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Infographic: A Scientific Map Of Optimal Food Pairings

Infographic: A Scientific Map Of Optimal Food Pairings
Happy Thanksgiving! To keep you busy while you recover from turkey coma, we're republishing some of our favorite stories from 2013. Enjoy.--Eds Surf and turf. This is the science of Western cooking. Of course, the Scientific American infographic is actually a reinterpretation a flavor map created by Yong-Yeol Ahn. Up top, you have roast beef--the food that shares the most chemical compounds (or food relatives) with other foods. Roast beef's link to peas is especially notable, because peas sit way down on the tree. The more time you spend exploring the graphic, the more “aha” moments you’ll have. Interestingly enough, Scientific American points out that while the tradition of Western food is largely based upon these chemical overlaps, Eastern food is created quite differently, with dishes comprised of discrete flavors rather than interrelated ones. Try it here. [Hat tip: FlowingData] [Image: Peas via Shutterstock]

Tant qu’il y aura des bretons | Toutelaculture | Tant qu’il y aura des bretons Un restaurant moderne et accueillant qui décline les galettes sous toutes les coutures les plus osées et délicates. Tels des irréductibles gaulois fiers et atypiques brandissant leurs origines, les Bretons revendiquent leur gastronomie arborant leurs mythiques galettes au blé noir. Tant qu’il y aura des bretons est un hommage à cette culture et en même temps une réappropriation moderne de celle-ci. Pas de contrat d’exclusivité avec les galettes et les crêpes, le restaurant a l’intelligence de faire également des plats de brasserie. L’assiette est picturale et délicate, avec un vrai souci d’originalité dans la présentation. Mention spéciale à la crêpes aux spéculoos qui est absolument délicieuse, crépitante et orgasmique. Visuels (c) : Camille Hispard

Health department raids community picnic and destroys all food with bleach | A Distinctive World Quail Farm The evening was everything I had dreamed and hoped it would be. The weather was perfect, the farm was filled with friends and guests roaming around talking about organic, sustainable farming practices. Our guests were excited to spend an evening together. Community Dinner at Quail Farm Because this was a gathering of people invited to our farm for dinner, I had no idea that the Health Department would become involved. The inspector, Mary Oaks, clearly not the one in charge of the inspection as she was constantly on the phone with her superior Susan somebody who was calling all the shots from who knows where. We were told our food was unfit for consumption and demanded that we call off the event because: EH Specialist II Mary Oakes Some of the prepared food packages did not have labels on them. The only way to keep our guests on the property was to destroy the food Bleach is poured on organic food Farm food is destroyed Food Lined up to Be Destroyed by Health Department

Huit trucs à savoir pour frimer en se servant un whisky 1. Commander un scotch sans bafouiller Parce qu’ils dérivent le plus souvent du gaélique, parfois influencé par le scandinave et anglicisé par la suite, les noms des distilleries écossaises se prononcent d’une façon qui peut sembler très éloignée de leur orthographe. Commander au bar un «Glenfidiche» ou un «Glen Garioc» révèle le novice en plaisirs maltés avant même qu’il ait eu le temps de voir arriver son verre. Commençons par l’île d’Islay (prononcer «Aï-la»), qui fournit la majorité des merveilleux whiskies tourbés qu’affectionnent les Français, et qui font si bien fourcher la langue avant de la titiller. publicité Ailleurs, parmi les distilleries traîtresses à prononcer, citons Glenfiddich (entre «Glennfiddic» et «Glennfiddir», avec un r en jota espagnole), An Cnoc («Anok»), Auchentoshan («Arentoshenn», avec un r en jota), Knockando («Nokanndou»), Jura («Djoura»), Glen Livet («Glenn Livette»), et le piège à amateurs: Glen Garioch («Glenn Guiri»). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Vertamae Grosvenor, Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Writer, cook, and griot Vertamae Grosvenor, a native of South Carolina, received the SFA’s Craig Claiborne Lifetime Achievement Award at our 16th annual Southern Foodways Symposium this past weekend. Ronni Lundy, an SFA founding member and the 2009 winner of the same award, gave the remarks in honor of Ms. Grosvenor. You can read them in their entirety here. It is a pleasure to look around this room and see so many dear faces, new and old. And I am grateful to the members of the Southern Foodways Alliance for letting me come to the party once again. It has been especially joyful in this, our 16th year of convening, to hear so abundantly from the podium, and from the kitchens, the stories of women told in woman’s voice. It is something quite rare, for the history of mankind has been marked and marred by persistent attempts to silence woman’s voice. To say this book is seminal would be to use an awkwardly gendered adjective. Over time more cookbooks followed, as did that conversation.

