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Anybody can learn

10 Online Courses to Beef Up Your STEM Knowledge Looking to boost your STEM knowledge? If you're not interested, can't afford, or don't have the budget to go back to school, you're in luck. There's a flourishing education landscape at your fingertips on the Internet. From courses for experts to beginners, free programs to paid sessions, there are options for all types of learners looking for a variety of skills. We scoured the web to find top curricula in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), all of which you can take from the comfort of your home. Look through the gallery above at a small sampling of STEM courses you can take online. Image courtesy of iStockphoto, lisegagne

Microsoft Virtual Academy - Cursos online gratuitos para desenvolvedores e profissionais de TI Successful technologists never stop learning and great technology never stops evolving. Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA) offers online Microsoft training delivered by experts to help technologists continually learn, with hundreds of courses, in 11 different languages. Our mission is to help developers, knowledgeable IT professionals and advanced students learn the latest technology, build their skills, and advance their careers. MVA is free of charge, and the entire service is hosted on Windows Azure. Become an MVA member so that you can earn points for your learning, achieve different levels of badges and status relative to others in your country or around the world, and get certificates when you complete an entire course. Your personal dashboard helps you track your progress against your personal learning plans. MVA learning opportunities combine on-demand courses and live events: On-demand courses help you learn at your own pace, and when the time is right for your busy schedule.

Programming for all, part 2: From concept to code Do one thing, and do it well In our first installment, we wrote several programs that really did nothing more than illustrate a concept. Let's turn the complexity up a notch and compose a program that actually solves a problem. The problem we are tasked with: given the high temperature of the past three days, compute the average and standard deviation. To do this, we are going to need to implement an algorithm, the programming equivalent to a set of directions. Read in three valuesCompute the sum of these valuesCompute the average by dividing the sum by 3.Figure out how far each value is from the average.Add the square of the distances obtained in step fourTake the square root of the value in step fiveDivide by the square root of 3 So, let us set out to implement our remedial algorithm in MHF: The weatherStation program follows the algorithm laid out above and calculates the average and the standard deviation of three temperature readings.

The Roof DJ Big Biggie vs Nathaniel Songs <div id="warning_for_disabled_js_users" style="margin: 0 auto;position: relative;text-align: center; width: 980px;background:#555555; color:white; padding:10px;font-size:18px;line-height:26px;"><div style="float:left;"><img alt="Noscript_exclamation" src=" /></div><div style="float:left;margin-left:10px;text-align:left;"> ReverbNation makes heavy use of javascript<br />You should enable javascript on your browser to best experience this site. </div><div style="clear:both;"></div></div> DJ Big Biggie vs. Representative (Someth...

Developer Network DuxGP - Soluções em Ti How To Make Your Own Educational Video Games Ever tried out a video game that’s left you a bit underwhelmed? What about when you invite students to play a video game and it not only falls flat but it actually distracts from learning? That probably wouldn’t happen if you could design your own educational video games. That’s where Gamestar Mechanic comes into, well, play. How Gamestar Mechanic Works Play and Learn Go on Quests that power up your game design skills and let you earn items you can use to make your own games Take Courses Take game design courses with professional instructors and get feedback on your designs from game industry pros Make Your Own Games Make original games with a powerful, easy-to-use design tool and a library of hundreds of sprites Join The Community Publish your games and connect with a community of over 250,000 designers whose games have been played over 5 million times Here’s a bit about Gamestar Mechanic and how it works. The Video

Facebook is Too Damn Powerful Look on the bright side, Facebook: you saw a massive spike in traffic Thursday evening. Unfortunately, it was all going to an error page. Another bright side: the web-wide Facebook redirect crisis — which essentially hijacked users of CNN, the HuffPo, Hulu, Kayak, Mashable, NBC, the Washington Post, Yelp, and every other one of the more than a million websites that lets you use Facebook to login — didn't last longer than oh, 25 minutes. You helpfully pointed out it was a "short period of time" in a quick, unapologetic statement after the glitch was over. "The issue was quickly resolved, and Login with Facebook is now working as usual," you added. Nothing to see here! Nothing to see here! We wouldn't be surprised to see another, later statement with something closer to an apology and an explanation. For the citizenry of Internetlandia, this brief earthquake — whether you experienced it personally or not — should be a wake-up call. This wasn't an outage. This wasn't an outage.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Panarea Digital: solutions and apps for mobile interaction and digital publishing Peliohjelmointileiri Scratchin löytäminen ja asennus Voit ladata Scratchin osoitteesta Scratch asentuu suurimpaan osaan tietokoneista ladattua ohjelmaa tuplaklikkaamalla. Linux-ympäristöissä Scratchia voi käyttää Wine-ympäristön avulla.. Huom! Vaikka seuraavassa oppaassa kaikki kuvat on englanniksi, on myös mahdollista valita Scratchiin suomenkielinen käyttöliittymä ja komennot. Scratch on alunperin luotu lasten ja nuorten ohjelmoinnin opettamiseen. Scratch Kun käynnistät Scratchin, näet suunnilleen seuraavanlaisen näkymän. Vasemmalla olevassa palkissa on saatavissa erilaiset toiminnallisuudet. Ensimmäinen komento Scratchissa komennot ovat palikoita, joita voi tiputtaa vasemmalla olevasta komentolaatikosta keskelle olevaan koodialueeseen. Kun tuplaklikkaat koodi-ikkunassa olevaa komentoa, huomaat että näyttämöllä oleva kissa liikkuu. Hienoa! Hahmojen siirtäminen näyttämöllä Voit siirtää hahmoa näyttämöllä valitsemalla se hiirellä ja vetämällä sitä näyttämöalueella. Vihreä lippu

Here Come the Google+ Client Applications It is inconceivable that Twitter would be as popular as it is today without its robust Application Programming Interface, which allows client applications like TweetDeck and the original Tweetie (since bought by Twitter and re-branded as its official client app) to both display a user’s stream of tweets and manipulate his or her account in all the ways he or she would on itself. So depending on your perspective, it’s either surprising that Google+ did not launch with a developer API, or it’s surprising that they have come out with one relatively quickly, given the amount of testing and tweaking an entirely new social network no doubt involves. Either way, Google+ finally has an API, although it’s read-only, and it only shows the Google+ posts that a user has made public. In the coming days and weeks, we’re going to see a handful of uses of this API, which, in the abstract, at this point is little more than an RSS or XML feed for a user’s public posts.

Ohjelmoinnin opetusta yläkoululla
