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Rubrics for Teachers - Assessment

Rubrics for Teachers - Assessment
A collection of rubrics for assessing portfolios, group work/cooperative learning, concept map, research process/ report, PowerPoint, oral presentation, web page, blog, wiki, and other social media projects. Quick Links to Rubrics Social Media Project Rubrics Wiki RubricCriteria for assessing individual and group Wiki contributions. Blog RubricAssess individual blog entries, including comments on peers' blogs. Twitter RubricAssess learning during social networking instructional assignments. Discussion, Teamwork, and Group Work Rubrics Online Discussion Board RubricAssessing ability to share perspectives, refine thoughts through the writing process, and participate in meaningful discussionPrimary Grade Self-Evaluation Teamwork Rubric (PDF)Features of a sandwich to graphically show the criteria Upper Elementary Teamwork RubricKaren Franker's rubric includes six defined criteria for assessing team and individual responsibility PowerPoint and Podcast Rubrics ePortfolio and Web Page Rubrics Related:  grazialocascio

Information and Communications Technology Performance Standards - Rubrics, Task, Student Work Overview The Information and Communications Technology Integration Performance Standards, Grades 5 to 10 (ICTI), are intended to support teachers and students as they use technology to enhance learning across the curriculum. Aspects The ICTI Performance Standards focus on four aspects of how students use information and communications technology to gather, organize, and present information and to analyse and interpret information. Rating Scales Full and short-form versions of the performance standards, with the four performance levels described in detail Tasks The tasks were developed by practising teachers to provide: Teachers may use the tasks as given or as models. Student Samples Some of the tasks are provided with samples of student work.

3 Awesome Chromebook Tools to Annotate Web Content November 22, 2015 Here are some good Chrome extensions to use on your Chromebook to annotate webpages. You can use them to highlight portion of a web text, add your comments and tags, share annotated pages with others via social media websites or through generated links, organize your notes by tags and many more. And for those of you using Evernote, we have added Evernote Web Clipper which is a Chrome add-on to help you save things you come across online right to your Evernote account. 1- Diigo Web Collector This is by far our favourite in this list. 2- Note Anywhere Note Anywhere is a great note taking tool to use on your browser. This is definitely a wonderful Chrome extension to use for curating and annotating web content.

Authentic Assessment and Rubrics Here you will find a hand selected index of authentic assessment resources. Includes information about performance assessment, rubrics, negotiable contracting, electronic portfolios, and web-based tools for creating your own assessments. Examples of RubricsIncludes rubrics for cooperative learning, research reports, eportfolios, PowerPoint/oral presentations, multimedia, video, and web projects The Case for Authentic AssessmentGrant Wiggins describes the need for authentic assessment. Why Use Rubrics? Recommendations for Developing Instructional Rubrics (pdf)Suggestions to assist when developing and implementing alternative assessment activities. Formative Assessment That Truly Informs Instruction (pdf)How do I grade? Developing Performance Assessment TasksCharacteristics of effective performance assessment tasks Creating Meaningful Performance AssessmentsFour issues performance assessments must address to meet high standards for reliability and validity.

Keep eLearning Real: 4 Basic Story Types to Link Learning to the Real-World Everybody loves a good story, even your (seemingly) staid and somber corporate learners. That's because, a child lurks inside all of us; he loves to peek into other people's lives and go with them on their journeys. Unconsciously, he tries to identify himself with the good guy in the story—the one who overcomes all challenges, bashes the baddies, and emerges as the hero in the end. Stories are captivating. The actions of the protagonist, who we can relate to, inspire us to think or act similarly. There are four basic type of stories. 1) Case-Based Instruction Try advising someone on the ill effects of eating out every other night, and he will turn a deaf ear. We are social creatures. But developing case-based instruction is not just about dumping the facts and hoping the learners will take the cues. Find out cases from real life and enhance their credibility by using photographs, testimonials, and videos, if any. 2) Narrative-Based Instruction Think of the movies you watch. Here you go!

I Migliori Strumenti Digitali Didattici Presenti Gratuitamente in Rete Oggi per rendere l’insegnamento/apprendimento più motivante ed efficace, dal punto di vista metodologico, occorre integrare la didattica con la tecnologia e gli strumenti digitali didattici, prendendo spunto da varie opportunità offerte dalla Rete. Ogni insegnante sa bene che la lezione frontale (nella sua forma tradizionale) può essere una cosa meravigliosa ma anche noiosissima per gli studenti. La lezione tradizionale, nel periodo storico in cui viviamo, non soddisfa le esigenze di coloro che chiamiamo “nativi digitali”, che di digitale hanno, appunto, solo la nomea di essere nati in un contesto sociale, dove si è legati all’utilizzo del tecnologico in tutti i settori del vivere quotidiano. Oggi i ragazzi si ritrovano ad essere vittime del sistema, incapaci di gestire la quantità di informazioni digitali infinite, passando dall’uso ad un abuso non consapevole. Leggi anche: LE MIGLIORI APP PER GLI INSEGNANTI RACCOLTE IN UNA MAPPA Autore articolo Maria Rita Seminerio

