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The Definitive Guide to Growth Hacking

The Definitive Guide to Growth Hacking
What is Growth Hacking? Growth hacking is so misunderstood that there is a desperate need for this chapter. Few concepts have been as polarizing and revolutionary, simultaneously. Is it marketing in disguise? Is it a buzz phrase used to increase salaries? Two chasms have already been crossed.

How to: Create a Content Strategy (only 652 steps!) By Ian Lurie This is a really, really, really long piece. There's no TL;DR version. That's because a content audit has a lot of steps. I've tried to break them down and explain each one, so that a writer who knows their way around a computer or a marketing geek who knows how to write can take this and do a complete audit. First, a content strategy is not an inventory or an audit. An inventory is a simple list. Inventories existing contentAnalyzes the competitionDraws conclusionsLays out a strategy based on those conclusions #1 is the most mechanically-involved task, because you have to grab a lot of data and mush it all together. #2 is the shortest. #3 and 4 are the most demanding (for me, anyway) because I have to suss out impossible-to-automate marketing stuff that's essential to success. Before you start A few basic assumptions, and some sacred cows to slay: What you're auditing One of the team here at Portent read a draft of this and said, "This is actually a conversation audit!" Yikes.

How to get the attention of your favorite expert (new detailed post) I know this woman who runs an online business. I like her a lot — she has a great product, she’s been covered in some great press, and when I’ve met her, she’s really fun to hang out with. But her business is struggling. She doesn’t charge enough and she doesn’t know how to grow her business. On two occasions, I’ve heard her mention cashflow problems. Here’s the interesting part: Looking at her business, I know how she could easily quadruple it in 2 months. It would be presumptuous for me to call her and tell her what to do. Why don’t we ask for help? For a lot of us, we’re worried about “annoying” the busy person. Sometimes, we hate feeling obligated. But no matter what, we’re shooting ourselves in the foot. There is a better way. To show you how, today I’ve invited my friend Selena Soo to share her strategies for connecting with busy VIPs. Selena has done a masterful job connecting with journalists, entrepreneurs, and authors. Take it away, Selena. Now what does this mean for you? Why?

10 lecciones de la industria pornográfica al Marketing Online El porno puede enseñarnos mucho, pero no de sexo. La pornografía es una de las industrias más importantes del mundo: ¡Aprendamos de marketing con ella! Generalmente la conciencia colectiva mira a la pornografía con una mezcla de asco, superioridad moral y desprecio. No digo que debiera ser de otra forma, este no es un post de opinión, pero me gustaría destacar que una industria que genera el 30% del tráfico de toda la web (aunque el cálculo sea dudoso) merece, si no nuestro respeto, sí nuestra humildad y atención. Obviamente todos somos adultos respetables que no pertenecen a esa inmensa mayoría de personas que consume porno, y para nosotros el porno es algo ajeno y terrorífico. 1. El porno mueve más dinero que Hollywood. La gente quiere contenido gratis. Resulta curioso que teniendo clips o hasta películas a disposición del usuario, la industria mueva tanto dinero. Si no compartes una información por celo profesional, otro lo hará; tu oportunidad es hacerlo antes, mejor o distinto. 2. 3.

21 Actionable Growth Hacking Tactics Update: Interested in even more Growth Hacking tactics? Buy my book of 100 practical growth hacking tactics! In this deck you will find 21 different areas of startup marketing where you can employ growth hacking tactics. Little tricks of automation or hackery that help you squeeze more out of your customer / user acquisition strategy. It's an extension of a previous deck I created, with a bunch of new content and has been well received at startup events I've presented it at. I enjoy presentations with lots of actionable content so that's all this is. On Slideshare: Actionable Growth Hacking Tactics Growth Hacking is just a good way to describe how marketing is done at a startup. There is a particular focus on the application of technology. The deck speaks mostly for itself, but I'll add some minimal notes between them in this post. A good growth hacker needs to focus on two types of growth. Buy the Growth Hacking Handbook for even more growth tactics!

Why Tom Cruise Should Be Your Content Strategist When he’s not streaking through the Danger Zone on an Impossible Mission, the world’s biggest movie star (yes, still arguably) veers Far and Away from his core competency, occasionally taking a mega-risk with his Eyes Wide Shut. Corniness of that opening sentence aside, Tom Cruise makes for a compelling model of how to run a brand: while his trademark relates to an über-successful motion picture career – and yours (likely) doesn’t – there are many things a business can learn about reputation management and content strategy from him. And just what is the “content strategy” of Tom Cruise’s career? My boss Ian Lurie subscribes to a 70-20-10 approach to on-site content (a slight refining of Jonathan Mildenhall of Coca-Cola’s famous value and significance strategy). 1.) 2.) Just what is the 70-20-10? Graphically represented: Tom Cruise’s 70-20-10 70% of his roles represent The Movie Star. Awesome infographic by Jess Walker. Share it: I should care because…? But 10% content scares me… The takeaway

Apple's New iPhone 5C and 5S: the Results of Creativity or Innovation? - Alan Iny and Luc de Brabandere by Alan Iny and Luc de Brabandere | 8:00 AM September 10, 2013 Every idea, no matter how ingenious or successful, will eventually need to be replaced with a new one. But business leaders, as human beings above all, tend to cling to their existing ideas, beliefs, and other mental models — or what we call boxes — longer than they should. When Apple first created its highly disruptive, history-making iPhone, the company unleashed years of innovation not just in its phone offerings, but in a seemingly infinite stream of related accessories and applications. Creativity can be defined as people’s ability to change their perception of reality; by doing so, they can then create new ideas, hypotheses, approaches, and other “boxes.” Innovation can be defined as a change in reality. Incremental innovations — think of BIC introducing double-bladed or triple-bladed razors once they were already in the razor business — do not require the creation of a new box.

