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DIY User Personas

DIY User Personas
Probably you already know what a persona is –if don’t check this -, and probably you, like me, build your first persona using some of the thousands personas layout you can find in the internet. But as has happened to me you’ve probably also discovered this is not easy work… But you know, I love recipes, so here you have my own recipe to build user personas, step by step including 10 elements your persona should have. I create this guideline with the purpose to make the process of create personas a simple fill in the blank work, so I think could be useful for you too. The guideline it is structured in 3 points: How to, with the step by step guide and the Interviews process.Layout, presenting the persona layout I use with 10 basic elements.Elements were I describe in details each one of the elements of the layout and the method used to obtain the information and measuring. Each point follows a What? 1.1 Step by step (Modeling personas) What? A persona should include: Why? How? 3.1 Profile: Why ?

【Design Thinking Workshop】Day 1:从调研开始 2月25日,上海。26名来自全国各地的年轻人,组成了5个跨专业的团队,开始了他们在Design Thinking Workshop 2013的第一天的挑战——活动组织方提供了两个课题抽签选择: 1、如何从用户的角度从新定义Ultrabook(超级笔记本电脑)? 2、如何重新思考“烹饪”这一日常活动来促进年轻人的全新社交体验? 你会如何解答这两个问题? Design Thinking Workshop 2013Day 1,Understanding & Consumer Research 【【两个挑战】】 Challenge 1 如何从用户的角度从新定义Ultrabook(超级笔记本电脑)? 课题背景:Intel在2011年底宣布了Ultrabook的全新概念:超快/超薄/超长待机,直接暗示了Ultrabook将要取代普通笔记本电脑的趋势。 Tips:尽管Intel不断在定义Ultrabook,但都是从纯技术的角度。 项目领队: 陈华Chen Hua 联想(上海)研发中心用户体验部高级主管工程师。 Challenge 2 如何重新思考“烹饪”这一日常活动来促进年轻人的全新社交体验? 课题背景:在网络无处不在的今天,“社交”(Social)已经成为人们生活不可或缺的一部分。 Tips:将“Social”和“Cooking”两个词是这个项目的关键。 甘艺凡Gan Yifan Continuum(上海)创新咨询师。 【【5支Design Thinker团队】】 【【Day 1挑战全过程】】 ■ Team 1: SHERO 他们获得的课题是Challenge 2. 一个小时后,他们确定了调研计划: 由于更多的关注人们在Social中的行为,团队将前往不同的社交场所进行观察: 咖啡厅:观察一般意义的社交行为; 桌游吧:观察具有特定主体的社交行为; 自助烤肉店:观察在群体聚餐活动中不同的角色行为; Focus Group(焦点小组):邀请6名目标人物,针对“周末朋友家庭聚餐”的主题进行深入讨论,从中观察更为深刻的行为和观点。 ■ Team 2: D-Spark 他们获得的课题也是Challenge 2。 他们确定了调研计划: 他们的目标人群非常明确,因此很快有了如下调研计划: IKEA:观察潜在目标人群的购买行为,以及他们的关注点; ■ Team 3: Delight 他们获得的课题是Challenge 1。

Personas Website designers often use personas to insure the design will meet users' needs. "A persona is a character sketch that represents a particular segment of the target audience," according to Steve Mulder, author of The User is Always Right: A Practical Guide to Creating and Using Personas for the Web. "With personas website designers can focus on how the website will be used instead of how the technology should work. Instead of asking how a feature should work, the designer can ask, 'What would Francis do?'" Seven personas were developed to inform the Library Website Redesign. For those interested, the detailed personas are below: Name: AdeebAge: 20Location: Stanford campus - Toyon Hall (undergrad housing)Job Title: SophomoreWhat types of activities do they do online: Social sites, gaming, movies/music, Google Scholar for research. Find primary sources (pictures from the archives, manuscript - original item); use advanced searchFinds out how many books she has out and when they are due.

Using MBTI to shape User Personas’ personality | UX Lady You are interviewing some people for building your User Personas or perhaps to explore how they will react to different product solutions. Then you realize you need to know some personality traits in order to understand why they react the way they do. But how to identify personality traits in a quick feasible and credible manner instead of just based on observation? I make myself the same question some time ago, and here is how I solve it using MBTI. Perhaps you have seen on my layout for User Personas, an area dedicated to “Personality”. My goal was to find a solution that was suitable for daily practice, taking into account available resources and the necessary velocity required by agile methodology. The original MBTI questionnaire count with 93 forced-choice questions making their use unlikely in the context of a user testing. The method I apply consist, as I said, in a very reduced questionnaire to determine the MBTI four letter code. Step 1. Which statement describes you better? 1.

