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Best of: 100+ eLearning Tools and Resources | DigitalChalk Blog Happy 2015! The start of a new year usually brings numerous projects and endeavors along with it. We’ve rounded up more than 100 eLearning tools and resources that we’ve shared over the past year to help you get started on these new eLearning projects. Just click on the links below to find more information on each list. 12 eLearning Audio and Video Tools When creating an online course, you often need to capture a live video, audio, or screen recording. We’ve narrowed it down to 12 great eLearning audio and video tools to help you get started easily. 7 PDF Tools for eLearning Professionals Sometimes your online course PDF files can get a bit out of hand. 10 (Free!) 8 Free Infographic Tools for Online Learning Join the rest of the eLearning world, and begin creating infographics to share your course materials! 10 Online Bibliography and Citation Tools Do you use a variety of sources to help build your online course material? More Resources: 5 Tools to Help You Build Your Online Course

Beyond Bullying | Anti-Bullying Week 2012 This year's Anti-Bullying Week took place from 19th - 23rd November 2012, with the theme: 'We're better without bullying' Children and young people have more chance of achieving their full potential without bullying. We know that bullying leads to children missing school, failing exams, dropping out of sport, staying away from extra curricular activities, and limiting their life choices. It is time that this stopped. This year's theme shines a light on bullying and its affect on achievement. Children and young people have more of a chance of achieving their full potential without bullying. What did YOU do..? We love to hear about what Leicestershire Schools have done to take part in Anti-Bullying Week. This year, Shepshed High were involved in various activities to highlight the week. As well as this, they created a visual display in their student reception by cutting the words 'Anti-Bullying' out of wood, painting it blue and asking a representative from each class to sign it.

Data Tracking (Items with footnotes link to external websites) Source Unkown. Tier I Intervention Tracking Form. Santa Rosa County Schools, Fl. 12 Tools To Create Powerful Presentations About two weeks ago, I wrote an article about representing information in form of an infographic. You can read the article here: 17 Fantastic Infographic Generators! Today, in this article I would write about another form of representing information i.e. through a presentation. Presentations have an important place in the corporate world. Apart from the corporate world, presentations are used in education as well. While its hard to replace professional presentation designers, here is a list of some powerful tools that would help you to create interactive presentations in case of the absence of professional help. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Rainbow Horizons - Lesson Plans / Thematic Units for Teachers American History Teachers' Collaborative Lesson Plan: Understanding Historical Perspective Chic, Virginia and Mr. Lincoln: Understanding Historical Perspective by Christine Adrian June 2006 Abstract: Students will examine historical perspective through many methods-through each other, local primary sources, historical books, and national sources to gain an understanding of the term through a case study of Virginia and Charles “Chic” Sale feelings of Lincoln, as well as others’ perspectives and the words of Lincoln himself. Essential questions/enduring understandings: How historically accurate are secondary sources? Assessment: Students will be assessed throughout the unit through completed worksheets and discussion. Setting the Purpose: The purpose of this unit is for students to examine the idea that history is a collection of experiences; each person has their own historical perspective that is guided by what one learns in school, hears from their parents, reads in books, hears from friends, and sees on television and so on. Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Final Lesson resources

Maths Games - from Mangahigh
