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10 Most Useful Photography Cheat Sheets

10 Most Useful Photography Cheat Sheets
Photography for beginners can be overwhelming because it’s complicated and so many things involved in techniques in photography. In order to a perfect shot you have to know about photo editing software packed with so many features. WE have collected today 10 Most Useful Photography Cheat Sheets, Which should helpful and inspire beginners to jump into photography world. Free Cheat Sheet: what your camera captures at every lens’ focal length The professional photographer’s camera bag: a portrait pro’s most trusted kit 107 Ways to Make More Money from Photography Take Better Photos in Low Light [Infographic] Pixtus Photography Cheat Sheet Manual Mode Photography Cheat Sheet Digital SLR Cameras & Photography Cheat Sheet Canon EOS Rebel T1i/500D Cheat Sheet What is color temperature: free photography cheat sheet Free portrait lighting cheat sheet Related Posts:

Infographic Gives You Nine Ways to Grow Your Photography Business in 2014 If 2014 is finally the year you plan to turn your love of photography into a business and see if you can quit your day job to do something you enjoy, then PhotoShelter is here to help. In the infographic below, they provide you with nine very useful tips that will help you begin to look at photography from the business side of things. The infographic is actually part of a new 2014 Photo Business Plan Workbook that PhotoShelter is giving away for free to those people willing to dole out their email address information. But if the PDF guide is the full article, you can consider the infographic a TL;DR of sorts. Here it is (click here for a high res version, or click on the image to get PhotoShelter’s full 2014 Business Plan Workbook): Some of the tips seem very straight forward, but each of the 9 steps is crucial if you want to build a successful photography business.

How to Use a Circular Polarizer (CPL) Why do I need a circular polarizer? As you progress further into photography you might have gotten to a point where you're looking into how filters can improve your images. There are many different filters that can solve different problems. There are Neutral Density (ND) filters that can be employed to slow down your shutter speed. Maybe it’s a bright day and you want some motion blur on a waterfall, you could either use a ND filter or you could just forget the filter and shoot when the light is good. There are Graduated Neutral Density (GND) filters which go from clear on one side of the filter and graduate to a ND. What does a CPL do? The first thing people discover they can do with their CPL is darken the sky to create more impact and make the clouds more dramatic. The next thing people learn they can do is eliminate reflections on water. What you didn’t know a CPL can do Now, lets talk about something most articles don’t teach you about CPLs. What kind of CPL do I use?

Tutorial: Basic Studio Lighting In the studio you have basic lights, which you may use to create a professional portrait. Basic studio setup As you see, here are five light sources. (M) Main - This type is your main source of light, it is most powerful light in the whole set. I cover the lights and their purposes in more details on page " Portrait Lights" ~ Top ~ Using an Umbrella A photographic umbrella is very useful tool for creation a soft, broad and pleasing light. Umbrella as main light Here the umbrella is used as the only front light source, you may even remove the rest of lights. Umbrella and Reflector Board You may upgrade the previous setup with a reflector board to soften the shadows as shown below: Umbrella as main and reflector to fill-in Moving the reflector board to and from the subject will change the power of the reflected fill-in light falling on the subject. Umbrella as Fill-in Light You may prefer to broaden the fill-in light and use the umbrella for it. Umbrella as fill-in

22 Things You Can Do Today to Change Your Photography Forever Would you pin this on Pinterest? Photographers these days spend so much time on the Internet learning good things about photography that they never make the time to do the things that would be really great for their photography. I’ve compiled a list of 21 things in this article that you can do today that would completely change your photography forever. If you like these tips, I hope you’ll consider learning photography with me in one of my 6 online photography classes. Action #1: Learn every function your camera is capable of performing (2 hours) You know what I mean… not just aperture, shutter speed, and focus. Action #2: Prepare your work for exhibition (Several hours) This is probably the most difficult action suggested on this page. The first time I sold a photo was life-changing for me. Action #3: Enter a photography contest (25 minutes) Photography contests can be a great way to learn digital photography. Photographers are often shocked by the result of this exercise.

Fotografia, wideo i testy sprzętu - Canon, Nikon. Szkolenia fotograficzne, kursy i warsztaty Bence Bakonyi's Dignity Series Bence Bakonyi’s Dignity Series By Josh Walker / 10 Jan 2013 @ 8:38 am for more from Bence Bakonyi, see the project and others on Behance Written by Guest Blogger Josh Walker TAGS: bence bakonyi, black and white photography, dignity, PHOTOGRAPHY Pingback: Erhaben | vitreousvictoria Photographer Bence Bakonyi’s Dignity Series is a collection of both impressive and striking imagery. Josh Walker Josh Walker - who posted 32 articles on Trendland. Contact the author Bence Bakonyi’s Dignity Series 35 Surreal Examples of Multiplicity Photography May 27 2010 Multiplicity is a photography technique in which the same person is photographed from different angles and directions and then the bunch of photographs are digitally re-mastered in Photoshop showing clones of the person doing different things all in one photo. Today we present 35 Surreal Examples of Multiplicity Photography to inspire you. Photography and Photoshop go hand in hand. Multiplicity Photography is the real test of your patience as you may have to work for hours to get the right shots mainly because of different angles, props and clothes used in pre-production. And finally when you have the images, you have to work on different techniques (blending, layering, curving etc) in Photoshop to paste all the images in one single photo. Surreal Examples of Multiplicity Photography what you don’t know can indeed hurt you Wet Willy Multiplicity Multiplicity, falling Creepy Multiplicity uh.. thats MY glass, silly.. Multiplicity – Guest Room Macbook B-Boy multiplicity The Unconscious

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Night Photography Tips and James Bond If you’re thinking about taking photos at night the ‘usual’ way – deleting 75% of your photos because of camera blur or excessive darkness… Alas, after several hours slaving in Adobe Illustrator (I’m no graphic designer, I’m a photographer, dang it!) here is your friendly Night Photography Tips Infographic! Oh yeah…and if this helps you in any sort of way, feel free to share it to someone else it could help. <div align="center"><a href=" title="Night Photography Tips Infographic"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-490" title="night-photography-tips" alt="" src=" width="550" height="1800" /></a><br />Provided by <a href=" Techniques</a></div><p> About Simon Takk Simon Takk is the creator of Photo Techniques and author of The Blueprint: Photo Techniques From A-Z , a complete course on photography.

The Art of the Headshot: How to Shoot Perfect Portraits Portrait photographer Peter Hurley gave this talk at the recent Google+ Photography Conference in SF. His training on headshots have made quite a splash in the photo world in the past year, and this free hour-long lecture is a great way to glean some tips for your work. (via Fstoppers) Tags: conference, google, headshots, lecture, peterhurley, portraits, portraiture, talk, Tips, training
