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Computer Questions and Answers - Free Computer Technical Support - Tech Questions? Get Answers! - Ask Leo!

A l’ère de l’« informatique en nuages », par Hervé Le Crosnier Tel un fluide vital, l’information numérique se trouve partout dans nos sociétés ; elle circule dans les réseaux, s’affiche sur les écrans, s’écoute sur les téléphones mobiles... Tous les artefacts matériels autrefois intimement associés à nos pratiques d’accès à l’information — livres, journaux, disques, affiches, tableaux, albums photos — cèdent du terrain devant les outils électroniques. Les entreprises aussi se convertissent au numérique. Bons de commande, factures, suivi de livraison, archivage comptable et légal, documentation des produits, relation avec la clientèle : le cycle de vie du document organisationnel passe, dans la majorité des cas, par un circuit informatique. On parle de « dématérialisation » pour désigner cette séparation entre le support physique et le contenu. Mais l’expression est illusoire : il faut bien que toutes ces informations soient stockées quelque part, que des tuyaux soient enterrés, des câbles posés au fond des océans...

cufón - fonts for the people UPDATE Oct 24: We have released version 1.09i, which is the same as 1.09 but IE9-compatible. 1.10 is on its way as well. Keep in mind that you do not need to convert your font files again, just replace your old cufon-yui.js with a new one and you're good to go. As it currently stands, version 1.09 does not work in IE9 beta which was just released. Just in case it doesn't work in the final version either, we've implemented a fix in the latest development version. There will be a new release some time in the near future. You might also want to take this opportunity to try Typekit, a hosted, @font-face-based alternative. On Windows, you may first have to copy the font file out of the Fonts folder and paste it elsewhere in order to be able to select it. Currently only TrueType (TTF), OpenType (OTF), Printer Font Binary (PFB) and PostScript fonts are supported. Useful if you're using multiple variants of the same font (bold, italic etc). Cufón is distributed under the MIT license.

ActiveInbox -- Turn Gmail into a GTD task manager (If you were on the Beta, please go back to the mainstream release to resume automatic updates). After a year of trying and refining new features (with your feedback – thank you!), we’ve finally clicked the last couple of pieces of the jigsaw in place… ActiveInbox 5.0 is ready for all existing users. What were those last two pieces? ActiveInbox now feels instantaneous Tom has been incredibly busy ripping out the battered, rusty old engine of ActiveInbox, and putting a brand new sports engine in its place. I can’t stress how big a change this is… It’s not a simple bit of optimisation work (although we did that too), it’s 22,000 new lines of code. So now when you load Gmail, click Action, set a due date, or change something in Active Results, it happens in the blink of an eye. Beautifying ActiveInbox A caveat: everyone who’s tried the beta has initially had a shock when seeing the changes. Colour and Icons Have Meaning We Defined ‘Task’ and ‘To Do’ Other Things You Should Know Coming up next…

Amélie Voirin (Voirin Consultants) : "Un réseau social d'entreprise doit s'affranchir de toute notion de hiérarchie" - Réseau social d'entreprise : bonnes pratiques - Journal du Net Solutions JDN Solutions. Quels sont les prérequis à la réussite de son projet RSE ? Amélie Voirin. Ensuite, il est important d'avoir un outil, et d'être au claire sur les besoins, l'innovation, l'intelligence collective, et le renforcement de la culture d'entreprise. Le troisième pilier est celui de la vision, tenant compte du contexte et du besoin de définir une grande vision des objectifs à atteindre pour que les énergies soient concentrées pour atteindre un objectif commun. Enfin, le dernier pilier est le plan d'accompagnement, avec la déclinaison en actions concrètes de la vision. "Il faut que la direction soit présente mais pas omniprésente" Quels sont les clés pour faire de son projet RSE un succès ? Tout dépend du contexte dans lequel le réseau social d'entreprise va émerger. Il faut également miser sur le face à face, le RSE ayant vocation à créer du lien, et mettre une touche humaine sur le numérique, en ne négligeant pas le contact en présenciel.

Deploying Font Servers « 318 Tech Journal Mac OS X has come with the ability to activate and deactivate Fonts on the fly since 10.5, when Font Book was introduced. Font Book allows a single user to manage their fonts easily. But many will find that managing fonts on a per-computer basis ends up not being enough. Which begs the question: who needs a font server? A very simplistic answer is any organization with more than 5 users working in a collaborative environment. This could be the creative print shops, editorial, motion graphics, advertising agencies and other creative environments. Lack of font management is a cost center for many organizations. Font Management and Best Practices Anyone who uses fonts for daily workflow needs font management. ~/Library/Fonts/Library/Fonts/System/Library Fonts Leaving any necessary system, Microsoft Web Core, and required Adobe fonts. Types of Font Server Products Available There are two major font server publishers: Extensis and Font Agent Pro. Pre-Deployment Strategies and Projects Extensis

Windows Live Photo Gallery - Importing From Camera and Scanner Importing photos from a digital camera, memory card, CD, or DVD is easy with Windows Live Photo Gallery. Make sure that your digital camera or memory card reader is turned on and attached to your computer or that the disc is inserted into your computer's CD or DVD drive. On the File menu, click Import from a camera or scanner. In the Import Pictures and Videos window, click the device that you want to use, and then click Import. If you're importing from a CD or DVD, select the CD or DVD drive. Click More options. By default, the photos are grouped according to when they were taken. Click Import all new items now, and then type a name for the photos or videos. To assign tags (Textual data attached to a photo to refine its definition and meaning, and to make it findable.

