peau à cause du tabac: voit-on la différence sur ces jumeaux? TABAC - Le tabac accentue le vieillissement de la peau, c'est bien connu. Mais après tout, pas si simple d'associer l'apparition de ses premières rides à la cigarette et pas, tout simplement, à la bougie de plus sur le gâteau. Pour comparer des peaux de fumeurs et de non-fumeurs, des chercheurs ont donc eu l'idée d'observer des jumeaux. En se baladant au rendez-vous annuel des jumeaux de l'Ohio - le Twin Days Festival - les chercheurs ont repéré quelques paires qui pourraient les intéresser. Ces portraits sont publiés dans la revue Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Est-ce flagrant? La femme de gauche a fumé 17 ans de plus que celle de droite. Lire aussi:» "Tobacco Body": un site interactif finlandais illustre sur les méfaits du tabac» Fumer endommage les capacités du cerveau, selon une étude anglaise sur les effets du tabac » Cancer: la cigarette, principal facteur de risque des cancers du rein et de la vessie La jumelle de droite est une fumeuse, pas celle de gauche.

Simpians Handpicked with Love: Vimeo’s Top 12 Videos of 2012 Hey! It's me, Handstick, the official Vimeo mascot. I live at Vimeo HQ in New York City. You can recognize me because I’m a hand on the end of a stick. The Curation Team has kindly asked me to present Vimeo’s Top 12 Videos of 2012. Why, you ask? So yes, we’ve got to hand it to these videos. The City of Samba Widely credited as the godfather of tilt shift, Keith Loutit remains a driving force, always pushing himself, and by extension the entire scene, forward. Moving Takahashi Josh Soskin’s decision to shoot his second short on 35mm was daring and smart. Solipsist Andrew Thomas Huang brought this film to Vimeo fresh from a win at Slamdance 2012. Breezeblocks On a budget of just £4,000, Ellis Bahl crafted a dark revenge thriller that twists and turns till you don't know what's what anymore. HoliHoli is always a stunning spectacle, and there's something exceptionally striking about this tribute to the Hindu festival of colors by NYC-based production company Variable.

Bilresan till kontinenten 1939 (1939) - Filmarkivet Harry von Eckermanns samling nummer 6. Amatörfilm från resa genom Europa några månader innan andra världskriget bryter ut. Läs mer om filmen i SMDB "Genom Centraleuropa 23/4 - 20/5 1939. Anatomical Venus: The gory idealized beauty of wax medical models Anatomical Venus: The gory idealized beauty of wax medical models From the “Josephinum Museum” of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria. Late 18th century The importance of anatomical models cannot be overstated in the education of medical professionals, but these learning tools have not always been so… clinical. Behold, the “Anatomical Venus,” idealized female forms first popularized in 18th century Europe, intended for the education of both medical students and a curious public (men and women were most often segregated for viewings). Disturbingly, some of models look dead, while others are depicted as if they were flayed alive—some even appear to express a level of eroticism. From La Specola museum. From Museu d’Història de la Medicina de Catalunya. From La Specola museum, Florence, Italy, 18th century. From La Specola museum, Florence, Italy, no date given. Depicting eyelid surgery. Giovan-Battista Manfredini, late 18th century. Late 19th century

Proverbes vieillesse : 34 citations et proverbes sur vieillesse Les infirmités sont l'apanage de la vieillesse. Proverbe français ; Le dictionnaire des proverbes et idiotismes français (1827) Tout se diminue en la vieillesse, hors avarice, prudence et sagesse. Proverbe provençal ; Les proverbes et dictons en langue d'Oc (1820) Jeunesse est diablerie, vieillesse ânerie. Proverbe rom ; Les proverbes et dictons tziganes (1982) La vieillesse menace de ruine. Vieillesse, pauvreté et maladie, affligent le corps et abrègent la vie. L'homme oisif en sa jeunesse peinera dans sa vieillesse. Après chaste jeunesse échoit saine vieillesse. La barbe vient, non la sagesse. La vieillesse est amère avec la pauvreté. Une vieillesse paisible termine dignement une vie remplie de travaux utiles. Qui désire être jeune en sa vieillesse doit être vieux en sa jeunesse. L'enfant qu'on a dans la vieillesse est un grelot au pied du cercueil. La vieillesse est un fruit de la sobriété. La vieillesse procure plus de douleurs que de plaisirs.
