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Talks about Creativity

Talks about Creativity
Creativity Where does creativity come from? How can you nurture your own? Watch TED Talks from creative people like Steve Jobs, architect Frank Gehry, designer Philippe Starck, writer Elizabeth Gilbert and more. @import url(" Exclusive articles about Creativity 6 ideas from creative thinkers to shake up your work routine To improve your ability to think creatively, try one of these changes to your work routine. 4 critical mistakes that inventors make The history of innovation isn’t a straight line, but a squiggly, winding path. A science fiction and fantasy reading list for teen creativity The “app generation” struggles with creative writing — as a new study shows, they’re turning into realists. Read more articles on Creativity Video playlists about Creativity Where do ideas come from? 8 talks • 2h 03m How does the metaphorical lightbulb go off? The creative spark 6 talks • 1h 51m What makes us create and innovate? What is success? Sting Related:  Creativity

Qu'est ce qu'un bon prof ? - Clermont Gauthier, article Éducation La question des méthodes pédagogiques a toujours soulevé des discours passionnés. Au Québec comme en France, le débat fait rage autour des réformes de l’enseignement. De plus en plus de travaux soulignent l’impact d’un « effet-prof » sur les performances des élèves. Existe-t-il des pratiques pédagogiques plus efficaces que d’autres ? All Ideas Are Second-Hand: Mark Twain on Plagiarism and Originality, in a Letter to Helen Keller by Maria Popova “The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism.” The combinatorial nature of creativity is something I think about a great deal, so this 1903 letter Mark Twain wrote to his friend Helen Keller, found in Mark Twain’s Letters, Vol. 2 of 2 (public library | IndieBound), makes me nod with the manic indefatigability of a dashboard bobble-head dog. In this excerpt, Twain addresses some plagiarism charges that had been made against Keller some 11 years prior, when her short story “The Frost King” was found to be strikingly similar to Margaret Canby’s “Frost Fairies.” Keller was acquitted after an investigation, but the incident stuck with Twain and prompted him to pen the following passionate words more than a decade later, which articulate just about everything I believe to be true of combinatorial creativity and the myth of originality: ↬ Letters of Note Donating = Loving

Creativity For Life! - Helping You Live More Creatively Every Day,,, Mesurer le bonheur, un progrès ? Indice de "bonheur mondial", de "bien-être durable", "bonheur national brut", "bonheur intérieur brut"... Des notions farfelues ? Pas tant que cela. Ces indicateurs serviront peut-être bientôt à mesurer la santé d'un pays, pas seulement économique, mais aussi sociale et environnementale. Famille équatorienne© Peter Menzel/Cosmos Peut-on se contenter de la richesse monétaire ou faut-il prendre en compte notamment des aspects sociaux et environnementaux, pour avoir une idée du véritable bien-être des populations ? Le constat est simple : une grande partie du monde s'enrichit (en cinquante ans, le revenu moyen dans les pays développés a plus que doublé), pourtant, la proportion de personnes dans les pays développés qui se déclarent "très heureuses" dépasse rarement les 30 % : un taux relativement faible, qui remet en cause la sacro-sainte croissance économique comme unique source de progrès (voir chapitre 1). Interrogations et préoccupations de pays riches ?

Joni Mitchell on Therapy and the Creative Mind By Maria Popova It’s paradoxical that while “art holds out the promise of inner wholeness” for those who experience it, the relationship between creativity and mental illness is well-documented among those who make it, as is the anguish of artists who experience it. This, perhaps, renders the cultivation and preservation of mental health all the more urgently important for artists and those operating on a high frequency of creativity. Eight-time Grammy recipient Joni Mitchell (b. November 7, 1943), undoubtedly one of the most original and influential musicians of the past century, as well as an enormously talented painter, speaks to the value of therapy and a commitment to mental health in Joni Mitchell: In Her Own Words (public library | IndieBound) — that wonderful collection of wide-ranging conversations by musician, documentarian, and broadcast journalist Malka Marom, which also gave us Mitchell on freedom, creativity, and the dark side of success. I think it did me a lot of good.

