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New Surreal Collages by Eugenia Loli Since we last featured works by collage artist Eugenia Loli (previously) her works have popped up all over the place from Wired Magazine, New Scientist, and a recent series of 5 collages for Cosmopolitan out next month (she also made the collage that appears atop this very publication). The nurse-turned-programmer-turned-journalist-turned-artist first began exploring digital collages in 2013 by scanning images from old vintage magazines and science textbooks that she assembled in Photoshop and shared on her Tumblr. You can follow more of Loli’s work on Instagram or Facebook, and she sells prints and other things in her shop.

Momentary Ink - Test Drive Your Tattoo Hébergeur d'image - Hébergement d'image et upload de photo Oscars 2015: Graham Moore on his 'stay weird' acceptance speech (Updated) Graham Moore gave a very candid speech while accepting the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Imitation Game. ”When I was 16 years old I tried to kill myself because I felt weird and I felt different and I felt like I did not belong, and now I’m standing here,” he said on stage Sunday night. “I would like for this moment to be for that kid out there who feels like she’s weird or she’s different or she doesn’t fit in anywhere. Yes you do. Backstage, Moore addressed what it was like for him to be so personal in front of a global audience. He said the key to turning his life around to ultimately become a successful, awarded screenwriter was his family, and also discussed his personal connection to Alan Turing, the mathematician at the center of The Imitation Game. “I’ve been obsessed with Alan’s story since I was a teenager.

Two Factor Auth List Overview After many high-profile and widespread major data breaches – which have compromised millions of people – many people have come to understand more about password security and the fact that a simple password can’t keep their online profiles safe. That has led to the rise in the popularity of two-factor authentication, an additional layer of security that can keep online accounts secure. Factors of Authentication An authentication factor is a category of security credential used to verify a user's identity and authorization before allowing that user to gain access to their account, send communications, or request data from a secured network, system, or application. There are three common factors of authentication: something you are, something you know, and something you have. Something you are. What Is Two-Factor Authentication? That extra layer of security means that even if an attacker knows a user's password, they won't be allowed access to their online account or mobile device.

La macro pour moins de 100€ Bienvenue sur Apprendre la Photo !Si vous êtes nouveau ici, vous voudrez sans doute lire mon guide qui répond aux 5 problèmes courants des débutants : Cliquez ici pour télécharger le guide gratuitement !Merci de votre visite, et à bientôt sur Apprendre la Photo ! 🙂 Capter l’infiniment petit, de la fleur de votre jardin à la libellule de la mare trouvée dans la réserve naturelle du coin, ça vous tente. Alors comment faire si vous avez déjà vendu un rein ou passé de la drogue depuis la Bulgarie pour acheter votre reflex, et que vous mangez des coquillettes depuis maintenant 3 mois ? (amis bulgares qui me lisez, je n’ai rien contre vous, je suis sûr que vos douaniers sont super cools :D) Je vais donc faire le point sur vos possibilités, les avantages et inconvénients de chacune, et ce que vous pouvez en espérer concrètement, ce qui n’est pas souvent très clair avant d’investir (parce que même si c’est moins cher qu’un rein, ça va quand même vous coûter un peu plus qu’une baguette hein).

Bari: la classifica delle 10 migliori focacce | Agrodolce Icona e sostanza del più trasversale e democratico dei riti culinari in salsa barese. Un must che si contende il primato nella rappresentazione della Puglia a tavola con il riso patate e cozze e che, come la celeberrima tiella inchiodata all’interrogativo “Con zucchina o senza?”, finisce al centro di discussioni senza fine fra puristi della tradizione e innovatori. la focaccia barese contende il primato a riso patate e cozze come piatto più rappresentativo della puglia a tavola Quel che è certo che per guadagnarsi la definizione di barese doc la focaccia dev’essere tutta farina di grano tenero 0, semola di grano duro, acqua, sale, olio extravergine di rigore, patate, lievito madre e naturalmente pomodoro. Poco da discettare anche sulla forma, tonda ovviamente, quelle delle teglie in cui viene cotta e che – dice la nonna – non si lavano mai, ma si puliscono come la carta oleata. Chi trasgredisce la regola commette peccato mortale, al pari chi lava la caffettiera col detersivo.

