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Knitty Gritty Thoughts: Happy Thanksgiving and Free Fabric Styrofoam Ball Pattern!

Knitty Gritty Thoughts: Happy Thanksgiving and Free Fabric Styrofoam Ball Pattern!
Supplies are easy, most of them you'll probably already have around the house. You'll need - Fabric - your choice of colors and prints. The amount you need depends on the size of the styrofoam balls you use and how thick you place the fabric. My mileage is between 1/4-1/2 yard per ball. I recommend starting with a 1/2 yard and see how much you have left and go from there.Rotary cutter mat, cutter and rulerSilver flathead pinsThimbleStyrofoam/Polystyrene Balls your choice of sizes (I used 2 and 3.25 inches) Start by cutting your fabric in 2 inch strips as shown above. After you've cut the strips, cut each strip into 2 inch widths so you end up with 2x2inch squares You'll have a nice pretty stack of squares! Now, pull up a chair, put on a movie and let's get pinning! Now, you're going to learn how to fold the fabric squares. Next, fold the fabric in half again and hold it as shown above. Now, pin. Now, pin the second one. You continue doing this around and around and finish the first round. Related:  Creatività

9 Ways to Turn Old Musty Books Into Something Cool » Written Word Bibliophiles and bookworms, English majors and lovers of literature: is it possible to have too many books? They accumulate so quickly! Every member of your family getting you the same three books you requested for Christmas. Seeing Don DeLillo marked half-off, knowing you dumped a half-caff latte on your copy of Underworld, and – even though only the first three pages are illegible – justifying its purchase. 15+ years of required reading lists stored in boxes in your basement, even though you can bet your bippy you will never willingly read the poetry of Robert Burns again. We are up to our waists in books, some of which we hate (really Master Burns? Update: Do to the overwhelming support (HA!) 1. It brings a whole new meaning to “audio book.” Use your old books to showcase your artistic side. Good for hiding passwords and codes, the key to your safe, and family jewels. 2. Your choice of ribbon can transform this wreath so it is suitable for every holiday – or every day! 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

natale Segnaposto con le mollette Occorrente: mollette di legno (chiare e scure) spezie 45 fiori di pasta di pane color oro 4-5 fiori di stoffa rossi canutiglia nastri di raso giallo e rosso alto 1 cm Per i nostri segnaposto abbiamo scelto due diversi toni di marrone: al marrone scuro si intonano le composizioni con il fiocco rosso, mentre al marrone chiaro si adatta meglio il giallo. Arricchite ogni molletta con un mazzolino composto da poche spezie tra le quali spicca sempre la cannella con le perline. Ogni mazzolino, ricoperto sul gambo con la guttaperca, va applicato alle mollette con la colla a caldo. Occorrente: foglie d’edera finte 1 apribottiglie cannella chiodi di garofano chicchi di caffè pigne varie 2 farfalle di filo (d’oro e d’argento) canutiglia nastro di raso bianco alto 1 cm nastro d’argento alto 1 cm 2 roselline dorate di pasta di pane I mazzolini che poggiano sulle foglie sono realizzati in due diverse tonalità: in uno spicca l’oro mentre nell’altro prevale l’argento.

Wool Felt Hair Accessories for Baby . I keep seeing Wool Felt used to make hair accessories. I have used polyester felt for hair clips (like here) but never wool. I wanted to try it out with hair accessories, so I ordered some colorful wool felt pieces to experiment with. And I’m so glad I did. So shortly before our little girl arrived, I made her a few hair lovelies. This way, no one will mistake her for a him. Because yeah, that happens often with these itty bitty newborns. So I created a few accessories that I can attach to a headband……..or just attach right to her head. (Some use ky jelly, others use karo syrup……….and some people use white school glue. The flowers and little bows sit so nice and pretty atop a newborn head.. Something about it makes me smother this child with kisses.. But if you’d rather place them on a headband, attach them to some super soft fold over elastic.. Whatever you choose, your little lady will look incredibly sweet.. Would you like to make some of your own wool felt accessories? As for supplies:

"Tune" Time Tuesday...It's Music to Your Eyes I know... it says "Tune" Time Tuesday. It should have been a Tool Time using this little beauty. It's a 12 inch masonry blade...not sharp though. When I saw the whole wall of these on display, I knew it was going to be a clock. They come in so many different sizes, so I grabbed this one. However, the nice hole in the center that is already reinforced with the metal was too big for the clock works. spaceTah old album. Most hardware or craft stores sell these clock kits. The stem, that sticks through the hole in the face of the clock, comes in different sizes depending on the thickness of the clock. Here are all the parts...some kits may be different, but still very easy to put together. I went to a Goodwill Store on our travels looking at colleges and I bought this album in honor of my mom. Not to mention, I only paid 99 cents for it, so I couldn't pass it up. Ok, Mom look away... space First step is to see if your particular clock stem will fit through the hole in the record.