How To Be An Ethical Carnivore What do you mean You People? Kidding, I agree with you. You people don't understand they difference between personification and reality. Right. What is your PETA position on animals that cant survive without human assistance. Wow. Way to focus on the first few paragraphs of the article and blow it completely out of proportion. Your second paragraph is ridiculous, you are aware the the modern cow as we know it today, has been selectively bred to be these oversized, innefective, freaks of nature? I'm always happy to give scientific, factual answers to the myths surrounding eating meat. Eating vege is not "unbalanced and unhealthy" when done correctly, how many omnivores do you know that you would consider to be eating an unhealthy/unbalanced diet? Man.

"Our Daily Poison" Bomb Pop Shots Growing up my all time FAVORITE frozen treat were Bomb Pops! Those ‘rocket’ shaped Popsicles that were blue raspberry on the bottom, lemon in the middle and cherry on top. And I’m sure by now you all know what I did with the cherry portion. Yep, you guessed it! I cut or broke that section off. Sorry but I just don’t do cherry. Well when I turned 21 I discovered Bomb Pop Shots. So whether you’re celebrating the 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day or Tuesday, enjoy but please drink responsibly and never drink and drive! Author: The Kitchen Whisperer 1/3 ounce Sprite *1/3 ounce lemon vodka *2/3 ounce blue curacao2/3 ounce grenadineice*Note: Can use Mike’s Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff Ice in place of these Shot Glasses Mix the Sprite and vodka in a shaker with some ice to chill it.Strain into glass.Using a spoon turned upside down angled into the vodka mix just to slightly break the surface, very slowly pour the blue curacao. More deliciousness awaits

Time to ’fess up: organics have GMOs - The Western Producer ‘No such thing as zero’ | Expert says honest conversation needed with consumers about what organic means — and doesn’t GUELPH, Ont. — Leaders in North America’s organic movement say it’s time to tell consumers that organic food does contain genetically modified organisms. Speaking at the Guelph Organic Conference in early February, Dag Falck, organic program manager with Nature’s Path, one of the largest manufacturers of organic breakfast cereals and snack bars in North America, said the organic movement has to have an honest conversation with the public about GMOs. Despite public perceptions that organic products are GM free, Falck said organic food made from corn, soybeans, canola and sugar definitely contain GMOs. “If you are going to stop eating all those things, you will be able to be GMO free,” Falck told the organic conference at the University of Guelph. “But if you eat any of those products, and all of us do, you cannot. “If you don’t speak about it, the problem doesn’t go away.”

Clairin, gin, vodka, mezcal... 5 bouteilles qui pourraient vous faire oublier le whisky Ces tout nouveaux spiritueux échappés de la 4e dimension risquent fort de vous détourner (momentanément) de la sainte eau de vie d’orge maltée. On parie? 1. Le clairin Casimir La première gorgée vous expédie en Haïti sous les franges des cocotiers mollement caressés par les alizés. publicité Trois micro-distilleries dénichées par l’infatigable globe-trotter du rhum Luca Gargano, qui travaillent le jus de canne à sucre bio fermentées avec des levures sauvages. • 70 cl, 39 €. 2. «Why not?» «Why not», ce devrait être le nom du gin qu’ils y fabriquent, selon un procédé unique qui lui confère un goût... unique. Le mariage des deux cuvées qui reposent ensemble plusieurs mois laisse un fond d’arôme de pop corn grillé sur des plantes et épices délicates (angélique, zest de citron, cardamome, feuilles de framboisier, baies de laurier…) envoyé à force 4 (49,9°) pour picoter le palais. • 50 cl, 48 €, bientôt disponible. 3. • 70 cl. 4. • 70 cl. 5. • 70 cl, 118 €. Christine Lambert À lire aussi sur

