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The Elli Blog

The Elli Blog
Romantic Pink Wedding Inspiration We are in love with this beautifully styled wedding inspiration shoot by CK Wedding and Event Design. We are smitten by the stunning setting by the water and the romantic pink hues used throughout the shoot. The gorgeous photos by Andrea Zajonc Photography perfectly capture the romantic mood of the shoot. Our gold calligraphy wedding suite… Read more. Oh Snap! OH SNAP! Gorgeous Fall Vermont Wedding We think there is nothing better than a wedding full of personalized details and Adam and Casey’s wedding defines just that! Modern Minimal Wedding Inspiration We are loving all things modern and minimal. 2017 Free Printable Calendar Happy 2017 everyone! 2017 Wedding Trend: Greenery and Foliage One of the 2017 wedding trends that we are seriously loving is greenery – we seriously can not get enough! Tips for Wedding Planning During the Holidays The holidays can be pretty hectic – with holiday parties, work, buying gifts and the list goes on and on.

Fabric Flower Tutorial - at last Well awhile back many of you asked for a tutorial on how I make the flower rosettes. I am no expert and these are not original designs but I finally put together a little video on how I was taught to make them. I have to give fair warning. First of all, I have never made a video tutorial nor posted a video on my blog so just keep that in mind. You will also notice that I get a text at some point in the video, my glue gun breaks and I have a terrible time working my fingers. You see I was looking through the camera as I made it and whenever I tried looking around the camera I ended up out of focus or even out of the frame. And if you can't stand my voice (or my video) than here are some photos to try and walk you through it. Start with a strip fabric about 2 inches by 18 inches. Then fold the fabric in half. Then fold it in half again. Then start rolling it to form a little bud which will be the center of your flower. Just keeping folding as you go around and around. Thanks for stopping by!

Say Yes to Hoboken | Three Cheers for Stylish & Crafty Living Eat Drink Chic Le Frufrù Stationery, Invitations, Greeting Cards, and Paper Crafts :: Paper Crave D E S I G N L O V E F E S T Tutorial love Friday – Felt flower roundup I just can’t believe how fast this week flew by! it’s Friday again. This week just like last one, I will be sharing some cool flower tutorials I found on the web. But this week all of them are felt flowers – the perfect way to finish up the felt flower tutorial round up here at HowJoyful (The last felt flower is next week) Now visit this other awesome bloggers that also want to share with all of you how to make felt flowers =] 1 – Felt gift adornment by Design Dump 2 – Autumn bloom belt by I am a momma hear me roar 3 – Flower pin by Jones Design Company 4 – Pomela felt flower by Craft Snob I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Tags: felt, felt flower, flower, tutorial Imagine descubrir el mayor arrecife de coral del mundo, conocer de cerca el origen de todos los mitos y leyendas aborígenes, vivir una inmersión cultural explorando las tribus y paisajes del África Occidental, caminar por dunas o explorar en la selva más profunda, emprender un recorrido por el pasado y el presente de culturas legendarias, adentrarse en un país donde aún perduran tribus, dejarse llevar por ambientes bohemios, zambullirse en grandes ciudades bulliciosas, apasionantes y cosmopolitas, conocer uno de los últimos lugares culturalmente vírgenes del planeta, admirar las cumbres más altas del planeta…, itinerarios y experiencias únicas que no lo dejarán indiferente. Las posibilidades son infinitas. Nhue Concierge ofrece las fórmulas de viaje que mejor se ajustan a cada uno de nuestros clientes y sugerencias más interesantes en cada destino.

Birdcage Ornament tutorial Good Morning my Joyful readers! Today I am re-posting a guest post I did for the Craft Snob blog – Sara contacted me while I was in vacations in Chile and ask me to be a part of her Handmade Ornament parade while she was away from blogging because of the birth or her lovely daughter Clementine =] I am really excited because now that the tutorial has been shared there, I can also share it here with all of you! I love birdcages, but I don’t like when birds are in them =[ because they belong free and not secluded in a tiny little space, right? so the birdcages I have are just decorative. Galvanized Wire (I used 16 gauge, but you can used a thiner one if you wan it smaller)Soldering toolFlux core SolderRosin Soldering FluxPliersPermanent markerRuler (a cutting mat is perfect to measure)A glass cup1 toothpickSpray paint or primer (if you want it in color)A little piece of paper or cardboard for the bottomOptional ribbon for top And there you go, a cute and very long-lasting birdcage!

Curso Basico sobre el Pendulo Taller de introducción al conocimiento de los principios fundamentalesdel péndulo para su uso en Radiestesia aplicada a la sanación. La descripción general de la Radiónica es una ciencia que utiliza aparatos para medir, emitir y modificar vibraciones, sean procedentes de seres vivos, objetos, pensamientos e incluso conceptos abstractos. También se suele decir que la Radiónica es una metodología para la detección y manipulación de energías sutiles unidas a la materia física: animal, vegetal o mineral.Es conocida generalmente como un sistema de sanación vibracional que emplea dispositivos y circuitos (máquinas Radiónicas) para detectar y tratar condiciones de los cuerpos, sean estos humanos, animales o vegetales, en cualquier lugar del universo. Vara zahorí BiotensorINTRODUCCIÓN A LA RADIESTESIA CON PÉNDULO  Para usar el péndulo no se debe estar cansado ni estresado, cuando el tema de la pregunta afecte demasiado emocionalmente, o sobre personas o temas que no gusten. 4. 5. 7. A. 8.
