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Ruby in Twenty Minutes

Ruby in Twenty Minutes
Introduction This is a small Ruby tutorial that should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. It makes the assumption that you already have Ruby installed. Interactive Ruby Ruby comes with a program that will show the results of any Ruby statements you feed it. Open up IRB (which stands for Interactive Ruby). If you’re using macOS open up Terminal and type irb, then hit enter. irb(main):001:0> Ok, so it’s open. Type this: "Hello World" irb(main):001:0> "Hello World" => "Hello World" Ruby Obeyed You! What just happened? irb(main):002:0> puts "Hello World" Hello World => nil puts is the basic command to print something out in Ruby. Your Free Calculator is Here Already, we have enough to use IRB as a basic calculator: irb(main):003:0> 3+2 => 5 Three plus two. irb(main):004:0> 3*2 => 6 Next, let’s try three squared: irb(main):005:0> 3**2 => 9 In Ruby ** is the way you say “to the power of”. irb(main):006:0> Math.sqrt(9) => 3.0 Ok, wait, what was that last one? Modules Group Code by Topic

The Best Way to Learn Rails I come from a PHP background, but these days, I'm a full-time Rails developer. The difficulty for most people who make the switch lies in the learning curve that’s involved. Once you've become proficient in a language or framework, switching to a new one feels like an unnecessary (and time-consuming) challenge. However, learning Ruby and Rails is actually pretty easy! This article details a full lesson plan that will get you up and running in no time! You might think learning Ruby is the most important step, and this is probably the part where everyone stops learning and just sticks with their current framework. Work through the Try Ruby exercises. The most recommended tool for dipping into Ruby's syntax is the Try Ruby website. Once you’ve worked through these exercises a couple of times, you'll have a solid base. Run gem install rails to install Rails. If you want to learn Rails, you’ll of course need to install it on your machine. Next, you need to install Rails. Great!

Ruby Basic Tutorial Troubleshooters.Com, Code Corner and Ruby Revival Present Ruby Basic Tutorial Copyright (C) 2005 by Steve Litt Note: All materials in Ruby Revival are provided AS IS. By reading the materials in Ruby Revival you are agreeing to assume all risks involved in the use of the materials, and you are agreeing to absolve the authors, owners, and anyone else involved with Python Patrol of any responsibility for the outcome of any use of these materials, even in the case of errors and/or omissions in the materials. If you do not agree to this, you must not read these materials. To the 99.9% of you honest readers who take responsibility for your own actions, I'm truly sorry it is necessary to subject all readers to the above disclaimer. CONTENTS This is a Ruby tutorial for one not knowing Ruby. Ruby can be used as a fully object oriented language, in which case you'd create classes and objects to accomplish everything. This is the simplest possible Ruby program, hello.rb. Let's count to 10... Retry

Ruby Tutorial Ruby is a scripting language designed by Yukihiro Matsumoto, also known as Matz. It runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This tutorial gives a complete understanding on Ruby. This reference has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts related to Ruby Scripting languages. Before you start doing practice with various types of examples given in this reference, I'm making an assumption that you are already aware about what is a computer program and what is a computer programming language. For most of the examples given in this tutorial, you will find Try it option, so just make use of it and enjoy your learning. Try following example using Try it option available at the top right corner of the below sample code box: #! 1 - Ruby Quick Reference Guide A quick Ruby reference guide for Ruby Programmers. Ruby Quick Reference Guide 2 - Ruby Built-In Useful Functions Ruby Built-In Useful Functions

Ruby Programming Tutorials Playlist Welcome to YouTube! Suggested Location Filter (we have set your preference to this): France The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results. To change your country filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. 1 4:17 Ruby Programming Tutorial - 1 - Installing Ruby by thenewboston 75,900 views 2 6:07 Ruby Programming Tutorial - 2 - Writing a Simple Program by thenewboston 15,378 views 3 4:16 Ruby Programming Tutorial - 3 - Math and Variables by thenewboston 7,238 views 4 4:58 Ruby Programming Tutorial - 4 - Classes by thenewboston 7,532 views About thenewboston

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