Evernote, Hello? This is an App Only Sheldon Cooper Would Love Evernote Hello is a fine example of a really good idea that, when executed, doesn't work at all well. In concept, Hello is brilliant. Who doesn't have a problem with remembering names, especially when you're at a party or work function and being introduced to a half-dozen people simultaneously? As I said, it's a really good idea, and the execution is almost perfect. First Impressions of Hello Let's start with the good. Once you have someone's contact information, it's relatively easy to put them into the iOS contacts. Worse, Evernote seems to have forgotten that you may have met people before the company was kind enough to grace us with Hello. Hello has a few other problems that are more minor, and will likely be sorted out before too long. There's also the small matter of Evernote Hello only working on iOS for now. Then there's the whole "hand over your phone to a stranger" thing. For a first release, though, the Evernote folks have made a pretty nice little app. Fatal Flaw

Font embedding with css: the @font-face selector ... and more Introduction With the @font-face {...} selector you have the possibility to import a font in a webpage. If it is not installed on the visitors computer, it is temporally available during the visit of your page. Sounds beautiful, is as simple solution, but .. This was possible according to the CSS2 specifications ... ( here) This is not possible according to the CSS2.1 specifications ... ( here) The trouble is, that the most browsers don't support (fully) the CSS2 rules (using CSS2.1 instead), and cannot display the fonts defined by the @font-face {...} rules. Easy reading article: Anne van Kesteren's weblog 20th August 2003. Workaround? See test page for scalable image for non existing font type. But in some cases it is possible to make a cross browser font embedding or an IE-only font embedding! Testing the universal way This paragraph uses theembedded 'Ace Crikey' font ( embedded as *.ttf file ) ( image ) Here is in the same way the 'Trains' font (a dingbats "font") as embedded ttf: ...opOte.

How To Import Pictures & Videos From A Camera Using Photo Gallery If you are the type of person that always has a camera ready for that perfect candid photo, Photo Gallery may become one of your favorite tools. It allows you to import and arrange your photos, do minor edits and share them with friends. It even has some advanced functions that allow you to combine multiple photos in interesting ways. However, in this tutorial, we will first demonstrate how to use Photo Gallery to import pictures and videos to your Windows computers and devices, from just about any digital device: digital cameras, smartphones and memory cards. NOTE: It's worth noting that while most of this tutorial deals with images, Photo Gallery can handle importing videos as well as photos. How To Start The Import Photos And Videos Wizard From Photo Gallery First, you need to start Photo Gallery. In Windows 8.1, you can open this application by typing "photo" while on the Start screen and selecting Photo Gallery from the list of search results. Choose "Import all new items now".

Get Started Developing on SharePoint 2010 | Training, Video | MSDN Try SharePoint Server 2013 Training Docs Downloads Apps for SharePoint Contoso catalog app A provider-hosted app in a Windows Azure web site that integrates with SharePoint workflow. What is SharePoint Why build apps What apps can do Map concepts to apps API landscape SharePoint-hosted apps ACS Provider-hosted apps High-trust apps Cross-domain apps Hosting options App types at a glance Data storage options External data access options Get SharePoint data SharePoint workflows

The Journal of Irreproducible Results How to Reinstall Windows 7 on Your Computer from a System Image Windows 7’s Backup and Restore program lets you create a system image of your computer: a single file that contains everything on your computer’s C drive, including Windows, your installed programs, and the files you’ve created with those programs. You can store a system image on a portable hard drive and then keep the portable drive in a location safe from any hazards that may befall your PC. PCs Glossary AC power Power that comes from an electrical outlet in the wall or power strip. adapter card A circuitry board that, when added to a computer internally, increases that computer’s capabilities; also called an expansion card. Administrator account An account for the manager of a computer or network. Accelerated Graphics Port; a type of computer video expansion. all-in-one A type of inkjet printer that can also act as a scanner, fax machine, and copier. application A kind of software used for productivity or to create things (the software that does the work). base station Bluetooth broadband cable hub

DVD Studio Pro - Authoring a 5.1 DVD with Surround Sound - College of Communication Download PDF Written by Susanne Kraft, 1. In Final Cut Pro export a quicktime reference movie 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Do this for all 6 channels. NOTE: If you experience your surround disk has too much bass turn off "Enable Low Frequency Effects
