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Des meubles open-source pour ne plus aller chez Ikea

Des meubles open-source pour ne plus aller chez Ikea
Si vous avez envie d’un nouveau meuble en kit, mais que pour une raison ou une autre vous voulez vous épargner le grand tour d’Ikea , une autre option est possible. Le site américain OpenDesk propose de partager des plans de meubles placés sous licences libres (sans droit d’auteur, donc non payants). Ces plans sont des œuvres originales de créateurs, qui n’ont pas souhaité en garder l’exclusivité et ont décidé d’en publier les plans et instructions de montage sous licence Créative Commons. Chacun peut donc télécharger gratuitement le dossier du meuble qui l’intéresse. Reste encore à fabriquer les différents éléments avant de pouvoir passer aux joies de l’assemblage. Et comme tout le monde n’est pas forcément équipé d’une table de fraisage à commande numérique ou d’une scie sauteuse, le site propose des solutions. S’approprier le processus de fabrication Partager gratuitement des créations

Home | ResourceFurniture Someone Invented Magic And It Is Freaking Us Out For more stories about ridiculous things, follow us on Facebook. - “I am so sick of my T-shirt getting wet whenever I pour a lot of liquid on it!” “I wish my iPhone 4 or 5 would not get so damaged every time I carefully place it at the bottom of a jug filled with water!” “My new white shoes have been stained by the chocolate sauce and mustard I squeezed on them earlier! What gives?!” “This cardboard box I chose to hold all of the water is just not doing a great job of it! These are all things you’re used to saying, but you will be saying them no longer! It is “a family of super hydrophobic coating that completely repels water and heavy oils,” and you can buy it online here for $20 a can. Couple questions left unanswered: A) What does it taste like? B) What does it feel like? C) How much cancer will it give me, and how quickly? D) What happens if you get it on your hands and then you want to wash it off your hands?

Handmade 2013 | Interiors Concrete Tupperware containers by Philippe Malouin and Tupperware Canadian designer, Philippe Malouin, has been experimenting with architectural materials for a long time. Working with Will Yates, a fellow designer at his studio, he has created a range of concrete Tupperware-moulded containers. Philippe Malouin After graduating from the Design Academy of Eindhoven, Malouin worked under the watchful eye of Tom Dixon. Tupperware Founded in 1948 by Earl Silas Tupper, the Tupperware brand is an international household name. Candlesticks by Lola Lely and Bronze Age Foundry Lola Lely’s candlesticks are handcrafted from bronze using the lost wax technique. Lola Lely Vietnamese-born, East London-based designer Lola Lely graduated in 2012 from the Royal College of Art, where she studied under Tord Boontje. Bronze Age Foundry Based on the Thames in Limehouse, Bronze Age is one of London′s largest fine art foundries. Photography: Victoria Ling

14 trucs de filles pour se simplifier la vie Être une fille, c’est bien compliqué. On doit être au top dans notre travail, savoir décoder le langage masculin, hésiter entre manger junkfood et rentrer dans son petit jean préféré… Bref, trop de choses à faire, en un laps de temps toujours plus réduit. Une aspirine s’il vous plaît. Heureusement, certaines filles ont livré leurs secrets d’efficacité girly (et de swag un peu aussi) et nous offrent 14 trucs de filles pour se simplifier la vie ! Un peu de vernis transparent à l’intérieur de vos bagues évite qu’elles ne s’oxydent. Passer doucement une pierre ponce sur vos vêtements retire les petites bouloches inesthétiques. Les crochets de rideaux de douche font de parfaits accroche-sacs dans votre penderie ! Du vin rouge sur votre jolie chemise blanche ? Rangez votre maquillage sur un tableau magnétique. Un jean coupe droite dans des bottes serrées ? Choisissez de préférence un vernis funky ! Qui aurait pensé un jour que le range-couverts d’IKEA pourrait avoir une seconde vie aussi cool ?

