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Bell Ringer Exercises

Bell Ringer Exercises
Because of pressure to teach bell-to-bell -- the pedagogical equivalent of force-feeding geese to make foie gras -- many classrooms now start with bell work, short exercises that students complete while the instructor attends to attendance and other administrative chores. Journal prompts and concept questions can focus students on nutritious academic content and initiate a positive tempo for the next 90 minutes of class. With the help of graduate student David Fictum, I collected several creative, practical and entertaining exercises that can function as bell ringers or sponge activities. Journaling Education über-blogger Vicki Davis writes 20 things she is thankful for in a joy journal, citing research studies indicating that this practice produces greater long-term happiness than winning the lottery -- serious happy. Lateral Thinking Brain Food lists number and logic puzzles. Situation: A man marries 20 women in his village but isn't charged with polygamy. Pop Culture Grammar

Acceptable Behaviour in England Please note: We have mainly written about England, as that is the country within the UK where our students live. We would be very happy for schools and visitors to send us information we can add to our website on Wales and Scotland. The English are said to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. English people are quite reserved when greeting one another. You may be called by many different 'affectionate' names, according to which part of the England you are visiting. Interesting Fact The 'affectionate' name 'duck' is thought to come from the Anglo-Saxon word 'ducis' which was meant as a term of respect; similar to the Middle English 'duc', 'duk' which denotes a leader, commander, general; from which comes the title 'Duke' and the Old French word 'ducheé' - the territory ruled by a Duke. When being entertained at someone's home it is nice to take a gift for the host and hostess. See also our other page on Social Customs Sending a thank you note is also considered appropriate.

The Hero's Quest | Arthurian Legend | | Beowulf | | Classical Mythology | | Creation Stories | | Fairy Tales and Folktales | | Homer, The Iliad and The Odyssey | | Mythology Main Page | The all-purpose guide to epic movies This chart shows different archetypal roles at work in Harry Potter , Star Wars , and other movies: the hero, the threshold guardian, the trickster, etc. An Anti-Hero of One's Own This TED-ED video (4:11) explores the pattern of the anti-hero using references to Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 , among others. Captioned, includes follow-up questions and other support. Archetypes This Google Doc lists and describes types of heroes, quests, stages, characteristics, and symbols. Students are invited to find examples. Chart of Gods This printable handout details the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, their spheres of influence, symbols, cities, and animals. Comparison of World Myths This page outlines similarities and differences in world myths.

Air Ink : quand la pollution se transforme en encre pour les artistes ! Air Ink. C’est le nom d’une toute nouvelle matière qui a été mise au point par l’équipe d’inventeurs des Graviky Labs. Le principe ? Produire des encres et des pigments noirs de grande qualité et d’une profondeur intense. Jusqu’ici, rien d’original. Capture d’écran d’une vidéo promotionnelle pour Air Ink Si de nombreux scientifiques s’arrachent les cheveux afin de trouver une solution durable pour combattre la pollution de l’air et les particules fines relâchées chaque jour par l’industrie et les automobiles, certaines start-up de leur côté, jouent les alchimistes. Cette invention originale, on la doit au laboratoire Graviky Labs, une société de recherche située en Inde et qui produit des stylos, des crayons et de la peinture à l’huile. De la peinture en cours de préparation © Graviky Labs Mais comment récupère-t-on les particules fines émises par les automobiles ? Pour ce faire, la suie noire est mélangée à des huiles, qui donnent de la peinture à l’huile.
