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Git is a version control Swiss army knife. A reliable versatile multipurpose revision control tool whose extraordinary flexibility makes it tricky to learn, let alone master. As Arthur C. Clarke observed, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Rather than go into details, we provide rough instructions for particular effects. I’m humbled that so many people have worked on translations of these pages. Dustin Sallings, Alberto Bertogli, James Cameron, Douglas Livingstone, Michael Budde, Richard Albury, Tarmigan, Derek Mahar, Frode Aannevik, Keith Rarick, Andy Somerville, Ralf Recker, Øyvind A. François Marier maintains the Debian package originally created by Daniel Baumann. My gratitude goes to many others for your support and praise. If I’ve left you out by mistake, please tell me or just send me a patch! This guide is released under the GNU General Public License version 3. $ git clone # Creates "gitmagic" directory.

Letter of Recommendation Guide Top Requesting a letter of recommendation You not only need the letter, you need it to be as effective as possible. So it's important to plan your request. Whom to ask Given a choice about whom to ask, ask someone who Is comfortable writing a letter for you Can write well and write easily Has experience writing letters of recommendation Is familiar with your work Knows you well enough to be able to include personal anecdotes in the letter Has the highest and/or most relevant job title These guidelines apply to both supervisors and teachers. When to ask Situations vary, but the more time you can allow for receiving your letter the better. How to ask Always be forthright when requesting a letter of recommendation. Lead up to the request if possible. Writing a letter of recommendation Don't write a letter unless... Never agree to write a letter of recommendation unless you It is easier and better for all involved to politely say no when any of these conditions are not met. Rec letter length

Prefácio Git é um canivete suíço do controle de versões. Uma ferramenta polivalente realmente versátil, cuja extraordinária flexibilidade torna-o complicado de aprender, principalmente sozinho. Como Arthur C. Clarke observou, "Qualquer tecnologia suficientemente avançada é considerada mágica”. Esta é uma ótima forma de abordar o Git: novatos podem ignorar seu funcionamento interno e vê-lo como algo divertido que pode agradar aos amigos e enfurecer os inimigos com suas maravilhosas habilidades. Ao invés de entrar em detalhes, forneceremos apenas instruções para casos específicos. É com grande orgulho que vejo o grande número de pessoas que trabalho na tradução deste livro. Dustin Sallings, Alberto Bertogli, James Cameron, Douglas Livingstone, Michael Budde, Richard Albury, Tarmigan, Derek Mahar, Frode Aannevik, Keith Rarick, Andy Somerville, Ralf Recker, Øyvind A. François Marier mantém o pacote Debian criado originalmente por Daniel Baumann. John Hinnegan por ter adquirido o domínio

The Differences Between Mercurial and Git April 6, 2008, 7:28 p.m. I realized recently that I've been using distributed revision control for several years now. It's always been an exciting landscape for me, although it's been a bit lonely. I used gnu arch for most of my code for a long time, and dabbled some in darcs at the same time. It wasn't until I saw Brian O'Sullivan's tech talk on mercurial that I started wondering if my needs weren't being fully met. Neither darcs nor gnu arch were particularly fast systems, but they did a reasonably good job. I heard about git on the darcs list a while back, but didn't see what it provided that was so great. But I eventually did start looking at git, only because there were projects to which I contribute that also use git. Technical Differences The primary difference between distributed systems and centralized systems is in granularity. i.e. in a centralized system, there's no distinction between saving a change and making it available. History is a DAG Mutability Tools Branch Management

25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users : Andy Jeffries : Ruby on Rai I’ve been using git for about 18 months now and thought I knew it pretty well. Then we had Scott Chacon from GitHub over to do some training at LVS, a supplier/developer of betting/gaming software (where contracted until 2013) and I learnt a ton in the first day. As someone who’s always felt fairly comfortable in Git, I thought sharing some of the nuggets I learnt with the community might help someone to find an answer without needing to do lots of research. 1. After installing Git, the first thing you should do is configure your name and email, as every commit will have these details: $ git config --global "Some One" $ git config --global "" 2. Everything stored in git is in a file. From there branches and tags are simply files containing (basically) a SHA-1 hash which points to the commit. You may have heard references to the HEAD. 3. 4. By now I’m sure you have had a merge conflict and had to resolve it. 5. $ git diff master..john/master 6. 7. 8. 9.

Give your résumé a face lift After avoiding the 7 deadly sins of résumé design, you may be asking, “If I can’t use crazy colors, clip art, and other types of decoration, how do I make my résumé stand out from the crowd?” Like many things, the answer lies in the details. Even if you can’t hire a fancy designer and are stuck with Microsoft Word, a few tweaks can turn your blasé résumé into an elegant and functional showpiece. Update (Oct 25): As promised, here’s a template of the final résumé. Before starting your résumé makeover, first take a look at a typical one: Like most résumés, it was created in Microsoft Word. Pick a better typefaceRemove extra indentationsMake it easy to skimApply typographic detailing If you’re using Times New Roman, Word’s default typeface, change it now. At the same point size, Georgia appears larger than Times New Roman, so you’ll want to set the font size a point or two smaller. To improve readability, also increase the line spacing (also called leading) to at least 120% of the font size.

Reset Demystified One of the topics that I didn't cover in depth in the Pro Git book is the reset command. Most of the reason for this, honestly, is that I never strongly understood the command beyond the handful of specific use cases that I needed it for. I knew what the command did, but not really how it was designed to work. Since then I have become more comfortable with the command, largely thanks to Mark Dominus's article re-phrasing the content of the man-page, which I always found very difficult to follow. This post assumes some basic understanding of how Git branching works. The Three Trees of Git The way I now like to think about reset and checkout is through the mental frame of Git being a content manager of three different trees. Git as a system manages and manipulates three trees in its normal operation. The HEAD last commit snapshot, next parent In fact, it's pretty easy to see what the snapshot of your HEAD looks like. The Index next proposed commit snapshot The Workflow The Role of Reset Boom.

The Thing About Git The thing about Git is that it's oddly liberal with how and when you use it. Version control systems have traditionally required a lot of up-front planning followed by constant interaction to get changes to the right place at the right time and in the right order. And woe unto thee if a rule is broken somewhere along the way, or you change your mind about something, or you just want to fix this one thing real quick before having to commit all the other crap in your working copy. Git is quite different in this regard. You can work on five separate logical changes in your working copy -- without interacting with the VCS at all -- and then build up a series of commits in one fell swoop. Remember a long time ago, at the dinner table, when your kid brother mashed together a bunch of food that really should not have been mashed together -- chicken, jello, gravy, condiments, corn, milk, peas, pudding, all that stuff -- and proceeded to eat it? The Tangled Working Copy Problem Viva La Index

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