Esparteñas Eighty2 Top 10 Lies Taught To Us in School A school is a place that teaches knowledge, prepares children for their professional life and enables them to compete with the challenges they may face in future but sometimes, part of the information is not true. Here is a list of top 10 lies which are taught in the schools. 10. The Blue color of the Deoxygenated Blood The veins inside our wrist appear blue and we are taught in our schools that the color of impure blood in our veins is blue. The myth says that oxygen is not present in deoxygenated blood so it remains blue while the blood that passes from your heart contains oxygen and hence it is red. 9. 13 Original Colonies of America There are thirteen stripes in American flag which apparently represents America’s 13 original colonies in. 8. A strong myth about glass that says glass is actually a liquid which moves at a very low speed. Popular on the Web

ARTESANÍA ESPAÑOLA DE VANGUARDIA Nuestra colaboradora habitual de la revista, Tachy Mora, presenta esta semana el libro que ha publicado recientemente, “Artesanía Española de Vanguardia”. Una publicación con un enfoque innovador que desvela el lado más fresco de la artesanía española y su interacción con el mundo del diseño, mostrando cómo se han adaptado o reinventado determinadas áreas artesanas al contexto actual haciendo una fuerte apuesta por la estética contemporánea, el diseño y las tendencias. El volumen explica detalladamente hasta 22 casos de artesanos, diseñadores, proyectos de colaboración, grandes empresas o industrias artesanas. Arriba: Bany! Arriba: Bolso Ukelele de Peseta, versión realizada para Marc Jacobs. Arriba: Juego de café diseñado por el artista Antonio Murado en Sargadelos por encargo del New Museum de Nueva York. Arriba: Chal Garbell de Teixidors, hecho en lino 100%. Arriba: Colección de velas de autor de Cerabella en colaboración con Jordi Labanda. “Artesanía Española de Vanguardia.

16 Anti Theft Gadgets and Designs to Deter Thieves 16 Anti-Theft Gadgets and Designs to Deter Thieves We all own many different cool gadgets and items that are important to us either for the utility they provide or perhaps because of an intimate or personal reason. Whatever the reason is, we really hate it when someone comes and touches our personal belongings and worst yet…steals them. In order to avoid such mishaps and unfortunate events, we have gathered here a great collection of different Anti Theft Gadgets and Bizarre Designs that are meant to help individuals make their devices and belongings less attractive, appealing or desired to a normal bystander. Moreover, there are a few security gadgets and projects that may also interest the more techy of you, who may be looking for some new gizmos to own or security diy to built. The following aren’t guaranteed to deter thieves or work colleagues from getting at your gadgets but are meant as additional things to make them think a second time before getting at your personal stuff. 1. Source

About Us | Labella - Labella | Spanish shoes for men and women made in Spain | Espadrilles, Desert Boots, Sandals and more! Welcome to Labella, we are a Spanish shoe company based in California, USA. Our shoes are handmade in Spain and they are the results of a centuries-old tradition. They're quite fashionable as they have designed them to meet the demands of today’s fashion world. Labella started in early 2013, when Violeta immigrated to California after her husband took a job in Santa Barbara. Upon arriving to California and her new city, she instantly noticed the beach culture and her memories flooded of her time living in Granada, Spain. Violeta seriously thought about starting her own brand and style after she continued to receive positive comments from family, friends and more than a handful of strangers on the street regarding the shoes on her feet! Javi is our man on the inside and our logistical planner.

Tree Hugging Now Scientifically Validated - Uplift Die hard conservatives love to disparage liberals as tree huggers, but it has been recently scientifically validated that hugging trees is actually good for you. Research has shown that you don't even have to touch a tree to get better, you just need to be within its vicinity has a beneficial effect. In a recently published book, Blinded by Science, the author Matthew Silverstone, proves scientifically that trees do in fact improve many health issues such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), concentration levels, reaction times, depression and other forms of mental illness. He even points to research indicating a tree's ability to alleviate headaches in humans seeking relief by communing with trees. The author points to a number of studies that have shown that children show significant psychological and physiological improvement in terms of their health and well being when they interact with plants and trees. What you can do: Get off the web and go for a walk in nature!