Results on ReadWriteThink Find content from Thinkfinity Partners using a visual bookmarking and sharing tool. More Your students can save their work with Student Interactives. More Home › Results from ReadWriteThink 1-10 of 499 Results from ReadWriteThink Sort by: Classroom Resources | Grades 3 – 12 | Printout | Assessment Tool Readers Theatre Rubric This rubric is designed to be used for any Readers Theatre performance. page | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Today’s Education Should Be About Giving Learners Voice and Choice Some of the recurring themes of my conference presentations and blog posts include: The underlying theme of all of my ideas, of all of my blog posts is about setting up the conditions where learners’ choice and voice flourish. I have come to believe that the only real education is one that fully embraces learner choice and voice. All instructional practices in this era of learning should revolve around learner choice and voice: Education works when people have opportunities to find and develop unaccessed or unknown voices and skills. Audre Lorde poignantly describes this “transformation of silence into language and action [as] an act of self-revelation.” Internet accessibility, technologies that permit the user-generated media, and social media allow for unlimited potential for learner choice and voice. Learner Choice can be facilitated through: Learner Voice can be facilitated by: As John Dewey notes (as is often the case, he says it best): Like this: Like Loading...

Surplus cognitivo da uso di dispositivi tecnologici Solitamente si comincia al mattino appena svegli con un controllo veloce dello snartphone per verificare l’arrivo di eventuali messaggi SMS, WhatsApp o email. L’occhio offuscato è sufficiente a scorrere le icone colorate del display e a determinare quanto urgente possa essere fornire una rapida risposta o, al contrario, soprassedere. Facile immaginare che tutti i messaggi riceveranno una risposta, un modo per facilitare il risveglio di amici e conoscenti e l’esercizio mattutino dei loro occhi, anch’essi sicuramente offuscati. Probabilmente al mattino non si clicca su link o URL ricevuti ma, se lo si fa, la navigazione comincia rubandosi il tempo e il piacere della colazione. POV Headband workshop, performance, 2015 La casella di posta elettronica non serve solo a comunicare e a interagire per lavoro o per piacere. Terminata la giornata di lavoro e dopo cena tutti i dispositivi tecnologici diventano strumenti ideali per divertimenti e intrattenimenti vari.

Rubrics and Rubric Makers As we all know grading is the most necessary procedures of our career. It might just be me, but grading is the bane of my existence. Do you feel the same way? When you grade large works of any kind it is very difficult for even the most competent people to remain 100% objective. Not only do rubrics lead to better equality in assessment, but it gives you standard that will help you understand exactly what you are looking for in the quality of work. Rubrics are essential to grading student assignments effectively. Rubrics make grading quicker, clearer, and more objective. Rubrics By Category General | Language Arts | Math | Process | Science | Social Studies Rubric Maker Tools All Rubric Makers- Make completely customizable rubrics, and print or edit them at a later date. Learn All About Rubrics

Social FaceBook La FanPage del portale. Vai al link Concorso a cattedra, gruppo di studio. TFA sostegno, gruppo di studio. TFA gruppo di studio. La FanPage di Diventare Insegnanti. La FanPage del nostro servizio di consulenza. La Fan Page dell'area dedicata alla didattica. Twitter Il nostro canale Twitter. YouTube Il nostro canale YouTube. Telegram Tutte le news di orizzontescuola in tempo rale sul canale Telegram. Anno di prova 2016, tutte le news in tempo reale sul nostro canale Telegram. Mobilità 2016, tutte le news in tempo reale sul nostro canale Telegram. Concorso scuola docenti, tieniti aggiornato in tempo reale sul nostro canale Telegram. Forum Il forum di OrizzonteScuola. All'interno troverai:

Franca Da Re – Dirigente Tecnico MIUR – USR Veneto Psicologa Prova Invalsi di matematica 2015 - classe terza ottimo insegnante ottimo lavoro complimenti Un sito chiaro che spiega la matematica come si farebbe ai bambini (la semplicità è sempre efficace per fare apprendere concetti che sembrano astratti anche agli adulti). Il m.c.m. spiegato in quel modo è di una semplicità sconcertante e di immediata comprensione. BRAVI!!! Non sono una docente di matematica, insegno sostegno nella s.sec.di 1° e questo sito è "oro" per chi fa il nostro lavoro. Una presentazione chiara ed efficace che può aiutare alunni e docenti. Sono un alunno delle medie e vengo spesso a visitare questo sito per ripassare ed esercitarmi.Luigi Blog ad uso non solo degli studenti con spegazioni chiare ed efficaci ma anche per i docenti con tanti utilissimi spunti. Ottimo sito aiuta molto gli studenti.Luigi Siete un valido aiuto per i genitori che aiutano i figli e, purtroppo devono sostituire la spiegazione inesistente di qualche insegnante di matematica svogliato. Utile e chiaro. Ottimo e utilissimo sito.