The 6 Myths Of Creativity Creativity. These days, there's hardly a mission statement that doesn't herald it, or a CEO who doesn't laud it. And yet despite all of the attention that business creativity has won over the past few years, maddeningly little is known about day-to-day innovation in the workplace. Where do breakthrough ideas come from? What kind of work environment allows them to flourish? Teresa Amabile has been grappling with those questions for nearly 30 years. Eight years ago, Amabile took her research to a daring new level. "The diary study was designed to look at creativity in the wild," she says. Amabile and her team are still combing through the results. 1. When I give talks to managers, I often start by asking, Where in your organization do you most want creativity? The fact is, almost all of the research in this field shows that anyone with normal intelligence is capable of doing some degree of creative work. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cerveau droit / Cerveau gauche - Facebook rend-il… - Internet nous… - Internet nous… - Cerveau droit -… - La philo en… - Cerveau droit /… - Cerveau droit /… - Cerveau droit et… - Cerveau droit et… Ces derniers mois, la blogosphère a été quelque peu perturbée par un article de Nicolas Carr « Is Google making us stupid ? », publié dans The Atlantic en juin 2008. Framablog en a fait une bonne traduction sous le titre « Internet et Google vont-ils finir par nous abrutir ? » Ce titre n’est pas très bon, car pour Nicolas Carr il s’agit beaucoup plus d’une modification de notre manière de penser que d’un simple abrutissement, comme lorsque nous avons regardé la télé toute une après-midi. Plusieurs blogs ont fait référence à cet article. Cet été, Valeurs Actuelles en a fait également une recension dans son numéro du 23 juillet, parmi plusieurs prises de position intéressantes de personnalités sur les dangers liés à Internet. Mais il faut remarquer également que cet article de Nicolas Carr a été ignoré de la plupart des « encenseurs » de la génération Y et du Web 2.0. Entrons dans le vif du sujet en l’éclairant de ce que nous avons déjà dit au sujet du “cerveau droit – cerveau gauche”.

125+ Words of Wisdom for Creative Professionals Without motivation it becomes hard to move ahead, in this crucial life where one has to see and confront various sort of challenges on daily basis, to climb up the ladder, to cross the boundaries, to achieve something mighty in life, a person has to go through hardships, struggles, problems and a lot more constraints. Criticism, plenty of disappointments, letdowns, pessimism, disapproval hence nothing is left to have been spoken against us at the time of trial. It is the sacrifices that pay off in the end, it is the willpower, fortitude and adamant behavior that helps a man to go ahead and move mountains. We all look for inspirational figures in life; we are inspired by people who set into the frame of our role model. We live by their preaching, we stand by their morale lifting sayings and trust me their sayings help a lot. Obviously the new generation has their own mindset; they hardly stand and give any heed to the advices of experienced people that is when the bad luck befalls.

Cultivating Creativity in the Classroom Charles Duell, the U.S. patent commissioner of 1899, reputedly said that everything that could be invented had been invented. The belief was clearly mistaken. Since then, the products of human inventiveness have grown exponentially. We live in creative times, ceaselessly innovating and devising novel solutions in both living and non-living systems, and all this achieved, most likely, by those taught using a educational model. Notably, while creativity is often valued in principle, it is clear that much of education is focused on standardised testing and memory recall. Currently, federally mandated education programmes in the U.S., such as , and increased accountability in the U.K. and Irish education systems have inspired much debate around the role of creativity in education. In , Beghetto & Kaufman have collated essays from creativity experts, primarily from the U.S., who disagree with this view.

Why Emotional Excess is Essential to Writing and Creativity The third volume of Anaïs Nin’s diaries has been on heavy rotation in recent weeks, yielding Nin’s thoughtful and timeless meditations on life, mass movements, Paris vs. New York, what makes a great city, and the joy of handicraft. The subsequent installment, The Diary of Anais Nin, Vol. 4: 1944-1947 (public library) is an equally rich treasure trove of wisdom on everything from life to love to the art of writing. In fact, Nin’s gift shines most powerfully when she addresses all of these subjects and more in just a few ripe sentences. Such is the case with the following exquisite letter of advice she sent to a seventeen-year-old aspiring author by the name of Leonard W., whom she had taken under her wing as creative mentor. I like to live always at the beginnings of life, not at their end.

The Creative Personality Of all human activities, creativity comes closest to providing the fulfillment we all hope to get in our lives. Call it full-blast living. Creativity is a central source of meaning in our lives. When we're creative, we feel we are living more fully than during the rest of life. I have devoted 30 years of research to how creative people live and work, to make more understandable the mysterious process by which they come up with new ideas and new things. Here are the 10 antithetical traits often present in creative people that are integrated with each other in a dialectical tension. Creative people have a great deal of physical energy, but they're also often quiet and at rest. This does not mean that creative people are hyperactive, always "on." One manifestation of energy is sexuality. Creative people tend to be smart yet naive at the same time. Another way of expressing this dialectic is the contrasting poles of wisdom and childishness.