Smart, Effective Strategies To Design Marketing Campaigns Advertisement Ever since I’ve been involved in the Web, I’ve been fascinated by little things that make a big impact. It’s one of the reasons why I started collecting and blogging about these details, which could in some way help others grow an audience. One recurring topic early on was launch and landing pages and the strategies that creators use to expand the reach of their websites, which led to a Smashing Magazine post titled “Elements of a Viral Launch Page.” Another interesting recurring topic is the campaign page, which you’ll find either embedded in an existing website (Foursquare’s Game of Cones and Dropbox’s Great Space Race) or as a completely independent website (Iubenda’s Orwell Test) that redirects traffic back to the source. Such campaigns have varying goals, such as to drive traffic, to raise awareness or simply to get a single person’s attention. What Do We Mean By “Campaign”? 9 Things To Look Out For The Elements Relevance Tell a story. Other Key Elements 1. Sketch Tweetbot

Intro to Growth Hacking Pintrest, Facebook, Zynga, Dropbox, AirBnb… What do they all have in common? They’ve all used growth hacking techniques to grow their user base from zero to millions (and sometimes hundreds of millions). Growth Hacking isn’t viral marketing (although viral marketing is part of it). Growth Hacking comes to solve a very common problem in consumer startups: getting to the first x thousand/million users quickly once the product has launched and the hype has passed. The term “Growth Hacking”, invented by Sean Ellis, and made popular by Andrew Chen, a Silicon valley marketer and entrepreneur, is a combination of two disciplines – marketing and coding: Growth hackers are a hybrid of marketer and coder, one who looks at the traditional question of “How do I get customers for my product?” In a recent post, TechCrunch defined the three characteristics of a Growth Hacker as follows: First Steps in Growth Hacking for Startups Growth Hacking Resources: Eze Vidra Latest posts by Eze Vidra (see all)

16 Social Media Marketing Tips From the Pros Are you looking for the latest social media marketing tactics? Do you want to know what the social media marketing pros are doing today? Keeping up with the latest social media changes is not always easy, and our social media marketing tactics may need to be refreshed. We asked 16 social media pros to share the best marketing tactics worth doing today. Here’s what they have to say. #1: Host Social Media Events Mari Smith You can build a loyal, raving community by hosting online events that put the focus on your fans. A fun and effective online event is hosting a “Fan Page Friday”—it’s essentially a virtual networking party where you allow all your fans to share links to their own pages on your page. The event can last as long as 24 hours or more and is a great way to discover new businesses, get more fans, and build tremendous community while increasing your EdgeRank (news feed visibility), too. Facebook Friday is a great way to build your community. #2: Use LinkedIn’s “Your Day” Feature Or now?

Whats In Your Bag: Colleen 1. Sunglasses 2. Keys. 3. What’s your biggest accomplishment? What’s the biggest lesson you have learned since starting your career? What’s the worst pitch you have ever heard? How does someone get on the radar of Entrepreneur Magazine for a feature on the site or in the magazine? Colleen’s Louis Vuitton Neverfull Where do you receive your inspiration? If you weren’t Special Projects Director, what would you do? Do you feel your life is balanced between work life + personal life? Soundbytes: What is your most indispensable gadget:My iPhone 5 – I can take beautiful photos of the curries I make with its camera. What’s your favorite app?

Engagement de empleados y clientes: emoción más que razón Este fin de semana he estado leyendo, de nuevo, un interesante documento, “The next Discipline” de Gallup Consulting , que comparto. Una profunda reflexión sobre la economía del comportamiento para impulsar el crecimiento, la rentabilidad de las empresas y su reveladora relación con la Web 2.0. El concepto de economía aplicada del comportamiento explica el rol que juega la naturaleza humana en todos los ámbitos y el concepto 2.0 se basa en esa naturaleza humana: la participación activa de las personas. En el ámbito de la empresa, es clave la gestión de personas: liderar, motivar, desarrollar, orientar a la innovación y a la productividad a todos los empleados para que participen en las emociones, de su activo más valioso, la de sus clientes. Contrariamente a la creencia popular, nuestros rasgos emocionales son en realidad bastante predecibles. Nuestras emociones son los límites a la forma racional en la que podemos ver el mundo que nos rodea. Joana Sánchez

Learn Growth Hacking: 35 Resources At many technology companies, traditional marketing roles are transforming into growth hacking roles. In fact, the work has become so popular now that some companies are hiring “growth hackers.” They are keeping their marketing departments and hiring growth hackers to work separately from marketing. So what is the role of a growth hacker? Different from marketers, who traditionally are less technical, growth hackers have one objective – to grow the company. In this post, we’ll give a thorough overview of growth hacking, hiring growth hackers, resources on growth hacks, and additional helpful resources. Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bonus! What makes a great growth hacker? Hiring 9. 10. 11. 12. Growth Hacks 13. 14. 13 Critically Important Lessons From Over 50 Growth Hackers – Bronson Taylor has interviewed many growth hackers. 15. 16. 21 Actionable Growth Hacking Tactics – Jon Yongfook gives us 21 growth hacks. 17. 18. 19. 20. Other Resources 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
