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Free Responsive Themes for WordPress

Free Responsive Themes for WordPress
Looking for Responsive II? Get your free Responsive Theme instantly by entering your e-mail and clicking “Download Free Theme Now”! Responsive is the world’s most popular Responsive WordPress Theme. Responsive Theme is an intuitive foundation with a fluid grid system that automatically adapts your website to mobile devices including smartphones, tablets and desktops so your website looks incredible on any device. Theme Features Responsive Web Design Fluid Stackable Grid System Widgetized (11 Widget areas) Custom Templates (9 Templates, different layouts) Custom Background Custom Header (used for logo upload) Custom Menus (4 Menus) Threaded Comments Theme Options Retina-Ready Theme Details Current Version: Updated: November 4th, 2014Requires: WordPress 3.5 or higherChild Theme Friendly: Yes — more infoTheme Type: Standalone (Parent) ThemeWordPress 3.0+ Multisite: Yes — more infoLicense: GNU GPLv3Changelog Want more customization features? Learn more about upgrading to Responsive Pro

Frédéric Serva | Kw.po : Thème WordPress Caractéristiques du thème Compatible WordPress 3.3+ Prise en charge des menus WordPress Description possible de chaque entrée de menu Page d’options Prise en charge du code Google Analytics Pages personnalisées : Portfolio, Blog Plusieurs zones widgétisées Widgets propres au thème (Articles récents avec miniatures, Réseaux sociaux, Derniers tweets) Shortcode permettant aux internautes de partager sur Facebook et Twitter en un seul clic Shortcodes de mise en pae Lightbox pour les images (pas de plugin supplémentaire requis) Prêt pour la traduction (fichiers .po/.mo fournis – Traduction française inclue) Section Article mis en avant sur la page d’accueil Commentaires imbriqués Avatar personnalisé Licence Kw.po est distribué sous Licence publique générale GNU version 3.0. Configuration Installation du thème 1. Menus Ce thème prend en charge le système de menus de WordPress. Images à la une Ce thème utilise les Images à la une. Shortcodes Avatar personnalisé Portfolio Blog

Gestion de la Taille de Police de Caractère Par niss • 10 fév, 2008 • Catégorie: Customisations • Suite à de nombreuses demandes par mail, j’ai décidé de vous mettre un petit tuto sur la façon d’intégrer à vos thème un module de gestion des tailles de caractères pour vos chers thèmes WordPress. Vous allez voir, ce n’est pas bien compliqué. Première chose : uploadez le fichier textsize.js dans un répertoire “js” que vous allez créer dans le répertoire de votre thème. Ensuite, dans le fichier header.php, juste avant la balise < /head >, collez le bout de code suivant : <script src="<? Ensuite, direction le fichier style.css, ajoutez-y les 3 classes suivantes : Enfin, insérez où bon vous semble dans votre thème (pour moi je l’ai mis dans le fichier header.php, de manière à ce qu’il apparaisse juste sous la fonction recherche), ce bout de code : Et voilà, c’est tout, le tour est joué Enjoy! Articles Relatifs Marqué comme: customisation, Taille des caractères ¤Le Code¤ ) - Puis laisser une ligne blanche avant et après le bloc ¤Le Code¤.

Clean Home Theme If you are looking for a minimal yet fully functioning theme, or if you are just the type of person who enjoys simple and uncluttered looks on a theme, you may find Clean Home gladly fitting your needs. This theme is crisp and structured, wielding a traditional two column layout with two widgets areas. But don’t let Clean Home’s simple looks deceive you since it hides some great functionality under the hood to help you personalize how your site looks. Color Schemes You can choose from four different color schemes, including a “snowy” and a “sunny” look —so both northern and southern hemisphere people out there can rejoice. Header and Background You can further customize the look of your site with the Custom Background functionality and a Custom Header. Widgets Clean Home has two widget areas, one sidebar on the right and a header area to display bigger pieces. The header widget area populated with a Text Widget. Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels):

Orion : Orion is my new wordpress theme. This is a fully responsive theme . What is a responsive theme? A responsive theme means it will adjust the theme layout according to the screen size of the media. So the theme will have a different layout while viewed on a computer screen , on a tablet or on a mobile browser. This theme is ideal for design agency website, designer portfolio etc. There is a widgetized section below the image slider which holds the “Services widget”. Download Orion for free and make this your portfolio site now.. Custom Post Type, Custom Taxonomy Créez vos propres Posts/Pages et vos propres Catégories/Tags Nous avons vu précédemment que le contenu d’un WordPress se divisait principalement en 3 parties : PostPageAttachment Si l’on met de côté les Attachments qui jouent un rôle particulier (ce sont les objets multimédia uploadés sur le WP et rattachés à un Post ou une Page), on se retrouve avec 2 contenus principaux. Post : dynamique, chronologique.Page : statique, intemporel. Cela est parfaitement suffisant pour un blog. Vous pourriez vous en sortir en créant une catégorie ‘Portfolio’ dans vos Posts mais ce serait fastidieux à gérer car il faudrait exclure les éléments du Portfolio du flux normal des Posts, des résultats de recherche, des archives mensuelles… Du coup, on va créer notre propre type de Post : un Projet. Functions.php : le plugin de votre thème Avant toute chose, il faut que je vous parle d’un fichier très important (mais qui n’est pas un template) : functions.php Ce fichier est comme un plugin intégré à votre thème. <? <? <?

