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7 things you really don't need to take a photo of

7 things you really don't need to take a photo of

Calvin and Hobbes Snow Art Gallery Snow Art in ColourSend Calvin and Hobbes Postcards Online! Calvin and Hobbes Fan Page Email: Cheese Pinwheel Rolls Sooner or later, all my conversations inevitably turn to food. Don’t believe me? Call me up sometime and try to, say, sell me some insurance. I guarantee that before we get off the phone, I’ll be giving you my recipe for blackberry jam. I can’t help it. It’s just how I work. Perfect example: I was in a meeting a few weeks ago at the office. What was the best way to make them? Ah, the Frankenroll This recipe borrows heavily from two fairly unrelated things. To make these rolls, spread pizza dough liberally with melted butter, sprinkle it with cheese and spices, roll it up like a stromboli—then slice and bake like a pan of cinnamon buns. The result? Fill them however you like The best part about these rolls? This is what I always refer to as a Sliding-Scale Recipe. You can toss it together with a ball of pre-made dough and a bag of shredded cheese from the grocery store—or you can go all out and make the dough from scratch and grate your favorite cheeses by hand. Cheese Pinwheel Rolls

Flow chart Fish - Fablewood The entire Fablewood anthology can be found here on Amazon. Not Always Right | Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome I know I talk crap on being a twentysomething but I’m only half-kidding. In actuality, there’s no age I’d rather be. (Besides maybe seven years old because they don’t do anything besides eat ice cream and poop themselves. That sounds like an ideal life to be completely honest.) Being in your twenties is all about discovering which things hurt you and what makes you feel good. This is what your twenties are for — to feel and see as much as you can, to take advantage of not being tied down to anything and anyone and to go balls to the wall with everything that you do. It’s important to talk about why your twenties are great because it seems like we spend so much of our time wanting to be somewhere else other than where we are. We’re not stuck.

| Eleanor Davis / Comics and Illustration eleanor davis / images | 2008 | Comics more Bach Flower Remedies - How To Use Bach Flower Remedies Both cats and people do better when they stay calm and healthy. But changes to a predictable routine can put Kitty’s tail in a twist, and cause stress and anxiety that can even make her sick. One of the best ways to soothe pet nerves is with flower essences. Several products are available, and are a “vibrational therapy” made from the essential oils of wild plants, trees, and bushes. One of the best known, Bach Flower Remedies, consists of 38 individual essences made by infusing spring water with wild flowers either by steeping in the sun or by boiling. What Are Bach Flower Remedies? Bach Flower Remedies were created by British physician Dr. FearTerrorMental torture or worryIndecisionIndifference or boredomDoubt or discouragementOverconcernWeaknessSelf-distrustImpatienceOverenthusiasmPride or aloofness Cats Aren't People! While I'm sure cats feel and express emotions such as love, we can't know with certainty they feel such things as "self-distrust" or "pride." Treating Cat Emotions

The Giving Fraternity Reprinted from May 2010 Congratulations to those graduating this year! You deserve to celebrate and reflect upon your achievements. I also invite you to understand that in regards to fraternity, it ain’t over. The oth er night, my son Jack pulled Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree off his shelf. As the boy grew, his use for his beloved tree changed. Each step along the way, when the boy would return and request more and more from the tree, she was excited to give him what he needed. Many more years pass, and the boy returns as a very old man. , but tells him that she has nothing left to provide – no apples, no branches, and no trunk. And the tree was happy. Consider this story as you prepare to leave your undergraduate years. So now you are an alum. As an alum, you can give the fraternity the gift of mentorship. But there is a gift even greater. And the greatest gift you can give her in return is to live her ritual every day. If you do, then your story may read like this:

Calvin's Dad: The Original Troll Scientist Calvin’s Dad, the perpetual troll scientist of Calvin and Hobbes — if he doesn’t know something, he’ll certainly pretends he does: Ancient Pagan History of the Goddess Worshipers Well, no one knows what actually happened in the beginning or what our ancient ancestors believed, exactly. All we can honestly do is reconstruct a lineage using similarities in art, what writing remains, and archeological artifacts. What we can surmise is that at some point we, as humans, stopped being total savages and started paying attention to our divine inner Being. This is the point where the law of the jungle is transcended by rudimentary justice--that which seeks to keep the strong from getting over on the weak every time, though we still have a long way to go on that score. A very interesting book on that subject is The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes. Beyond surmising what took place at the dawn of time to start us on our long road to spiritual awareness, we can study the early records of the Celts, who as a group, would eventually play such a major influence on our Wiccan beliefs. According to Dr. But where did they come from?

71 Funny Rage Comics 71 of the best funny comics(rage comics) for your viewing pleasure. Share these on your favorite social media site. Animal Transformations If there is no other argument for animal adoption, I can't think of a stronger one than this. Today... So That Happened Tonight at the supermarket I found myself behind a pretty girl in the checkout line. The universe hates me. Like this story? Did you know I have a book coming out?
