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Axel Aubert webdesign Paris

Axel Aubert webdesign Paris

22 portfolios de webdesigners, graphistes et créatifs L’heure est venue de faire le point sur les grandes tendances en matière de portfolios en ligne. Flat design, responsive, animations, illustrations, photos, quels sont les univers et les technologies utilisées par les créatifs ? Souvenez-vous, la dernière sélection de portfolios sur le blog date d’avril. Il est temps de voir comment les choses ont évoluées et prendre la température créative des webdesigns. En sélectionnant ces portfolios, j’ai réellement pu voir à quels point certains sites représentent à eux seuls, un condensé des tendances. Niveau technologie, les créatifs font la part belle au HTML5, au CSS3 et aux librairies Javascript, en utilisant des fonctionnalités toujours plus performantes. Globalement, chacun pose, voir impose son style, pour créer un design unique et reconnaissable au premier coup d’oeil. Jetez un œil à cette sélection, donnez votre avis en commentaire et surtout n’hésitez pas à poster vos trouvailles de qualité ! Adam Hartwig Lazyheart Axel Aubert Design Embraced

Collection HairCut & Beard by Guillaume Fort pour l'homme 40 brilliant design portfolios to inspire you | Portfolios The internet is full of thousands and thousands of awe-inspiring creative resumes and design portfolios. To stand out in this tough market, it's important to make your online portfolio as impressive as you can. It's not just the examples of work that need to blow away your potential clients (although they do help) it's the way they're presented. You don't have to be a superstar creative director or web designer; a touch of creativity and innovative thinking will get you a long way. And there are plenty of free online tools, such as Behance, to help you build a portfolio without any coding knowledge. So, check out these inspiring examples of online design portfolios, both for individual designers and design agencies – to help you angle your own in just the right way… 01. Daniel Spatzek is freelance graphic designer and art director from Austria, and his site does a brilliant job of showing off both his design and web skills. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

30+ Best Full Screen WordPress Themes 2014 Elevate A full screen theme built for modern devices. Demo | Purchase PhotoArtist If you are a photographer looking to showcase your work in style then let us present you your soon to be portfolio website. Demo | Purchase Fullscreen Minimal design + responsive layout + fullscreen gallery = Fullscreen theme. Demo | Purchase Full Frame Full Frame is a post-format-loving WordPress theme perfect for showcasing big images, galleries and videos. Demo | Purchase Gleam Gleam was built to dazzle. Demo | Purchase Photogra Photogra is perfect for photographers, agencies or any kind of business with a portfolio of work to showcase. Demo | Purchase Keres Keres is a photography theme with a responsive design, 10 gallery templates, skin manager, fullscreen video background, fullscreen contact map, music support, image comments support, password protected gallery, and more. Demo | Purchase Rockford A fancy and versatile theme for photographers and artists. Demo | Purchase Serendipity Demo | Purchase SmartScreen Astro Depth

Brest Arena | Entrez en vibrations 40+ Most Creative 2013 Calendar Design In countinue to last year post 80+ Most Creative 2012 Calendar Design we bring you the 2013 version. 1. Cute Star Wars by Loopz (Etsy) 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 44. 45. 46. 47. More creative calendars can be found at last year post: If you like this post please share. Momentum & Bentley - Inspiring the customization journey - Your Majesty Co. For Bentley’s first-ever pop-up shop, Momentum concepted and created a showroom experience which featured an interactive installation that responds to the choices made by potential buyers. Each guest of the Bentley Studio was presented with a choice of three RFID key card designs to unlock their unique experience. Using registration and RSVP details to personalize the experience, a visit to any mood station presents a series of inspirational imagery where the guest can select their preferences. Individual selections culminate in a Visionary Experience which is comprised of a large central screening area with custom seating, leap motion controls and an immersive sound environment. The RFID card activates an on screen finalé which circulates the collection of emotive lifestyle visuals selected at the mood stations. The installation is expected to rollout to numerous Bentley events throughout 2014. Press What It’s Like To Buy A $200K Bentley In 2014 - Margaret Rhodes, Fast Company Co.Design

45 top examples of letterpress business cards | Print design Known for producing a clean and elegant style, the letterpress technique is favoured by many designers for creating unique and creative business cards. Here we've picked 45 brilliant examples of letterpress business cards to inspire your designs. Letterpress printing has been around for hundreds of years and yet remains one of the hottest trends in stationery. Letterpress business cards still have the ability to turn heads. The ancient technique involves a surface with raised letters or artwork inked and then pressed into thick, soft paper, adding an exciting, tactile quality to the design. 01. Combining craft and precision to produce a beautiful aesthetic, these new cards from Singapore based agency Oddds are about as beautiful as they come. "The identity broadens with usage of letterpress accompanied by glamour with modernism," they explain. 02. 03. Creating business cards for her printing company has been a learning experience for Kate Huat. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Pollen - Mitsubishi - Australian automotive's first ever responsive website Australians love to drive. They also love Mitsubishis. So we were challenged to embrace this love and create an innovative brand experience that reflects their awesome range of vehicles, while making it easy for any fast turnaround promotions. We love a challenge. We thought, Mitsubishi puts their drivers first, so we should do the same with the website. So, we created the Australian automotive industry’s first ever responsive website. From the information architecture, to the user experience (and aerodynamic design), the driver has an unsurpassed digital experience never seen before.

Top 48 des publicités sur sacs les plus originales et créatives La consommation à son maximum, c'est de faire du shopping avec des sacs sponsorisés. Mais attention, avec ces sacs publicitaires originaux, vous pourriez produire l'effet inverse et générer quelques sourires autour de vous ! (MAJ Juillet 2013) Source photo : Creative Guerrilla Marketing Alors, vous trouvez ça "sac-rément" bien, non ? Sources :, et Creative Guerrilla Marketing