Thematic, A WordPress Theme Framework Thematic is a free, open-source, highly extensible, search-engine optimized WordPress Theme Framework featuring 13 widget-ready areas, grid-based layout samples, styling for popular plugins, and a whole community behind it. It’s perfect for beginner bloggers and WordPress development professionals. Download it from the official WordPress Themes Directory. Thematic Features Praise for Thematic “A theme framework that I highly recommend to anyone working with WordPress. “An amazing theme, back-end and design wise. “An open-source theme designed as a starting point for simple customisation, which also happens to look pretty darn good out of the box.”Best WordPress Themes Support for Thematic The Thematic Forums If you’ve got a problem with Thematic you can find help from the Thematic community in the Thematic Forums. The Thematic Guide A guide to using Thematic. Thematic Child Themes Lead Developers Like this: Like Loading...

Adapt Free Responsive Business/Portfolio WordPress Theme Adapt 2.0 is a free responsive business WordPress theme created right here at WPExplorer. The theme features a very clean and elegant business portfolio style design making it useful for small businesses, agencies, portfolios and more. Overall the theme is very minimal and super easy to setup. It comes with built-in post types for your portfolio, homepage highlights and homepage slider. This makes adding your content a breeze. If you can add blog posts, you can add items to each of these custom post types. Adapt 2.0 includes page templates for your homepage, blog, filterable portfolio, full-width pages and even a landing page. This is a great theme, perfect for anyone who wants a minimal business or portfolio website. Drag & Drop Homepage Adapt Premium Version I’ve created a Premium Version of this theme which I am currently selling on Creative Market. Plus, it’s nice to support the developer! Purchase on Creative Market Adapt Theme Homepage Setup Adapt Theme Video Guide

Duplicator With over 25 million downloads Duplicator successfully gives WordPress users the ability to migrate, copy, move or clone a site from one location to another and also serves as a simple backup utility. Duplicator handles serialized and base64 serialized replacements. Standard WordPress migration and WordPress backups are easily handled by this plugin as are zero downtime migrations. For complete details visit Quick Video Demo Overview Duplicator is the most powerful migrator available. Move, migrate or clone a WordPress site between domains or hosts with zero downtimePull down a live site to localhost for developmentTransfer a WordPress site from one host to anotherManually backup a WordPress site or parts of a siteDuplicate a live site to a staging area or vice versaBundle up an entire WordPress site for easy reuse or distributionPerform a full WordPress migration without struggling with messy import/export sql scripts Migrate WordPress and Run WordPress Backups Duplicator Pro

Pilcrow Theme Pilcrow is an upgrade to the retired PressRow theme. But Pilcrow isn’t just a simple replacement. We’ve pulled out all the stops to make sure it’s a better theme all around. Pilcrow keeps the familiar, simple and clean PressRow look but we’ve expanded its basic design over six possible layouts and up to four sidebars and widget areas. In addition to multiple layouts you also have your choice of four different color schemes, light, dark, red, and brown. Pilcrow also has a fully customizable header. The Pilcrow theme is available in Appearance → Themes and is also available in the WordPress Themes Directory, for self-hosted users. Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels):

Flexible | A Single Layout & Look that Fits Everywhere Créer des thèmes enfants (child themes) avec WordPress Le principe du thème enfant est de permettre la modification et l'ajout de fonctionnalités à un thème parent sans y apporter de quelconques changements. L’avantage majeur est de pouvoir bénéficier des mises à jour du thème parent tout en poursuivant les changements sur le thème enfant. Plusieurs techniques existent pour mettre en place un tel système que je vous décris dans ce tutoriel. Méthode officielle via PHP Ouvrez votre fichier functions.php puis collez les lignes ci-dessous : function wpc_theme_enqueue_styles() { wp_enqueue_style('parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . La fonction va tout simplement récupérer le fichier style.css du thème parent, celle du thème enfant se chargeant après. Dans le cas où votre thème repose sur plusieurs fichiers de styles CSS, le code présenté ici ne suffira pas et il conviendra de gérer des dépendances. Enfin, sachez que la plupart des fournisseurs de thèmes premium embarque un dossier prêt-à-l’emploi pour ce type d’approche.

How to Display Recent Posts in WordPress Displaying Recent posts often helps your users to visit them easily specially on the sidebar of a single post page. But in some designing processes people want to display recent posts in many different ways. In this post, we will show you various different ways you can display the recent posts in WordPress. Displaying Recent Posts in a List Format The list format is mostly used in sidebars of WordPress pages. You can change the number 10 to the number of posts you like to display. If your theme support Widgets, then there is an easier option for you. Displaying Recent Posts with Summary Some people like to display recent posts with a title and a short description. The first way is: <ul> <? And you make sure that the excerpt is a short description of the post. Another way to limit the number of characters displayed in the content is by manually stripping out post content during the query to display only a limited number of characters. Displaying Recent Posts with Full Content <ul> <?

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Custom bbPress Theme · bbPress Codex Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Custom bbPress Theme The following is written for version 2.2 of the bbPress WordPress plugin. Information in this tutorial may not be applicable to earlier or subsequent versions of the plugin. With that in mind, on to the tutorial! Step 1: Install WordPress In the past, bbPress was a stand-alone forum script that could work with WordPress if you hacked it a bit, but that is not the case anymore and any information that states as much is outdated. Step 2: Install bbPress Once you have WordPress set up, installing plugins is easy. Step 3: Edit bbPress’ Settings After installing and activating the bbPress plugin, you will have three new menu options at the bottom of your WordPress admin sidebar: You will also have two new sub-menu options: Tools > Recount and Settings > Forums. Now that you know where everything is, click Forums under Settings. Note that this area does not contain methods for you to edit the theme’s layout or style. Step 4: Make Some Forums
