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DeepPeep, le moteur qui trouve les moteurs du web invisible

DeepPeep, le moteur qui trouve les moteurs du web invisible
Outils Recherche Web Divers - Outils Web Invisible Deeppeep est à ma connaissance un service unique en son genre. Il s'agit d'un moteur de recherche qui permet de trouver des bases de données en ligne thématiques. Plus spécifiquement, il trouve des pages disposant de formulaires de recherche et vous permet de les interroger. En cela il peut être considéré comme un outil au service de l'exploration du web invisible. Mettons par exemple que vous vous intéressiez au "knowledge management". Vous pouvez alors lancer une recherche directement dans la page de résultats ou vous rendre sur la page réelle (l'icône téléscope présente à droite de chaque résultat vous donne un aperçu de la celle-ci). Vous pouvez également choisir de parcourir l'ensemble des 45000 formulaires de recherche indexés via l'outil cartographique (Search visualization). Deeppeep est un projet mené par le Pr. Articles portant sur des thèmes similaires :

Mashable Facebook unveiled a massive wave of privacy changes on Tuesday. It's one of the biggest privacy overhauls in the company's history, one that includes more than a dozen changes to profiles, status updates, locations and tags. In fact, there are so many changes that it's easy to get confused about what changes Facebook is making and what impact they will have on your privacy. The updates are significant enough that Facebook will make every single one of its 750+ million users go through a tutorial about the updated privacy settings. That's why we've written this short guide to all the changes Facebook has implemented. Screenshots: Facebook Privacy Changes Profiles The major privacy changes to Facebook Profiles include: Greater profile control: Profile visibility controls now appear directly next to content when you edit your profile. Tags The major privacy changes to Facebook Tags include: Status Updates & Location The major privacy changes to location-sharing and status updates include: 1. 2.

Whois Lookup - Domain Names Search, Registration, & Availability | Collusion — About this Add-on Using interactive visualizations, Lightbeam enables you to see the first and third party sites you interact with on the Web. As you browse, Lightbeam reveals the full depth of the Web today, including parts that are not transparent to the average user. Using two distinct interactive graphic representations — Graph and List — Lightbeam enables you to examine individual third parties over time and space, identify where they connect to your online activity and provides ways for you to engage with this unique view of the Web. How Lightbeam WorksWhen you activate Lightbeam and visit a website, sometimes called the first party, the add-on creates a real time visualization of all the third parties that are active on that page. The default visualization is called the Graph view. How is my information stored? The origins of LightbeamLightbeam began in July 2011 as Collusion, a personal project by Mozilla software developer Atul Varma.
