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Aliens ,UFO, MARS, Pole Shift, ASCENSION, HAARP, 2012, CERN - Conspiracy Theories, UFOs, Paranormal, Political Madness, and other "Alternative Topics" - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning Russian scientist: "Consciousness directly influences our world" Russian Scientist Unlocking the Mysteries of the Human Aura A Russian scientist is trying to convin... Russian Scientist Unlocking the Mysteries of the Human AuraA Russian scientist is trying to convince people they can change the world simply by using their own energy. He claims that thinking in a certain way can have a positive or negative effect on the surrounding environment. 'We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world,' said Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a professor of physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University. To bridge our understanding of the unseen world of energy, scientific experiments are being carried out using a technique called bioelectrophotography. The assumption is that we are constantly emitting energy. 'It looks like an aura – but I don't like this word because it has some metaphysical meaning – I prefer the word 'energy field,' Korotkov told RT.

Bloodlines of the Illuminati of the people and families who are the movers and shakers of the entire world. Years of extensive research and investigation have gone into this massively documented work which is rich in detail. Includes photos, illustrations, charts, and membership lists to the most elite secret societies in the world. Author Fritz Springmeier discloses mind-boggling facts and never before revealed truths about the top Illuminati dynasties. Many Of You Will Not Believe Some Of The Things Americans Are Doing Just To Survive The Economic Collapse Thursday, February 16, 2012 You might not want to read this article if you have a weak stomach. Most Americans have absolutely no idea what is going on in the dark corners of America, and when people find out the truth it can come as quite a shock. Many of you will not believe some of the things Americans are doing just to survive. The following is a half hour documentary produced by the BBC entitled “Poor America”. Wasn’t that video absolutely mind blowing? Those of us that still live comfortably are often completely unaware of what life is like out on the streets of America at this point. There are millions upon millions of Americans that have lost all hope and that are living on the very edge of life and death. And more join the ranks of the hopeless with each passing day. So what are those people going to do after that? They have already been unable to find work month after month. Just look at how much it costs to buy the basic things that we need. Print this page.

Planet X and 2012: The Pole Shift (Magnetic) Explained and Debunked « Exposing PseudoAstronomy Introduction Continuing my series on Planet X and 2012, one of the main claims of what will actually happen is termed a “Pole Shift.” Sounds scary, huh? The Earth’s pole(s) … shifting!? But what does it actually mean? All posts in this series: Earth’s Magnetic Field Most people have either seen in-person or in video a crane in a junkyard that, instead of a hook at one end, has a large metal plate. Induced magnetic fields are created by electricity moving in circles. Earth’s magnetic field is called a “magnetic dynamo” because it is produced by liquid metals moving around in Earth’s core. Earth’s magnetic field is in the form of a “dipole,” meaning that it has a “North” and “South,” or “positive” and “negative” side to it, much like a bar magnet. Polar Wander In 2001, Earth’s north magnetic pole was at coordinates 81.3° N by 110.8° W. But, how could that happen? In a word: No. Earth’s magnetic poles appear to wander throughout time, and not just due to the continents drifting. Good question.

The Federal Reserve Bunk Article I, Section 8, Clause 5, of the United States Constitution provides that Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof and of any foreign coins. But that is not the case. The United States government has no power to issue money, control the flow of money, or to even distribute it - that belongs to a private corporation registered in the State of Delaware - the Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve System was established by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. With the advent of the Federal Reserve a new currency was issued - Federal Reserve notes, which at the time were based on the gold standard. The monetary policy of the United States is the domain of the Federal Resene Bank and not the government. The Commission was to consist of seven commissioners appointed by the President with approval of the U.S. The bill would have allowed the nation to pay off its national debt and stay out of debt. Representative Charles A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
