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The Twitterverse by Brian Solis and JESS3 - oneforty

The Twitterverse by Brian Solis and JESS3 - oneforty
A 2010 Edison research study showed that 42% of respondents hear about products and services through Twitter. In response to this dynamic businesses are increasingly using Twitter to engage with customers, reach the media directly, and further establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. You can even use Twitter for lead management or marketing automation. Listen to our free webinar with Laura Fitton, HubSpot's Inbound Marketing Evangelist, as she reveals the basics of Twitter and how you can use the channel for marketing and PR. Laura shares some established Twitter marketing processes, best practices, and examples of successful case studies. In this 50-minute webinar, you will learn: What is Twitter and why is it importantHow to use Twitter to monitor your brand and engage customers and prospects directlyHow to reach media and bloggers directly to get PR coverage for your businessHow to measure your performance on Twitter Webinar Details Speaker: Laura Fitton (pistachio)

Create a Mobile Website - Mobile Site Builder - Mobile Community - Mobile Publishing - Mobile Chat - Mobilize Your Blog - QR Code - Winksite one world. no borders.® Winksite® makes it easy for everyone to create and share a FREE mobile site and community. Founded 2001. Sign Up · Sign In What is my Twitter account worth? Interactive Infographic Visualizes Twitter Ecosystem An expansive ecosystem has developed around Twitter since its 2006 launch. Digital analyst Brian Solis and data visualization powerhouse JESS3 have once again teamed up to release an infographic entitled "The Twitterverse" to depict, and make sense of, the vast galaxy of applications and services orbiting Twitter.

Tiching Nurph. Chatting in Twitter? Get a Room. Over 380 Million Check-Ins: Foursquare's 2010 By the Numbers [Infographic] The location-based social network Foursquare had quite a 2010, growing by 3400%. And as the new year rolls over, the company has just registered its 6 millionth user. Foursquare has published an infographic representing a number of its achievements from what it describes as an "insane" year. It includes some strong figures for the company: 381,576,305 check-ins. These have come from every country in the world, including North Korea. Some people have questioned whether the notion of the "check in" will ever become mainstream, and certainly there can be a number of things that motivate us to do so - and could lure new users to location-based social networks. Click here to see the full-sized view.

Aplicación para elminar archivos duplicados Si es como yo, crea archivos duplicados para renombrarlos o usarlos en otro contexto, o simplemente hacer copias de respaldo en mayor número del que tenia intención. Los detectores de archivos duplicados ayudan en la ubicación y borrado de estos duplicados y retomar espacio de almacenamiento que ocuparon. Antes de pasar a los enlaces y las recomendaciones, vale la pena mencionar que este tipo de aplicaciones no son para usarlas con el síndrome del “siguiente, siguiente”. Puede haber archivos con el mismo nombre pero con tamaños distintos, como puede suceder si descarga las fotos de su cámara digital, por ejemplo, sin renombrar los archivos. La mejor recomendación es que no corra el programa apuntando a todo el disco de una sola vez. DuplicateCleaner es la recomendación preferida. Anti-Twin es un programa poderoso que trabaja bien y agrega la funcionalidad para busqueda de archivos unicode. CloneSpy no es el programa mas rápido de su clase sin embargo es el mas inteligente.

Twitter Unfollower Tracker :: Twitter App :: Who Unfollowed Me? Free to Join For users with up to 25k friends/followers, Who Unfollowed Me provides a limited functionality 'Lite' version. There is a paid 'Pro' version that has more features and can accommodate users with up to 75k friends/followers. Check Unfollowers Never go looking through your follower list trying to figure out who unfollowed you again. With a few clicks you can see who unfollowed you and easily return the favor. Not Following Back Knowing who you follow that doesn't follow you back is an easy way to clear our an overloaded following list. Pro User Upgrades Following, Unfollowing & Force Unfollowing users from the site makes the Pro Upgrade immediately worth the $8.99 A YEAR. No Emails or Direct Messages Checking unfollowers isn't something you want to wait for. No Spam... ever You won't ever see an automatic auto-generated spam tweet on your timeline.

A Look Back at the Last 5 Years in Social Media In honor of Mashable's five-year anniversary, this series is supported by IDG. Customers are talking about your brand and products — find out what they are saying with IDG Social Scout. Five years ago, YouTube was just getting started, MySpace was the most popular website in the U.S., and Facebook was still limited to college and high school students. Fast forward to today and the sites we use and the way we use them have shifted dramatically. How did we get to this point? The News Feed Brings It All Together In late 2006, Facebook introduced the news feed – a controversial concept at the time (incidentally, there are many parallels between it and Facebook’s most recent privacy issues) that has since become perhaps the most important and oft-imitated feature in social networking. It’s hard to remember life before the news feed, but it consisted mostly of visiting your friend’s profiles, making wall comments and perhaps maintaining a photo gallery. Social Networks Spread Their Wings

Los ERRORES que me costaron un MacBook Pro Esta historia parecía destinada a no salir de mis borradores, ya que aun guardaba esperanzas de recuperar mis cosas, pero al revisar las charlas de la DEFCON18 encontré una que me motivó a terminar este borrador, la charla se titula “Pwned By The Owner: What Happens When You Steal A Hacker’s Computer” y básicamente lo que les cuenta ZOZ, es muy similar a lo que me sucedió a mí, solo que en mi caso no hay final feliz… Todo sucedió el primero de septiembre de 2010, a unos cuantos días de mi viaje para presentar el reto forense de la EKO Party; En la cafetería de mi universidad y gracias a un descuido mío de unos pocos minutos, logré extraviar un maletín que contenía entre otras cosas mi portátil MacBook PRO, mi disco duro Western Digital de 1TB y varios libros técnicos. Estos son los errores que me costaron un MacBook Pro: Consejos para evitar el robo de tus cosas Corrigiendo los errores de configuración “anti robos” en mi sistema Si te ha gustado el post, compartelo y ayudanos a crecer. Tweet

Tutorial for Twitter 101 (count ‘em) 101 Twitter Tips from Authopublisher. Passive Guy has to admit it took him a while to warm up to Twitter, but he’s a big fan now. Each post that appears on this blog also goes out as a Tweet. For your information, about 25% of the new visitors to The Passive Voice come via Twitter links and PG is closing in on 2,000 followers. Excerpts: Twitter Tip #3: ReadabilityMake sure you proofread every tweet you make. Link to the rest at Authopublisher Self-Publicity, Social Media
