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Data journalism and data visualization from the Datablog

Data journalism and data visualization from the Datablog

La nueva revolución de la información: el periodismo de datos - Vivimos en un mundo en el que los productores de contenidos se multiplican en varias áreas del conocimiento; por eso, diferentes actores están repensando su rol y aportando un diferencial en el proceso de generar información. Al mismo tiempo, los ciudadanos son cada vez más exigentes sobre la calidad de los contenidos que reciben, demandan más transparencia y diálogo. La tecnología y las herramientas gratuitas de Google, tales como Fusion Tables o Google Refine, permiten procesar grandes volúmenes de datos y presentarlos de manera más atractiva para su mejor interpretación, pero también hacen posible aumentar la interacción entre el equipo productor de noticias y cada ciudadano que forma parte de la audiencia. Se están produciendo cambios importantes. "Desde este punto de vista, la creencia de que la tecnología desplaza al periodista está lejos de la realidad. Y añadió: "La misión de Google es organizar la información del mundo y hacerla útil y accesible para todo el mundo.

Herrenhausen Poster: Historians and Web Archives | Ian Milligan I meant to post this earlier, but the winter holiday interfered and I decided to actually take a week and a half away from work. This was the poster that accompanied the lightning talk that I gave at the Herrenhausen Digital Humanities conference in Germany, which has already been posted on my blog. Giving a poster was a completely new experience for me, but it was extremely useful in distilling down my thoughts and experimenting with a new format. If you have any questions about this, as always, don’t hesitate to touch base with me. Like this: Like Loading... 40 maps that explain the world By Max Fisher By Max Fisher August 12, 2013 Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled "40 maps they didn't teach you in school," one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. Some of these are pretty nerdy, but I think they're no less fascinating and easily understandable. A majority are original to this blog, with others from a variety of sources. [Additional read: How Ukraine became Ukraine and 40 more maps that explain the world] Click to enlarge.

the preservation of favoured traces We often think of scientific ideas, such as Darwin's theory of evolution, as fixed notions that are accepted as finished. In fact, Darwin's On the Origin of Species evolved over the course of several editions he wrote, edited, and updated during his lifetime. The first English edition was approximately 150,000 words and the sixth is a much larger 190,000 words. In the changes are refinements and shifts in ideas — whether increasing the weight of a statement, adding details, or even a change in the idea itself. The second edition, for instance, adds a notable “by the Creator” to the closing paragraph, giving greater attribution to a higher power. This project is made possible by the hard work of Dr.

Big Data Imagine standing at an intersection. Every time the lights change, you count and record the number of cars that drive through. Over a day, you collect some basic data. It’s this idea, collecting data on a huge scale and analyzing them, that may help us see new opportunities to solve big problems. Let’s say that instead of you recording cars at one intersection, we put sensors at every intersection in the U.S. and they all report data. Hidden in this big pile of growing data are important clues that could help commuters save time. That’s the goal of big data – turning all these data into useful information. Big Data is really huge and complex data. Second, we have to handle lots of incoming traffic data, which may come from multiple sources and in different formats. But we also need to handle data about relevant and changing conditions, like weather or gas prices. Consider the enormous amount of data produced by the healthcare industry, weather organizations and social networks.

metaLAB (at) Harvard Manual de Periodismo de Datos Iberoamericano ¿Cómo y por qué surgio la idea de hacer el Manual? Este proyecto nace como idea, inspirado en el Data Journalism Handbook, a partir de múltiples conversaciones con periodistas de toda la región y del diagnóstico realizado en un taller de lluvia de ideas en la MediaParty de Hacks/Hackers en Buenos Aires en octubre de 2012, de la necesidad de contar con un compendio de información y herramientas para el Periodismo de Datos, enfocado a la situación de nuestros países, ya que vivimos, investigamos y hacemos periodismo en contextos muy diferentes a los de Estados Unidos o Inglaterra. En todos estos casos nos situamos desde la carencia de herramientas y técnicas para acelerar y fomentar un mejor periodismo y reportería online y offline para nuestras comunidades. Este proyecto pretende hacerse cargo de estas falencias y detallar el estado de situación del Periodismo de Datos en Iberoamérica, cumpliendo la función de ser también un mapa de lo que pasa en nuestros países. Y reportes por país sobre:
