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JSP Tutorials,EJB Tutorial,JDBC Tutorials,Free Java Servlets Tutorials, WAP Tutorials, Spring Framework Tutorials, J2EE Tutorials, BioInformatics Tutorials, Java Server Faces Tutorials, Jboss Tutorials, Hibernate Tutorials, XML and MySQL Tutorials Java Tutorial Blog Motherboard Chipsets and the Memory Map - Serie cap 1 I’m going to write a few posts about computer internals with the goal of explaining how modern kernels work. I hope to make them useful to enthusiasts and programmers who are interested in this stuff but don’t have experience with it. The focus is on Linux, Windows, and Intel processors. Internals are a hobby for me, I have written a fair bit of kernel-mode code but haven’t done so in a while. This first post describes the layout of modern Intel-based motherboards, how the CPU accesses memory and the system memory map. To start off let’s take a look at how an Intel computer is wired up nowadays. \ Diagram for modern motherboard. As you look at this, the crucial thing to keep in mind is that the CPU doesn’t really know anything about what it’s connected to. In a motherboard the CPU’s gateway to the world is the front-side bus connecting it to the northbridge. Now comes the rub. When the northbridge receives a physical memory request it decides where to route it: should it go to RAM?

Spring Framework Introduction The Spring Framework provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model for modern Java-based enterprise applications - on any kind of deployment platform. A key element of Spring is infrastructural support at the application level: Spring focuses on the "plumbing" of enterprise applications so that teams can focus on application-level business logic, without unnecessary ties to specific deployment environments. Features Dependency InjectionAspect-Oriented Programming including Spring's declarative transaction managementSpring MVC web application and RESTful web service frameworkFoundational support for JDBC, JPA, JMSMuch more... Quick Start Spring Framework includes a number of different modules, here we are showing spring-context which provides core functionality. Once you've set up your build with the spring-context dependency, you'll be able to do the following: hello/ package hello; public interface MessageService { String getMessage();}

How Computers Boot Up - Serie cap 2 The previous post described [motherboards and the memory map] memory-map in Intel computers to set the scene for the initial phases of boot. Booting is an involved, hacky, multi-stage affair - fun stuff. Here’s an outline of the process: Things start rolling when you press the power button on the computer (no! If all is well the CPU starts running. Most registers in the CPU have well-defined values after power up, including the instruction pointer (EIP) which holds the memory address for the instruction being executed by the CPU. The motherboard ensures that the instruction at the reset vector is a jump to the memory location mapped to the BIOS entry point. The CPU then starts executing BIOS code, which initializes some of the hardware in the machine. After the POST the BIOS wants to boot up an operating system, which must be found somewhere: hard drives, CD-ROM drives, floppy disks, etc. The BIOS now reads the first 512-byte sector (sector zero) of the hard disk. 185 Comments | Software Society Offline": What does it mean and why should I care? Introduction: The Meaning of "Offline" "Web" and "online" are two closely associated terms, downright synonymous to many people. So why on earth would we talk about "offline" web technologies, and what does the term even mean? At one level, we can talk about completely offline web apps, those unusual creatures that run inside a browser, but never see the light of the internet. Typically, they will run on a URI, pointing to a hard drive, USB key, or DVD (if you remember those). However, it gets more nuanced than "always-offline". There are also online-offline applications which intentionally keep certain information locally. Online-offline applications comes at the cost of increased complexity, and you ought to consider whether offline support is justified. Even assuming internet utopia, where everything is always online, offline technologies still server a purpose. As well as quick startup, offline can be used in a transient way too. Application Cache and Offline Storage Cookies

Maven Getting Started Guide What is Maven? At first glance Maven can appear to be many things, but in a nutshell Maven is an attempt to apply patterns to a project's build infrastructure in order to promote comprehension and productivity by providing a clear path in the use of best practices. Maven is essentially a project management and comprehension tool and as such provides a way to help with managing: BuildsDocumentationReportingDependenciesSCMsReleasesDistribution If you want more background information on Maven you can check out The Philosophy of Maven and The History of Maven. Now let's move on to how you, the user, can benefit from using Maven. How can Maven benefit my development process? Maven can provide benefits for your build process by employing standard conventions and practices to accelerate your development cycle while at the same time helping you achieve a higher rate of success. How do I setup Maven? How do I make my first Maven project? On to creating your first project! And the default excludes are:

HTML5 Video Introduction In modern browsers, adding a video to your page is as easy as adding an image. No longer do you need to deal with special plug-ins or require crazy markup, you can do it with a single element. The Markup Let's jump in with a really simple example: That's all you need to embed a simple video on your page and show the basic controls so that a user can play, pause or otherwise control the video. Specifying Sources You can specify multiple source files by using the <source> element. When the browser parses the <source> tag, it uses the optional type attribute to help decide which file to download and play. It's also a good idea to make sure that your videos are being served with the right MIME type. Media Fragments Adding a media fragment to the media URL, you can specify the exact portion you want to play. You can also specify the times in hours:minutes:seconds, such as #t=00:01:05 to start the video at one minute, five seconds in. Providing captions and subtitles Attributes Styling

java - How to open jar file using open JDK? Exponenciación binaria La exponenciación binaria es un algoritmo utilizado para calcular de forma rápida grandes potencias enteras de un número dado. También es conocido como potenciación por cuadrados o elevar al cuadrado y multiplicar. Versión recurrente[editar] Fundamentos[editar] El algoritmo está basado en las siguientes tres propiedades de la potencia: Usando y en la ecuación (2) se sigue que . en la ecuación (3) se obtiene que Algoritmo[editar] El siguiente algoritmo recursivo calcula para un natural dado: Comparado con el método original de multiplicar por sí mismo veces, este algoritmo sólo utiliza O(log n) multiplicaciones y acelera el cálculo de tremendamente; más o menos de la misma forma que el algoritmo de la multiplicación acelera una multiplicación sobre el método más lento de realizar una suma repetida. Aplicaciones[editar] La idea puede ser usada también para computar potencias de números enteros en un semigrupo, usando la regla Potencia(x, -n) = (Potencia(x, n))-1. Por ejemplo, la evaluación de x13 = x1101bin

Installer Java 7 sur Ubuntu Java 7 ne sera pas disponible dans les dépôts d'Ubuntu et de Debian. La faute à Oracle qui après avoir racheté Sun (et donc Java), a tout simplement donné fin à la licence DLJ qui permettait aux distribs Linux d'intégrer les produits Sun (Donc Java), à leurs packages. Du coup, la seule version disponible dans les dépôts sera bientôt uniquement OpenJDK 7. Voici donc un petit tuto qui vous expliquera comme installer Java 7 sous Ubuntu (et Debian). Tout d'abord, téléchargez la version de java qui correspond à votre OS. Ouvrez un terminal, et placez vous dans le répertoire où cette archive a été téléchargée et décompressez là : tar -xvf jdk-7-linux-i586.tar.gz Ensuite, on va par précaution vérifier que vous avez bien le répertoire qu'il faut pour la jvm : sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm/ et on va déplacer tout ce petit monde dans ce répertoire : sudo mv jdk1.7.0/ /usr/lib/jvm/ On va ensuite installer un petit script qui permet de faire la mise à jour au niveau du système. Et voilà !!! [Source]