Insights & user research - Webcredible Get to know your customers Insight & user research ensures that you truly get to know your customers and understand their natural behaviours and desires. Our in-depth user research forms the foundation of delivering successful digital products, and our expertise in this area is what sets us apart from the rest. Research is imperative to achieve business success. Our research and insights service delivers knowledge of your competition, your markets, your brand execution and - most importantly - your customers. This ensures truly customer-centred strategies that deliver your business goals. We conduct insights & user research across the UK, Europe and the rest of the world, to: We work collaboratively with you to deliver insightful, qualitative and quantitative research into your target customers. The result? Diary studies Diary studiesDiary studies are a collection of thoughts, actions and feelings from your target market, recorded as they occur. Contact us

Design Thinking With Persona 10 essential books that all creative freelancers must read If you’re thinking about taking the plunge into freelancing or you’re already dipping your toes in at the deep end, you don’t need to feel alone. Loads of support can be found in the pages of many helpful books. Whether you’re unsure how to get started, don’t know how to handle your finances, or need some advice on how to get your name heard; these essential freelancing books are here to help… 1. Written with voices that matter, Logo Design Love author and international designer David Airey gets down to all the nitty-gritty questions that you’ve been too afraid to ask. 2. Inspired by Thomas Edison’s famous quote that genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration, Scott Belsky has collected hundreds of interviews from the most productive creative people and teams all around the world. 3. If you’re stuck in a 9 to 5 job that really isn’t inspiring you or engaging your creativity, author Marianne Cantwell’s Be a Free Range Human can help. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Card Sorting Card sorting is a method used to help design or evaluate the information architecture of a site. In a card sorting session, participants organize topics into categories that make sense to them and they may also help you label these groups. To conduct a card sort, you can use actual cards, pieces of paper, or one of several online card-sorting software tools. Benefits of Card Sorting Card sorting will help you understand your users' expectations and understanding of your topics. Build the structure for your website Decide what to put on the homepage Label categories and navigation Open and Closed Card Sorting Depending on your needs, you may choose to do an open or closed card sort. Open Card Sort: Participants are asked to organize topics from content within your website into groups that make sense to them and then name each group they created in a way that they feel accurately describes the content. You may also choose to try a combination of the two. Choosing a Technique Prepare the cards

Personas: The Foundation of a Great User Experience Today's consumers are demanding more from companies. Customers expect products, services, and information that are timely and catered to their specific needs and desires. Traditionally, companies develop and market products based on market segmentation and demographics, assuming that the features, functionality and messaging will meet the needs of all of the customers in that demographic—a "one size fits all" mentality. "What Is a Persona? A persona represents a cluster of users who exhibit similar behavioral patterns in their purchasing decisions, use of technology or products, customer service preferences, lifestyle choices, and the like. How Are Personas Built? Personas are built by first conducting one-on-one interviews with a wide demographic of the targeted audience(s). Analysis is then conducted on the research data over the course of one to two weeks. From here, it's essential to launch another round of research. Where Does Persona Development Begin?

Vector Illustration: 60 Illustrator Tutorials, Tips and Best Practices - Noupe Design Blog Jul 14 2008 Adobe Illustrator is a powerful tool for illustrating various elements one can use for web pages and print design. However, it’s important to know what to do in order to powerfully use its tools and achieve certain effects. So, step-by-step tutorials can provide a lot of help, thats why we spent a lot of time searching for the best tutorials out there and the result was 60 remarkable illustrator tutorials, tips, best practices from some of the best illustrators and artists; besides you’ll also find references to brilliant illustrator portfolios out there. Let’s take a look at some of the best Adobe Illustrator tutorials we’ve found in the Web so far. You might be interested to check other Illustrator related posts: Tutorials 1-From Sketch to Vector Illustration- A technique of vector illustrating that takes a little bit more skill is starting with a hand drawn sketches.This tutorial will focus on that technique of vector illustrating. 18-Creating a Crazy Cool Logo Freebies

交互案例分享 @ICOjump User story History[edit] User stories originated with Extreme Programming (XP), whose first written description in 1998 only claimed that customers defined project scope "with user stories, which are like use cases". Rather than offered as a distinct practice, they were described as one of the "game pieces" used in the planning game. However, most of the further literature thrust around all the ways arguing that user stories are "unlike" use cases, in trying to answer in a more practical manner "how requirements are handled" in XP and more generally Agile projects. In 2001, Ron Jeffries proposed the well-known Three C's formula, i.e. A Card (or often a Post-it note) is a physical token giving tangible and durable form to what would otherwise only be an abstraction; The Confirmation, the more formal the better, ensures that the objectives the conversation revolved around have been reached finally. Creating user stories[edit] Format[edit] "As a <role>, I want <goal/desire> so that <benefit>" Run tests Or

40 Creative and Versatile Adobe Illustrator Tutorials From 2012 Adobe Illustrator is the designer’s best friend (and together with Photoshop, they’re like Starsky & Hutch). Illustrator offers unlimited opportunities, but you need to know how to use them. That’s where neat tutorials come handy. Tutorials are not going to make you a better or more talented designer, yet the techniques and tricks they cover will come to assist you for a long time. For this roundup, we’ve prepared 40 fresh (2012 only), creative and comprehensive Adobe Illustrator tutorials. Learn Illustrator CS6 As you may know, Creative Suite was released recently but what does it mean for Illustrator grinders? 1. This tutorial is going to show you how to create a Day of the Dead inspired portrait with Adobe Illustrator CS5. 2. In this Adobe Illustrator tutorial you will learn how to create a semi-realistic lifebuoy graphic. 3. In this Adobe Illustrator tutorial you will learn how to create a detailed scanner illustration. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

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