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Online Books : "PIHKAL" - The Chemical Story

La química del amor Helen Fisher, Antropóloga Recientemente, los científicos han comenzado a analizar el amor, algo que había estado reservado para los poetas y literatos. Científicos como Helen Fisher ahora miran con en el escáner el cerebro de personas locamente enamoradas o deprimidas por la pérdida de un gran amor y han descubrierto la importancia fundamental de los factores biológicos y hormonales de las substancias químicas en el proceso de amar. Fecha de la entrevista: 2007-05-30Lugar de la entrevista: Barcelona Web oficial de Helen Fisher.The science of love, and the future of women, vídeo de la charla de Helen Fisher en los TED Talks.Entrevista a Helen Fisher en el Magazine de El Mundo. Helen Fisher es investigadora del Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad de Rutgers, EE.UU. Eduard Punset: ¿Por qué nos gusta una persona en concreto entre todas las demás? Helen Fisher: Es una pregunta muy difícil. Los hombres se enamoran más deprisa que las mujeres. Sí. Los dos son igualmente apasionados.

Great Performances . Aida's Brothers and Sisters: Black Voices in Opera With Jessye Norman performing at the Clinton inauguration, Kathleen Battle appearing as the Vatican's Easter Mass soloist, and Simon Estes singing Wotan at New York's Metropolitan Opera, contemporary audiences may take for granted the prominence of African-American singers in opera. Yet it was just 50 years ago that Marian Anderson was barred from Washington's Constitution Hall, and black opera performers have trod a stony path to reach the pinnacle of today's success. Framed by archival clips and new musical sequences, AÏDA'S BROTHERS AND SISTERS: BLACK VOICES IN OPERA tells the story of African Americans in opera from the time of the legendary Paul Robeson. Featured in interviews are Barbara Hendricks, Grace Bumbry, Simon Estes, Robert McFerrin (the first black baritone to perform at the Met) and his son Bobby McFerrin, Shirley Verrett, and many others, as well as insights from opera company directors and orchestra conductors.

Psychoactive Vaults : Psychedelic Crisis FAQ This FAQ is not regularly updated or maintained. It may include out-of-date information. Please check the version date to see when it was most recently revised. For current information, see Erowid's summary pages in the substance's main vault. Disclaimer This FAQ is presented for informational purposes only. Credits The information contained in this FAQ has been culled from a variety of sources. Revision History 0.5 - 09/10/97 - Assembled emails and passed around for comment 1.0 - 05/03/98 - Created the basic HTML, FAQ. 1.1 - 11/07/98 - Added index, disclaimer, credits, and significantly improved organization. 1.2 - 12/18/99 - Updated Antidotes section. 2.0 - 08/22/01 - Reorganized from a realtime usage perspective, added Assessment section 2.1 - 08/01/05 - Changed reference to CPR/Rescue Breathing in "Critical or Life Threatening Situation" section 2.2 - 02/17/14 - Added Tripsit link Introduction Assessment Type of Situation Is there immediate or potential physical danger? Quick List Summary

La química en el amor ¿Te ha pasado que cuando ves a una persona por primera vez, comienzas a sudar como nunca, tienes palpitaciones, tus manos tiemblan, te ruborizas, sientes ese cosquilleo en el estómago; se te va la onda, tartamudeas y comienzas a reirte de la nada?. Bueno pues esto indica nada más y nada menos que aquella persona que esta frente a ti es bioquimicamente tu media naranja. Es a quien has estado esperado por mucho tiempo. Esta sensaciones tienen su porque en fundamentos psicológicos y físicos que se van construyendo desde la niñez. Antes de que una persona se fije en otra, ya ha construido un mapa mental, un molde completo de circuitos cerebrales que determinan lo que le hará enamorarse de una persona y no de otra. El sexólogo John Money considera que los niños desarrollan esos mapas entre los 5 y 8 años de edad, en base a las asociaciones con miembros de su familia, amigos, con experiencias y hechos fortuitos. La Quimica del amor De la emoción al enamoramiento La quimica en el sexo

Culture Bandit Watch Iz Anything Sacred?! by M'Bwebe Aja Ishangi First, let me say this... I am an extremist. ( full article ) Grammys Crown White King of Rap by Del Jones, the War Correspondent The invasion of our culture by the enemy is a constant wave of theft that feeds the enemy’s psychological need to ingest everything they can from us, while they attempt to control our growth and development as they make a fortune on the products of their former slaves... Culture Bandit Watch When whites claim that Elvis Presley is not dead, they’re not talking ‘bout that fat, drug addicted man who is now gone, but the process of Culture Banditry that is alive and well in Eminem, Britney Spears, Sting, the Rolling Stones, Madonna, Sanborn, Kenny G and the legions lining up to steal the culture of Afrikan people, enjoying wealth/power and respect after the theft from the people darker than blue...( full article ) Cyber-Sex for Nuts by Del Jones My Libations In the name of Kwame Nkrumah brothers I dedicate this work to you...

The Heroine of Heroin – Upvoted Tracey Helton (Reddit user traceyh415) is the focus of this week’s episode. We discuss her depression growing up, how she became addicted to heroin, life as a homeless heroin addict, being the subject of the HBO documentary Black Tar Heroin, how she got clean, her involvement in harm reduction, how she got involved in Reddit’s opiates community, Naloxone, and how she saved the lives of over 120 users by sending naloxone to those with no access. Hold On "I lived in an all-female Pentecostal 'discipleship program' in rural Arkansas ... The Wave "Sailing remains one of the best things in my life. Four Walls and a Roof (Part One) "Our tent is a house. AFRICAN HOLOCAUST | Definitive African History and Cultural Site

Legal intoxicant - Wikipedia Legal intoxicants, also known as legal drugs or, more commonly, as legal highs, are those intoxicating drugs which are either completely legal or not commonly prohibited by various drug laws. The most widely consumed legal intoxicant is alcohol—legal throughout the vast majority of the world's countries—but a wide array of other drugs are also not specifically banned in many international jurisdictions: these may vary from native intoxicating plants historically used by indigenous cultures to foodstuffs eaten in various parts of the world, to modern compounds and designer drugs that have not been defined as illegal, or even long-standing medicines that have intoxicating or anesthetic side effects. Where legislation imposes a general ban on psychoactive substances (as in Ireland), legal intoxicants are limited to those substances specifically exempted. Stimulants[edit] Mephedrone[edit] Mephedrone a dopaminergic, serotonergic, and adrenergic stimulant. Caffeine[edit] Nicotine[edit] Khat[edit]

JPAS - Journal of Pan African Studies
