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Comment perdre du poids (dans le navigateur)

Comment perdre du poids (dans le navigateur)
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Joomla-SEO || Search Engine Optimization tips for Joomla Inspiration A good way to be more creative is interacting with other people who share the same interests. Anyone can easily make full use of the communities which are available today to boost creativity. Also, interaction with others in the community, collaborating and getting feedback can become a motivating factor. Author: Rony John I am a 21 yr. old web developer and student living in Baltimore. Feel free to visit anytime and subscribe to keep in touch. Once you are in one of these communities, you will be both criticized and supported which will improve your skills at the end. Let's look at 10 great creative communities available which will help you to show-off your talent in design and art. DeviantArt deviantART is amongst the largest internet art community. This is a perfect site for both professional and amateur artists since anyone can browse through countless works of other artists or sign-up and post their creations. Behance Network Read the rest of this entry »

How To: Resizeable Background Image Published by Chris Coyier If you are looking for how to do FULL SCREEN BACKGROUND IMAGE, go here. My friend Richard recently came to me with a simple CSS question: Is there a way to make a background image resizeable? As in, fill the background of a web page edge-to-edge with an image, no matter the size of the browser window. Also, have it resize larger or smaller as the browser window changes. Wow, that's a tall order. Finished Project: What's The Weather? Go ahead and resize your browser window around and notice how the image will resize to fit. First Attempt Well my first thought was that this really needs to be a CSS background-image. You guessed it, jQuery. Second Attempt (better) While the first attempt did a decent job, it failed at the most fundamental level: it wasn't "resizeable". We can, again, use jQuery and the dimensions plugin to get our browser window's width. Third Attempt (best) Forget this javascript business! See a demo of this in action. More about

How Nesting 3D Transformed Elements Works Ana Tudor is one of those people whose CodePen profiles you check out and go "holy shit." She's that good. She creates incredible visual effects with CSS, on of my favorites being this infinitely unpacked prism. Below she shares her expertise detailing how to create beautiful, nested 3D transforms! CSS 3D transforms do not work at all in IE9 and older or in Opera 12 and older (Presto). CSS animations are incredibly popular right now, and I don't just mean animating a simple color or dimension property, I mean 3D transformations as well; CSS flips and rotating cubes being prime examples. Let's say we have a door in a frame: The HTML is simply: In order to open this door, we add a class of door--open: Now we apply a 3D transform on it (with transform-origin anywhere on its left side): The only prefix you probably need for 3D transforms is the -webkit- prefix. This results in: It doesn't look very realistic. So we're going to add a frame--realistic class to our door frame: Result:

Google Images : refonte complète du service Google vient d’annoncer sur un de ses blogs officiels une refonte de son moteur de recherche Google Images. La firme de Mountain View lancera d’ici quelques jours une toute nouvelle interface, plus claire, plus rapide et surtout plus efficace. Cette refonte est notamment inspirée des retours et critiques des utilisateurs et webmasters qui regrettaient la lenteur du service. Une recherche plus rapide, plus efficace, et plus ergonomique Les premières captures d’écran mises en ligne par Google montrent un affichage des résultats de recherche modifié. Une fois l’image qui vous intéresse sélectionnée, celle-ci s’affichera au centre de l’écran tout en permettant de continuer à naviguer sur les résultats via le clavier. Les meta-données mises en avant L’image sélectionnée par l’utilisateur laissera apparaître les meta-données telles que la taille, le titre, la source ou la résolution directement sur la page principale.

Float basics What is a float? When you float an element it becomes a block box. This box can then be shifted to the left or right on the current line. The markup options are "float: left", "float: right" or "float: none". A floated box is laid out according to the normal flow, then taken out of the flow and shifted to the left or right as far as possible. Content can flow down the right side of a left-floated box and down the left side of a right-floated box. You can also put several floats beside each other. Where will a floated element move to? Floated boxes will move to the left or right until their outer edge touches the containing block edge or the outer edge of another float. If there isn't enough horizontal room on the current line for the floated box, it will move downward, line by line, until a line has room for it. Example: "float: left" element shifted down Do floated items need a width? "A floated box must have an explicit width..." If no width is set, the results can be unpredictable.

Is Responsive Design the Right Choice for Enterprise E-Commerce Retailers? Many enterprise website owners are currently evaluating responsive web design as a way to consolidate their multi-screen web strategy. For these businesses, going responsive makes a lot of sense. By reducing the complexity of the site into a single code base, companies can lower the total cost of ownership of web initiatives and future-proof the site for new devices. However, many e-commerce companies are still skeptical of responsive design as a solution to the multi-screen problem. They are concerned with how responsive design will affect the customer experience and overall website metrics. To help answer the question of whether responsive design is a good choice for enterprise e-commerce companies, this post includes a high-level overview of: 1. The promise of responsive design is that it dynamically adapts websites to different screen sizes (across desktop, tablet, phablet and smartphones), using one set of code. For many companies, this is an immensely valuable benefit. 2. 3.

Pack green IT de base, certification green it - Calculer energie site web - Wattimpact Offre réservée aux professionnels Abonnement pour 12 mois payable intégralement à la commande Audience de votre site : jusqu’à 25 000 pages vues par mois 1 Vous évaluez l’impact environnemental de votre site à partir de son trafic réel observé (en kWh et équivalent CO2) 2 Vous bénéficiez de garanties environnementales associées à vos consommations Web - Qu’une quantité d’électricité de 1000 kWh provient de sources d’énergie renouvelables * - Qu’une contribution de 3 c€/kWh certifié dans de nouveaux projets en France d’amélioration écologique ou de nouvelles capacités de production d’électricité renouvelable. Voir Charte 3 Vous faites connaître votre engagement volontaire sur Internet Site bénéficiaire * La certification utilisée a pour rôle de garantir l’origine renouvelable de l’électricité.

Résolution, pixels, points, dpi : un casse-tête insoluble? Ce billet fait suite à une question que je me posais sur la résolution dpi des écrans (notamment la valeur erronée détectée par défaut sous Gnome), qui m’avait amené à effectuer un rapport de bug, tout en pointant du doigt certains problèmes qui surviendraient si Gnome détectait correctement le dpi. Ce bug est maintenant corrigé dans la nougelle version de Gnome, celle embarquée dans la future Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope. C’est l’occasion de faire le point. Définitions Afin de comprendre les problèmes, il est important de définir chacun des concepts (je limite ici leur définition au cas d’une image numérique affichée sur un écran). pixel Le pixel, abrégé px, est une unité de surface permettant de définir la base d’une image numérique. point résolution La résolution permet de donner une taille réelle à un pixel. définition La définition d’une image ou d’un écran est le nombre de pixels qui composent l’image ou que peut afficher un écran. Résolution dpi de l’écran Intérêt du dpi À la main
