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30 Useful Infographics for Designers & Developers

30 Useful Infographics for Designers & Developers
There aren't many better ways to gain information these days than infographics. Infographics allow designers and non-designers to compile interesting, important and funny information all into one creative package. An infographic is meant to tell a story and provide information in a visually striking way. Today, we've compiled a list of useful and funny infographics for both designers and develoeprs. Funny Infographics for Designers and Developers A Day in the Life of a Graphic Designer Emails, feedback, designing, and more feedback are part of the daily life of a designer. East Coast vs. Are you a true East Coast or West Coast designer? How Would You Like Your Graphic Design? Keep in mind you can only pick two choices on this infographic. Your Average Designer Most designers and developers have similar experiences and traits in common that come with the territory of having a job in the creative industry. Web Designers vs Web Developers Useful Infographics for Designers and Developers

12 pasos para mejorar el SEO en WordPress y la experiencia de usuario WordPress es un gestor de contenidos fantástico, gratuito y de código libre. Puede ser instalado y estar listo en cuestión de unos pocos minutos. Sin embargo, al contrario de lo que puedas pensar, tras la instalación estándar, WordPress no está optimizado para buscadores (SEO), y será necesario realizar una serie de acciones extra. En esta guía queremos mostrarte los pasos necesarios para optimizar tu sitio web en WordPress, y nos enfocaremos en aquellos que te van a ayudar a mejorar el SEO de tu página. Nota: Estos pasos y pantallazos fueron creados usando la versión 3.5 de WordPress. Paso 1: Opciones de privacidad durante la instalación Uno de las últimas opciones de la famosa instalación en 5 minutos de WordPress es la de “Privacidad”, en las que se nos da la opción permitir que los motores de búsqueda indexen nuestro sitio web. Sin embargo, la última cosa que nos gustaría es que Google mostrase entre sus resultados de búsqueda la página de ejemplo que WordPress instala por defecto.

This Secretive Studio Codes Its Google Calendar In Lego Keeping an office calendar can be a tedious chore. Whiteboard calendars can quickly become an illegible morass of out-of-date scribbles that no one wants to keep updated, while digital calendars tend to lack immediacy and quickly become forgotten. Worse, whiteboard calendars don't play nice with digital calendars, and vice versa, at least not without a ton of work. These were the problems U.K. design studio Vitamins confronted as they considered solving their office calendar problem once and for all. Here's how it works. "Okay," I hear you saying, "that's cute!" The Lego Calendar has another trick up its sleeve. What happens when someone wants to update the Lego Calendar remotely, though? There's a lot to be said for Vitamins' Lego system, which the design studio has been using for the last year to great effect.

Understanding Graphics — Design For The Human Mind 5 Responsive Design Infographics No matter where you go, you hear about the importance of responsive design and how essential it is for your business’ success - but what exactly is it? If you want to learn more about designing responsively so your website is accessible and aesthetically-pleasing across a wide range of devices, check out the 5 infographics below. They contains lots of useful information about the art and importance of responsive design! 1. New to the design game and not quite sure what responsive design really is? 2. If you want to design your site responsively, you’ll want to check out the infographic below. 3. People always talk about the importance of designing responsively, but is it just hype – or is responsive design really the design method of the future? 4.The Multi-Screen World Want to know the numbers behind the hype? 5. Are you interested in how responsive design actually works?

Data visualisation ‘Partly Cloudy’ weather app Last month I profiled a project titled ‘Energy technologies visualisation for the IEA‘. Well, the Raureif folks have been busy and have just this week launched a stunning new data visualisation design in the form of a weather app for the iPhone called ‘Partly Cloudy‘. Partly Cloudy’s visualisation shows a weather forecast in the form of a radial display like an analog clock. The weather is portrayed using color, rather than via lists of digits and icons which allows you to sense an entire day’s temperature patterns at-a-glance. You can modify the view to show options for 12 hour, 24 hour and 7 day views but the real beauty is the rotating slider as it reveals new details of the weather forecast coming up. Partly Cloud is not the first venture in to the iPhone App market for Raureif’s, they have also developed the Virtual Water project and the EcoChallenge app. July 31st, 2012 in examples

3 maquetas de portadas de revistas, en formato PSD de Photoshop Catalogamos tres recursos gráficos gratuitos de buena calidad: portadas de revistas en formato PSD de Photoshop y tamaño real, en las que -gracias a que se ofrece el archivo editable con sus diferentes capas- podremos poner nuestra propia fotografía, imagen o diseño fácilmente. Como podrá verse en las imágenes de muestra, las portadas tienen un diseño de bastante buena calidad, y responden a diversas temáticas: una portada de revista de tecnología/informática, otra de revista de motor (aunque es bastante genérica y podría usarse como plantilla para cualquier tema y con cualquier tipo de foto), y una última maqueta de portada de revista de videojuegos, con diseño de muchísima calidad. Cada una de ellas cuenta con su cabecera, titulares, sumarios y resto de textos habituales en este tipo de portadas. Dos de ellas vienen al tamaño habitual de las revistas (A4), con mucha resolución, listas para imprimir. Necesario registrarse para obtener link de descarga. Ir a web del recurso

20大数据可视化工具点评 @亲爱的葱 数据可视化在当前是一个热门话题,旨在借助于图形化手段,清晰有效地传达与沟通信息。但是,这并不就意味着,数据可视化就一定因为要实现其功能用途而令人感到枯燥乏味,或者是为了看上去绚丽多彩而显得极端复杂。为了有效地传达思想概念,美学形式与功能需要齐头并进,通过直观地传达关键的方面与特征,从而实现对于相当稀疏而又复杂的数据集的深入洞察。 然而,设计人员往往并不能很好地把握设计与功能之间的平衡,从而创造出华而不实的数据可视化形式,无法达到其主要目的,也就是传达与沟通信息。 如今学习应用数据可视化的渠道有很多,你可以跟踪一些专家博客,但更重要的一点是实践/实操,你必须对目前可用的数据可视化工具有个大致了解。 第一部分:入门级工具 1.Excel Excel的图形化功能并不强大,但Excel是分析数据的理想工具,上图是Excel生成的热力地图 作为一个入门级工具,Excel是快速分析数据的理想工具,也能创建供内部使用的数据图,但是Excel在颜色、线条和样式上可选择的范围有限,这也意味着用Excel很难制作出能符合专业出版物和网站需要的数据图。 CSV(逗号分隔值)和JSON(JavaScript对象注释)虽然并不是真正的可视化工具,但却是常见的数据格式。 第二部分:在线数据可视化工具 3.Google Chart API Google Chart API工具集中取消了静态图片功能,目前只提供动态图表工具。 4.Flot Flot是一个优秀的线框图表库,支持所有支持canvas的浏览器(目前主流的浏览器如火狐、IE、Chrome等都支持)。 5.Raphaël Raphaël是创建图表和图形的JavaScript库,与其他库最大的不同是输出格式仅限SVG和VML。 D3(Data Driven Documents)是支持SVG渲染的另一种JavaScript库。 如果你需要制作信息图而不仅仅是数据可视化,目前也有大把的工具可用。 第三部分:互动图形用户界面(GUI)控制 如果数据可视化的互动性强大到可以作为GUI界面会怎样? 8.Crossfilter 当我们为方便客户浏览数据开发出更加复杂的工具时,我们已经能够创建出既是图表,又是互动图形用户界面的小程序。 Crossfilter应用:当你调整一个图表中的输入范围时,其他关联图表的数据也会随之改变。 9.Tangle 第四部分:地图工具
