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Mooctivity | MOOC Search Engine and Social Network The Programming Historian Omeka is a free content management system that makes it easy to create websites that show off collections of items. As you will learn below, there are actually two versions of Omeka: Omeka.netand In this lesson you willl be using the former. Omeka is an ideal solution for historians who want to display collections of documents, archivists who want to organize artifacts into categories, and teachers who want students to learn about the choices involved in assembling historical collections. When might be the right choice for your website? You have a set of items you want to display on the web. When might not be the right choice for your website? You want a simple website. An Omeka vocabulary lesson Item: The basic unit of an Omeka site. Collection: A set of items that you have grouped together. Exhibit: A thematic tour of your items. Dublin Core: Dublin Core is the name for a kind of metadata. versus There are two kinds of Omeka sites.

Position - HRK HRK-Positionspapier zu MOOCs im Kontext der digitalen Lehre Beschluss des 127. HRK-Senats am 24.6.2014 Die HRK befürwortet eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Möglichkeiten einer Weiterentwicklung der digitalen Lehrformate. i. iii. iv. v. Dieses HRK-Positionspapier ergänzt die Veröffentlichung „Potentiale und Probleme von MOOCs im Kontext der digitalen Lehre“, die einen Überblick über den derzeitigen Stand sowie mögliche Anwendungen und Anwendungsszenarien Kurzversion des Readers "Potenziale und Probleme von MOOCs" Vollständiger Reader: Potentiale und Probleme von MOOCs - eine Einordnung im Kontext der digitalen Lehre zurück zur Übersicht

Free Online College Courses | Virtual Professors MITx MOOC helps a farmer develop an autonomous tractor app Like most business owners, farmers are always seeking an edge to improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability. For grain producer Matt Reimer, the search for that edge drove him to MITx on edX — the massive open online courses (MOOCs) offered by MIT — and led him to develop a computer program that revolutionized his farm. Reimer grew up on his family’s farm in Manitoba, Canada, where work often starts at sunrise and continues late into the night. “We’ve had auto-steering tractors for a long time now, but that’s just the ability to drive straight up and down the field without input from the operator,” Reimer explains. Matt Reimer demonstrates his autonomous tractor system, which he developed after learning how to program with a free open course via MITx on EdX. Video: Matt Reimer Initially, Reimer didn’t know where to start. “I got the tractor all hooked up, but I needed some way for the combine driver to interact with it,” he says. After all, a farmer’s work is never done.

Self Development Free Audio Sort by Titles Per Page 31 - 40 of 514 Titles by Jack Kornfield Available on: Audio Download | Online Audio Over the years of teaching, I've found a growing need for profound lovingkindness and compassion - a transformation of the heart - to underlie the insights and understandings that come out of the practice. by Mi Ka El Mindchanger Audio Download "Awareness in the Now" and "A Change of Mind" Two guided meditations introduce to the practice of mindfulness meditation and to the awareness of the true Self, inner freedom and peace of mind by David Allen Online Video Productivity guru and coach David Allen talks about "Stress Free Productivity" at TEDxClaremontColleges. by Matthieu Ricard Video Download | Online Video What is happiness, and how can we all get some? by Tim Ferriss As the times accelerate and we face ever more kaleidoscopic careers, a crucial meta-skill is the ability to learn new skills extremely rapidly, extremely well. by Steve Pavlina by Dale Carnegie by Jan Phillips by Oprah Winfrey

European MOOC model - OpenupEd #K7MrB3# thinking she's gotten past dealing with her Use stripes correctly. Stripes can be your figure flattering best friend, or your worst fashion enemy. The trick is knowing when and how to use them. Newsletter November is National Entrepreneurship Month in the United States. But if you have an entrepreneurial mindset, opportunities present themselves every day – whether for a new business, or even just learning something new. Here are three video clips of thought leaders explaining how such opportunities abound in our daily lives. Video: Imagination Starts with Engagement Tina Seelig, Stanford Technology Ventures Program 3 min. 54 sec. Stanford Prof. Video: Paying Attention and Seeing Potential Matt Rogers, Nest 2 min. 10 sec. Matt Rogers, co-founder and vice president of engineering at Nest, urges entrepreneurs to focus on concrete and discrete business opportunities, rather than try to aim for some grand vision. Video: Opportunity in Underserved Markets Julia Hartz, Eventbrite 3 min. 28 sec.