How Secure Is My Password? Entries are 100% secure and not stored in any way or shared with anyone. Period. As Seen On Data breaches and identity theft are on the rise, and the cause is often compromised passwords. Pro Tip: We recently rolled out a new password generator tool that will help you create super secure passwords in a snap! How To Create Secure Passwords The best practices for creating secure passwords are: A password should be 16 characters or more; our password-related research has found that 45 percent of Americans use passwords of eight characters or less, which are not as secure as longer passwords.A password should include a combination of letters, numbers, and characters.A password shouldn’t be shared with any other account.A password shouldn’t include any of the user’s personal information like their address or phone number. Why Is Password Security Important? Not having secure passwords has its consequences, which include but are not limited to: The Impact of Stolen Passwords Impact on Businesses

Comment choisir un trépied photo ? Bienvenue sur Apprendre la Photo !Si vous êtes nouveau ici, vous voudrez sans doute lire mon guide qui répond aux 5 problèmes courants des débutants : Cliquez ici pour télécharger le guide gratuitement !Merci de votre visite, et à bientôt sur Apprendre la Photo ! Le choix du matériel reste un des questionnements principaux des photographes amateurs, notamment en ce qui concerne la jungle des appareils photo et des objectifs. Pourquoi utiliser un trépied ? J’ai déjà écrit un article sur les bonnes raisons d’acheter un trépied auparavant, mais un petit rappel s’impose. Dès que vous allez devoir utiliser des temps de pose trop longs pour éviter le flou de bougé à main levée. Un bon exemple de ce qu’il est impossible de faire sans trépied ! Ce dernier point me donne l’occasion de souligner un effet secondaire positif très important du trépied : il incite vraiment à préciser sa composition, et améliore donc vos images. Les critères de choix 1. Licence CC BY-NC-SA Hindrik Sijens 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

300 Beautiful Icons For Web and User Interface Designers | Icons Today freebie is beautiful UI icons set so far, 300 icons for web and user interface design. These icons also use for app user interfaces. It includes all icons in PSD format, along with it’s SVG files, and the PNG files include the following sizes, 16×16, 32×32, and 64×64. Each icon is a single Photoshop shape layer, meaning they can be scaled up and down without loss of quality. Adding layer styles and blend modes is also a breeze. There are 300 free icons in the set and they can be used for both personal and commercial projects. You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well. Please feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts even if you have more reference links related to other tips and tricks that our readers may like.Don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS-feed and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates and follow us on Google+ . The download pack includes the .png .psd and .svg files. License, Usage, and Sharing:

Spurious Correlations Les bases pour réaliser un time-lapse Les timelapses sont à la mode, comme le montre ces quelques exemples (la parade du 14 juillet, arctic light, aurores boréales, et j’en passe) et vous vous demandez sans doute comment réaliser un timelapse. Dans cet article, nous allons vous expliquer comment réussir son timelapse. Définition du timelapse Un time lapse (ou effet accéléré) est une suite de photos prises à intervalles réguliers que l’on assemble pour former une vidéo. En fonction des conditions ou de l’effet désiré, on peut choisir deux choses : la durée de la prise de vue, et l’intervalle entre chaque photo. Matériel nécessaire Une bonne nouvelle pour commencer, il ne vous faudra pas beaucoup de matériel pour réussir un bon time lapse, et l’investissement reste minime. Un trépied stable Pour assurer une stabilité à la prise de vue, vous allez avoir besoin d’un trépied stable. Vous devriez choisir un trépied photo fiable et solide, et surtout adapté à votre prise de vue. Un appareil photo Un intervallomètre Un ordinateur
