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Collaborating with a 4-year Old

Collaborating with a 4-year Old
One day, while my daughter was happily distracted in her own marker drawings, I decided to risk pulling out a new sketchbook I had special ordered. It had dark paper, and was perfect for adding highlights to. I had only drawn a little in it, and was anxious to try it again, but knowing our daughter’s love of art supplies, it meant that if I wasn’t sly enough, I might have to share. (Note: I’m all about kid’s crafts, but when it comes to my own art projects, I don’t like to share.) Since she was engrossed in her own project, I thought I might be able to pull it off. Ahhh, I should’ve known better. Oh no she didn’t! Not surprisingly, I LOVED what she drew. Soon, she began flipping through my sketchbook, looking for more heads. Sometimes I would give her suggestions, like “maybe she could have a dragon body!” For example, the filled-in marker of the one above, she told me, was a chrysalis, for the caterpillar to transform into a butterfly. Like this: Like Loading...

Powdered Buckfast To Be Sold In Wraps Follow @whispersnewsltd BUCKFAST is to be sold in a powdered form and will be available in “wrap deals” for the first time, the firm behind the controversial tonic wine has announced today. The alcoholic drink, which is brewed by satanic worshipers in Devon, is quite popular with young people in Scotland and Ireland due to it’s “speedy like” effect on the brain. “We calls it liquid speed boy!” “Buckfast makes ya fuck fast” he added. The firm said it will start selling the one gram wraps of the powder for €10.50 in the summer, just in time for festival season. The concoction, which can be mixed with other powders for increased effect, is due to go on sale here in Ireland from June, in all good council estate shops.

23 Psychological Life Hacks to get an Advantage Have you always wondered about the subtle things you can do to totally improve the outcome of a situation? It is something that I have constantly been thinking about. After spending some time searching up on the subject I came across some incredible bits of advice from a reddit discussion. From this, I’ve pulled out and organized users’ top advice on how to improve your outcomes. 23 psychological Life Hacks to get a Situational advantage. When you first meet people try to notice their eye color while also smiling at them. 3 Books to Pick up more Psychological Life Hacks Check out these articles! Share these great tips with your friends!

10 Creepy Tales Of Interdimensional Travel Creepy Since its official proposal in 1954 by Hugh Everett III, the idea of parallel universes has boggled the minds of scientists, philosophers, bloggers, and average folk alike. Perhaps we’re just a sliver of time away from an alternate existence, or perhaps regular people we pass on the street are beings from another universe that have already mastered the art of dimensional travel. Quantum physics aside, our only information about these alternate realities comes from the tales of people who claim they found dimensional slips and traveled to unfathomable worlds. 10The Man From Taured On a seemingly normal day in 1954, a seemingly normal man allegedly flew into Tokyo, but upon landing at the Tokyo International Airport, his seemingly normal trip had taken a very drastic turn for the weird. The mystery man claimed his country was located between France and Spain, but when he was asked to point it out on a map, he pointed to the Principality of Andorra. 8Ong’s Hat 7Carol Chase McElheney

25 Spectacular Movies You (Probably) Haven't Seen Pt. 3 Mr. Nobody Who would you have been when, at crucial moments in your life, you chose to walk a different path? Yo, También You haven’t seen a romance story like this before, and you don’t have to like them to fall deeply in love with this one. A Scanner Darkly Based on the book by Philip K. They Live This 1988 Hollywood movie is counter-culture classic. Un prophète (A Prophet) Gritty, raw, dark. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring This is perhaps my favorite movie of all time. The Act of Killing This is a deeply disturbing movie that has to be seen by everyone. A Single Man You can watch this movie just for the cinematic beauty alone. The Edukators This is a surprisingly interesting movie with some strong dialogues and a very gripping message about the fate of the hippie generation. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer There is something about this movie that is deeply upsetting, yet it is so mesmerizing that you can not help but to watch it till the end. Her Le Grande Bellezza Die Welle Gattaca

Weird private photographs of Hitler practicing dramatic gestures for his speeches Weird private photographs of Hitler practicing dramatic gestures for his speeches Hitler is the human symbol of evil, but his rise to power in Germany in the 1930s obviously can’t be explained by reference to that alone. There must have been some deep, underlying appeal to the man himself. In 1940, in a review of Mein Kampf, George Orwell (!!!), who was not yet the famous author he would become, wrote: But Hitler could not have succeeded against his many rivals if it had not been for the attraction of his own personality, which one can feel even in the clumsy writing of Mein Kampf, and which is no doubt overhwhelming when one hears his speeches. As Orwell points out, Hitler’s appeal was largely symbolic, and, just as with every American president from FDR to Nixon to Reagan to Obama, he understood that public presentation has to be carefully staged and place a premium on non-verbal, one might even say precognitive aspects to politics and ceremony. via Downtown Camera
