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Eric Weinstein may have found the answer to physics' biggest problems

Eric Weinstein may have found the answer to physics' biggest problems
Two years ago, a mathematician and physicist whom I've known for more than 20 years arranged to meet me in a bar in New York. What he was about to show me, he explained, were ideas that he'd been working on for the past two decades. As he took me through the equations he had been formulating I began to see emerging before my eyes potential answers for many of the major problems in physics. It was an extremely exciting, daring proposal, but also mathematically so natural that one could not but feel that it smelled right. He has spent the past two years taking me through the ins and outs of his theory and that initial feeling that I was looking at "the answer" has not waned. On Thursday in Oxford he will begin to outline his ideas to the rest of the mathematics and physics community. One of the things that particularly appeals to me about the theory is that symmetry, my own field of research, is a key ingredient. The heavier version of the electron is called the muon.

Flux Particle Theory a Complete Theory of Everything Heim-Theorie – DDR Die Heimsche Theorie versteht sich als „einheitliche strukturelle Quantenfeldtheorie der Materie und Gravitation“. Sie steht im Widerspruch zu gängigen Theorien und Grundannahmen der Physik. Sie soll unter anderem den inneren Aufbau der Elementarteilchen beschreiben und Vorhersagen über ihre Massen und in der erweiterten Form auch über ihre Lebensdauern machen. Entwickelt wurde die Theorie von Burkhard Heim und später von Walter Dröscher und Jochem Häuser. Den Ausgang nimmt die Theorie bei einer Quantisierung der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie (ART), welche dann auf die anderen Grundkräfte der Natur erweitert wird. Die beiden weiteren Dimensionen erhält man als Resultat der erweiterten ART, da diese nur noch Lösungen in einem 6-dimensionalen Raum hat. -, sondern umfasst zwei weitere, zwar imaginäre, aber gleichwohl physikalisch notwendige. Die Heimsche Theorie wurde noch keinem Peer Review unterzogen. Ergebnisse und Vorhersagen Bearbeiten . Massen und Lebensdauern der Elementarteilchen

Physicists Create Quantum Link Between Photons That Don't Exist at the Same Time | Wired Science Now they’re just messing with us. Physicists have long known that quantum mechanics allows for a subtle connection between quantum particles called entanglement, in which measuring one particle can instantly set the otherwise uncertain condition, or “state,” of another particle—even if it’s light years away. Now, experimenters in Israel have shown that they can entangle two photons that don’t even exist at the same time. “It’s really cool,” says Jeremy O’Brien, an experimenter at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom, who was not involved in the work. Entanglement is a kind of order that lurks within the uncertainty of quantum theory. Entanglement can come in if you have two photons. Click to Open Overlay Gallery Now Eli Megidish, Hagai Eisenberg, and colleagues at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have entangled two photons that don’t exist at the same time. In recent years, physicists have played with the timing in the scheme. So what’s the advance good for? Go Back to Top.

Roll over Einstein: meet Weinstein | Alok Jha | Science There are a lot of open questions in modern physics . Most of the universe is missing, for example. The atoms we know about account for less than 5% of the mass of the observable universe - the rest is dark matter (around 25% of the mass of the universe) and dark energy (a whopping 70%). No one knows what either of these things actually is. At the subatomic scale, we know there are three families of fundamental particles - called "generations" - and each one contains two quarks, a neutrino and a negatively charged particle (the lightest being the electron). And the big one: why do the two pillars of 20th century physics, quantum mechanics and Albert Einstein 's general theory of relativity, not agree with each other? Solving these problems, the last one in particular, has been the goal of many generations of scientists. He may have an impressive CV, but Weinstein is in no way part of the academic physics community. In the mathematics of the observerse there is no missing dark matter.

The McCelt Particle Burkhard Heim Burkhard Heim (February 9, 1925 – January 14, 2001) was a German theoretical physicist . He devoted a large portion of his life to the pursuit of his unified field theory , Heim theory . [ 1 ] One of his childhood ambitions was to develop a method of space travel, which contributed to his motivation to find such a theory. [ 2 ] During World War II, Heim was conscripted into the air force. However, a previous essay about explosives led to his working briefly in a chemical laboratory as an explosives technician, instead. Academic and work history [ edit ] A large proportion of the 76 years of Heim's life was spent on theoretical physics and the formulation of his Heim theory. [ 2 ] 1940s [ edit ] In 1943 he met Heisenberg who was involved in German atom bomb research at that time and told him of his plan to use chemical implosion to facilitate an atomic explosion. At that point Heim had to do military service in the German air force. 1950s [ edit ] 1960s [ edit ] 1970s [ edit ] 1980s [ edit ]

Imaging Breakthrough: See Atomic Bonds Before and After Molecular Reaction | Wired Science For the first time, scientists have visually captured a molecule at single-atom resolution in the act of rearranging its bonds. The images look startlingly similar to the stick diagrams in chemistry textbooks. Until now, scientists were only able to infer molecular structures. The team initially set out to precisely assemble nanostructures made from graphene, a single-layer material in which carbon atoms are arranged in repeating, hexagonal patterns. To document the graphene recipe, Fischer needed a powerful imaging device, and he turned to the atomic force microscope housed in physicist Michael Crommie’s UC Berkeley lab. With it, the team managed to visualize not only the carbon atoms but the bonds between them, created by shared electrons. Go Back to Top.