Update on the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant: What you need to know about radiation in Pacific Seafood Created on Tuesday, 17 December 2013 In March 2011, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan suffered major damage when it was hit by a powerful 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami, resulting in the largest nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. On July 22, 2013, over two years later, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) acknowledged that radioactive water from the plant continues to leak into the Pacific ocean at a rate of nearly 300 tons per day, causing global concern about contaminated seafood. There are concerns about the local effects of the radiation to Japanese seafood, but radiation from Fukushima rapidly dilutes in concentration as currents carry it across the Pacific, making the risk of human health impacts from contamination along the West Coast extremely low. Scientists predict that waters contaminated with radionuclides from Fukushima will reach the northwestern American coast by early 2014 (Rossi et al 2013). However, this should not be cause for alarm.

Vive les bistrots! Depuis le début du siècle, les plus grands chefs de l’Hexagone, les étoilés prestigieux, investissent comme jamais dans des restaurants simples aux additions raisonnables où le potage du jour, le sandwich jambon-beurre, la salade aux lardons, la blanquette de veau, la mousse au chocolat ont remplacé le caviar, le homard au curry, les saint-jacques aux truffes noires, le risotto aux truffes blanches, le bar de ligne en croûte de sel et le soufflé à la vanille de Tahiti. En un mot, la haute cuisine est-elle battue en brèche, déboulonnée par l’élite des gros bonnets en mal de plats basiques? Le développement fulgurant des bistrots –400 testés à Paris par le Guide Lebey 2013– est-il de nature à freiner la création d’établissements trois étoiles? Quels chefs de prestige, reconnus, célébrés par le Michelin ont ouvert des restaurants de classe internationale à Paris, rivaux de l’Arpège, de Guy Savoy, de l’Ambroisie, du Véfour, de l’Astrance? Aucun. publicité Brunch à l'Auberge de Flora

USDA Forces Whole Foods To Accept Monsanto | World Truth. TV “The policy set for GE alfalfa will most likely guide policies for other GE crops as well. True coexistence is a must.” - Whole Foods Market, Jan. 21, 2011 In the wake of a 12-year battle to keep Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered (GE) crops from contaminating the nation’s 25,000 organic farms and ranches, America’s organic consumers and producers are facing betrayal. In a cleverly worded, but profoundly misleading email sent to its customers last week, Whole Foods Market, while proclaiming their support for organics and “seed purity,” gave the green light to USDA bureaucrats to approve the “conditional deregulation” of Monsanto’s genetically engineered, herbicide-resistant alfalfa. “compensation.” Why Is Organic Inc. According to informed sources, the CEOs of WFM and Stonyfield are personal friends of former Iowa governor, now USDA Secretary, Tom Vilsack, and in fact made financial contributions to Vilsack’s previous electoral campaigns. The Organic Inc. Eddie (2121 Posts)

Make It For Your Date – Maple Mustard Glazed Pork Chops Pork Chops with Maple Mustard Glaze via Cooking Light We all know the saying “The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. This can also be a fairly speedy route to the female heart as well. Staying in and making your date dinner (or making it together) rates high on the romance scale. You get to show off your creativity and appreciation for nuance and details, even if it’s a simple dish. Familiar Ingredients: There’s no odd ones in this recipe.Number of Pans/Pots you’ll need to make this dish: One. We’re traveling back in the archives and bringing you this recipe from the May 2006 issue of Cooking Light, which happens to be in the same publication family of Sunset magazine so the recipe can once again be found at Click the picture for the recipe Pork Chops - Go for good chops from a butcher, whether from a meat shop or the case at your local grocer. Herbs – Definitely use fresh herbs for this dish. Maple Syrup – Use the real stuff.