The Idea Room: How to Make Leaf Skeletons I wanted to share with you a project from one of my readers who shares with us how to make leaf skeletons. I LOVE this! I have several leafs in various forms displayed in my home and knew I needed to make some of her leaf skeletons to add to my decor. I love how a pattern of leaves can enhance the beauty in your home. So I asked Heather if she would mind sharing her project with you. I have spent hours and tried various ways of making these. You need washing soda, not baking soda! Gather your leaves. Washing soda is a strong base so you may want to wear gloves when handling the leaves. You will add 3/4 cup of washing soda and 4 cups of water to your pot of leaves. Keep going, you will need to add more water so your pan doesn’t dry out. When 1.75 hours are up fill a glass baking dish with cool water. I carefully removed them and rinsed with water and added clean water to the pan. If you’re still with me, this is what I ended up with… I have a maple leaf which turned out not so well.

Marque-page en Yoshi-washi Suite de Fumikô, c'est le deuxième produit en Yoshi-washi de Niigata, marque-page. Le papier Yoshi-washi est agréable au toucher. C'est tout à fait naturel et il est né par l'idée de protection de la nature (voir l'article de Fumikô). Papier base : Yoshi-washi de Niigata (Japon) Papier imprimé collage : Chiyogami (motif de Yuzen) Cordelette : Mizuhiki Taille : 4,2 x 10 cm Matryoshka Doll Ornament There is something so nice and comforting about Holiday Traditions isn't there? A thread tying memories together from year to year. It seems most of our traditions tend to revolve around food in our family, but I thought it would be fun to start making each child a Christmas ornament every year (am I setting myself up for failure here? I had a little down time last week (has the cold bug hit your house too?) I am sort of in love with little Matryoshka Dolls (have been seeing so many cute ones around lately) and thought it would be the perfect thing for my own little dolly this year, so I drew up a pattern. To make your own, you will need:Several pieces of wool felt in whatever colors you fancySeveral colors of embroidery floss + needlecotton or polyester stuffing (like fiberfill)fabric gluedisappearing fabric marker with a fine tipsharp scissors (this will make all the difference in cutting out precise shapes)ribbon (or ric-rac, string, floss...whatever) to hang Done. Happy crafting!

Make It and Love It: Hemp Cording Coasters Do you have any hemp cording left over from this project? If so, how about using the same technique to create some coasters… Nice and perfect for your coffee table/end tables. All swirled nice and tight…. Would you like to make your own? Find some circle cork coasters at your craft store. First, cut away a little notch into the cork… (do this carefully, as you don’t want to break the coaster and cut a big chunk out.) Then use hot glue to attach the end of the cording to the coaster. Then make a line of glue a few inches long at a time, and begin gluing the cording right to the coaster. Continue around the coaster and glue right over top of the end of the cording. Continue around and around, keeping the rows of cording nice and snug. Stop right before you get to the end….. And without putting glue down, just see how much more of the cording you’ll need…… Then snip the end off…… Fill the rest of the space with glue and wind up the end right into the center of the coaster.

making things beautiful again 100 Alberi di Natale Fai-da-Te - IT | TheMAG TheMAG your daily dose of creativity: magazine about fashion, design, arts, trends and coolness 100 Alberi di Natale Fai-da-Te 05 dic 2013, 10:30 Marco Russo Fancy Come vuole la tradizione, in questi giorni ci troviamo davanti alla classica giornata dedicata alla preparazione dell’albero di Natale. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Felt Circle Pillow Tutorial This is a super-easy method for making a fun throw-pillow. This project is practically no-sew as well! I saw a throw like this last year in Crate & Barrel or Pottery Barn, or one of those magazines, and thought: I could make that. Here are your supplies: heavy canvas fabric, felt for the circles, sharp scissors, Elmer’s glue, DMC floss, and a biggish needle for embellishing, batting/stuffing and fabric for the pillow backing. Gather the variety of felt you’d like to use. Cut the canvas to the size you want your finished throw pillow to be + at least 1/4″ on all sides for seam allowance. Now pull out that Elmer’s glue. Working with your circles already in position, pick-up one at a time and glue it in place. If you are going to embellish with any kind of stitching on the double/triple layered circles do it BEFORE you glue them to the canvas. When all circles are in place, cut a back to match your front. Generously stuff that pillow full and whip-stitch the opening shut and voila! Related

Do-it-Yourself DIY String Wedding Lanterns Yarn Chandeliers Jessica of Wednesday Inc shows us how to make those gorgeous twine chandeliers from the inspiration shoot she shared with us this morning. Using balloons, glue and twine, you can also make these lanterns for your wedding – and then bring it home and use it as your very own mid century lampshade. What you will need are: balloons, glue, yarn, tray for glue, corn starch 1/2 cup of Corn starch, 1/4 cup of Warm water, clear fast drying spray paint, hanging lamp cord or fishing line (depending on your desired final product), and a lighting kit if you’re looking for a fully functional lantern. Are you getting excited to try to do this at home as much I am? Instructions: 1.