Das 14-dimensionale Universum des Eric Weinstein Als Albert Einstein Ende 1915 die endgültige Version der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie veröffentlichte, hörte die Forschergemeinde bei weitem nicht zum ersten Mal von seinen Konzepten. Schon sieben Jahre zuvor hatte er in einer Arbeit den Einfluss der Schwerkraft auf das Licht untersucht. Weitere Paper waren gefolgt, die zunächst noch voller Irrtümer steckten, wie Einstein erst über die Diskussion mit den Physiker- und Mathematiker-Kollegen seiner Zeit herausfand. Falls der theoretische Physiker Eric Weinstein je in die Annalen der Physik eingehen sollte, dann über einen ungewöhnlichen Weg der Erstveröffentlichung: Die britische Tageszeitung The Guardian berichtete zuerst von seinen Theorien und zwar in einem Beitrag , geschrieben von Weinsteins Freund, dem Oxford-Mathematiker Marcus du Sautoy. Weinstein hat demnach mit seiner "Geometrischen Vereinigung" den Heiligen Gral der Physik gefunden, die Vereinigung von Allgemeiner Relativitätstheorie, Standardmodell und Quantenfeldtheorie.

"Cargo Cult Science" - by Richard Feynman Richard Feynman From a Caltech commencement address given in 1974 Also in Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! During the Middle Ages there were all kinds of crazy ideas, such as that a piece of of rhinoceros horn would increase potency. But even today I meet lots of people who sooner or later get me into a conversation about UFO's, or astrology, or some form of mysticism, expanded consciousness, new types of awareness, ESP, and so forth. Most people believe so many wonderful things that I decided to investigate why they did. At Esalen there are some large baths fed by hot springs situated on a ledge about thirty feet above the ocean. One time I sat down in a bath where there was a beautiful girl sitting with a guy who didn't seem to know her. I'm trying to figure out what to say, when the guy says to her, "I'm, uh, studying massage. That's just an example of the kind of things that overwhelm me. But then I began to think, what else is there that we believe? -- Richard Feynman

Forschungskreis Heimsche Theorie - Research Group Heim's Theory Direct Imaging of Covalent Bond Structure in Single-Molecule Chemical Reactions Observing the intricate chemical transformation of an individual molecule as it undergoes a complex reaction is a long-standing challenge in molecular imaging. Advances in scanning probe microscopy now provide the tools to visualize not only the frontier orbitals of chemical reaction partners and products, but their internal covalent bond configurations More Observing the intricate chemical transformation of an individual molecule as it undergoes a complex reaction is a long-standing challenge in molecular imaging. Advances in scanning probe microscopy now provide the tools to visualize not only the frontier orbitals of chemical reaction partners and products, but their internal covalent bond configurations as well. We used noncontact atomic force microscopy to investigate reaction-induced changes in the detailed internal bond structure of individual oligo-(phenylene-1,2-ethynylenes) on a (100) oriented silver surface as they underwent a series of cyclization processes.

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New results indicate that new particle is a Higgs boson At the Moriond Conference today, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) presented preliminary new results that further elucidate the particle discovered last year. Having analysed two and a half times more data than was available for the discovery announcement in July, they find that the new particle is looking more and more like a Higgs boson, the particle linked to the mechanism that gives mass to elementary particles. It remains an open question, however, whether this is the Higgs boson of the Standard Model of particle physics, or possibly the lightest of several bosons predicted in some theories that go beyond the Standard Model. Finding the answer to this question will take time. Whether or not it is a Higgs boson is demonstrated by how it interacts with other particles, and its quantum properties. "The beautiful new results represent a huge effort by many dedicated people.

String theory String theory was first studied in the late 1960s[3] as a theory of the strong nuclear force before being abandoned in favor of the theory of quantum chromodynamics. Subsequently, it was realized that the very properties that made string theory unsuitable as a theory of nuclear physics made it a promising candidate for a quantum theory of gravity. Five consistent versions of string theory were developed until it was realized in the mid-1990s that they were different limits of a conjectured single 11-dimensional theory now known as M-theory.[4] Many theoretical physicists, including Stephen Hawking, Edward Witten and Juan Maldacena, believe that string theory is a step towards the correct fundamental description of nature: it accommodates a consistent combination of quantum field theory and general relativity, agrees with insights in quantum gravity (such as the holographic principle and black hole thermodynamics) and has passed many non-trivial checks of its internal consistency.
