40 maps that explain the world
Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled "40 maps they didn't teach you in school," one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. Some of these are pretty nerdy, but I think they're no less fascinating and easily understandable. A majority are original to this blog, with others from a variety of sources. [Additional read: How Ukraine became Ukraine and 40 more maps that explain the world] 1. world worldviews Dallas shooting updates News and analysis on the deadliest day for police since 9/11. post_newsletter353 follow-dallas true after3th false Today's WorldView What's most important from where the world meets Washington Please provide a valid email address. Click to enlarge. 2. Click to enlarge. This might be useful in planning your next vacation, although there are some big surprises in the results. 3.
Afternoon Map
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Etymology of African countries' names
By hovering over the names, you will see the actual country's name and other possible etymologies. Why this map? This map was inspired by this etymological map of the USA. A nonsensical map? This map aims at showing the variety of names used to designate African countries in modern English. Under a more historical angle, countries such as Burkina Faso chose to be called in 1984 the "land of Honest Men" as it was known under the colonial name of "Upper Volta" before. Why this projection? It is always quite difficult to find a good projection for African maps.
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