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Everything you wanted to know about DRM and ebooks, but were afraid to ask.

Everything you wanted to know about DRM and ebooks, but were afraid to ask.

Quantified Self Forums DRM be damned: How to protect your Amazon e-books from being deleted If you buy e-books from Amazon and want to engage in a bit of digital civil disobedience—by stripping the files’ DRM and making sure that Amazon can’t deny you access—we’re about to show you how. Yes, many parts of the Internet have known about this technique for some time now, but we feel that it bears mentioning again here. Over the past week, the tech world has been abuzz with news that—surprise, surprise—Amazon can remotely wipe any Kindle, at any time, for effectively any reason. This week’s case involves a Norwegian woman (Google Translate) named Linn Nygaard. "I have not heard anything from Amazon about this, except that I got a very strange phone [call] earlier from someone with a hidden number," Nygaard told Norwegian broadcaster NRK. Many speculated that because she was buying content licensed for the UK from Norway, Nygaard somehow ran afoul of Amazon’s licensing deals. Fortunately, though, there’s an easy way to ensure you can avoid the same fate as Nygaard.

Graphical vi/vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial Learning vi or vim is not easy. But it doesn't have to be that difficult, either. It is, in any case, faster, more powerful, and more productive than editing with any other editor, so you would do very well in investing the time and effort to learn it. Being a vi lover myself, I came up with the idea of providing a graphical cheat sheet for those learning vi or vim, and I also found out it was a very good way to structure a tutorial. By the way, I recently published the definitive article explaining why vi/vim editing is so much better than regular editing. Graphical cheat sheet This is a single page describing the full vi/vim input model, the function of all keys, and all major features. Graphical cheat sheet based tutorial The tutorial above is structured in 7 lessons that cover the major commands in vi/vim. Notes vim is an incredible editor by Bram Moolenaar, based on the original vi by Bill Joy, adding a ton of improvements over it. Relevant links Why, oh why, do those #?

Best Android Apps for Backup and Restore This page will help you know about the best android apps available in the Google Play Store to create backup of important phone data and applications. You will also find some help on full system backup, that is Nandroid Backup, taken via recovery. Quick tip: For those who would want to save on time and aren’t much keen on knowing about each of the apps we consider best for backup and restore, just know this. Before we check out the apps, let me explain some terms as regards backup. Phone Data Backup It’s easy. Btw, by Phone Data, we basically mean Contacts, SMS, Call Logs, System settings, Bookmarks, etc. stuff. Application Backup We can bifurcate backup of apps in two: without app-data and with app-data. Without app-data backup of Apps: Here, installation file of an app, which is in .apk format, is backed up and is saved in the SD card of the device. Now, let’s check out the some apps that we consider are the best for you to create backup. So, with all that said, let’s check out the apps.

MAPdataWorld | Avenza Systems Inc MAPdataWorld is a compilation of GIS data covering the world at 1:15 million scale. This detailed world vector dataset was initially created by Avenza Systems reseller and digital data experts, The XYZ Digital Map Company, and was specially created and designed for Avenza and MAPublisher® users. This dataset is based on The Digital Chart of the World (DCW) and has been extensively improved and attributed. MAPdataWorld has everything needed to make detailed maps of the world or world regions, whether it is for publication or for use within a GIS. Aside from the convenience of having an entire dataset of the world at your fingertips in a convenient package, MAPdataWorld has the following key benefits: The following is a partial list of the data layers included in the MAPdataWorld dataset. Boundary (Area) Features Administrative regions - national boundaries Oceans - oceans of the world Linear Layers Hydrography/drainage - water lines such as rivers and canals etc. Point Features

Perl 5.8.8 documentation Informazioni - CKAN Italia Informazioni CKAN Italia Qual'era il prezzo medio di una casa nel Regno Unito nel 1935? Quando avverrà il sorpasso della popolazione dell'India su quella della Cina? Dove si possono ammirare opere d'arte finanziate da enti pubblici a Seattle? I dati per rispondere a molte, molte domande come queste esistono da qualche parte in Internet - ma non è sempre facile trovarli. CKAN Italia è un catalogo gestito dalla community, che contiene dataset utili reperibili in Internet. Come funziona Questo sito è basato su un potente software open-source di catalogazione dei dati, chiamato CKAN, sviluppato dalla Open Knowledge Foundation. CKAN è utilizzato per diversi cataloghi di dati su Internet. Open data e Open Knowledge Foundation Most of the data indexed at CKAN Italia is openly licensed, meaning anyone is free to use or re-use it however they like.

This isn't the road network you are looking for I have to say, is always an interesting read. You see questions from just about every type of location data user; from GIS Professionals to neogeographers (do we still use that term?). Yesterday there was a question I hadn’t seen in a while: Is there any site from where I can get Google Road network as shapefile? So we all know that Google’s road data is proprietary and you can’t use it outside their APIs. Clearly, we need to approach OSM differently than just a free slippy map. Clearly wise beyond my years, but it is time to stop using closed APIs such as Google’s or Apple’s and embrace OpenStreetMap. It’s that simple to get the OSM road network at as shapefile.

Open Data in Italia: che dati pubblici abbiamo in giro? Free technical plans, books, patterns, software... | Craftsmanspace Best Free VPN Services To Anonymize IP & Secure Internet Connection Last week, we discussed the advantages of virtual private network over leased line-based private and hybrid networks, VPN tunneling technologies and types, and also showed you a simple way of creating a VPN connection. Apart from encrypting the communication, VPN is also used as an alternative to proxy servers to secure the communication between two clients & client and server, on a network. One of the reasons why most users prefer using VPN service instead of proxy server, is that, VPN provides strong encryption, and in some cases, multi-hopping connectivity, making it very difficult for external sources to trace down the connected systems. This VPN-provided anonymity lets users access region-restricted websites, data portals, content sharing platforms etc, from any part of the world. In this post, we will look at VPN services that you can use to anonymize the connection as well as secure the communication. proXPN proXPN VPN client is available for both Windows and Mac OS X. Tunnel Bear

LifeBot 5 – The Portable Emergency Room In emergency care every second counts. LifeBot, the telemedicine unit that connects ambulances to hospitals with patient data and live video feeds, has just got even more mobile. No longer confined to the ambulance, the new version, LifeBot 5, is a lightweight portable unit that can go anywhere critical care is needed. LifeBot originally served to relay realtime data between ambulance EMTs and emergency physicians at the hospital. EMTs could receive remote instructions and the hospital could get a head start on preparations for the inbound patient. LifeBot’s Interceptor is a medical electronics module that enables full physiological monitoring of the patient. And the best part is that the new unit weighs just 15 pounds and has been ruggedized so it can be taken anywhere. In the future LifeBot plans on adding a defibrillator to its arsenal of medical tools.
