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Create PDF from text images or html FREE

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FUTZ.ME Send yourself a link to something you are reading right now: ...And the link to that story gets emailed to you (or texted if that's how you have configured). Send to your Email or TEXT a PIC from Any image on the net: ...And the image gets emailed (with attachment) OR Text-Messaged (SMS) to you. Out of milk? ...And the note you typed gets emailed to you. Put the words "From: name" in the subject line of the email: ...sends you a link, a note, And...puts a "From: Bob" in the subject line. Have a .jpg-.gif-or-.png on your computer and want to send it just like above 'net example: ...And it takes you to a screen where you can drop in your image, and send it. Tweet from your address bar: (putting image url after text will post it Embedded) ...posts to your Twitter page without you ever giving us your Twitter password. Twitter # sign works via hack (and post to Facebook if you want) just typing the word "hash", you create a # sign. Include a custom subject line for emails: Public futzes

Introducción al SCORM 1.2 para no técnicos Introducción al SCORM 1.2 para no técnicos Posted in elearning on Marzo 10, 2011 by Manuel Escarmena Exposito Me gustaría hacer una pequeña introducción al estándar SCORM 1.2, pero destinado aquellas personas que no tienen un perfil técnico, y les gustaría saber: ¿Qué es el SCORM 1.2? Primeramente, explicaros que SCORM 1.2 es un estándar o protocolo de comunicación entre las plataformas de enseñanza (LMS) y los contenidos formativos, desarrollado por la ADLNET ( ¿Qué define este estándar? Este estándar nos permite comunicar los contenidos desarrollados por diferentes proveedores con nuestra plataforma de enseñanza, siempre y cuando los dos siguan este protocolo. Las plataformas suministran un objeto que permite esta comunicación, llamado API. Este objeto permite a los contenidos formativos leer y guardar información del seguimiento, puntuación y sesión del alumno. ¿Cómo se comunica los contenidos formativos con la plataforma por medio de la API? 1. 2. 3. 4.

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SPAMGOURMET Confirmation was unsuccessful -- invalid or expired confirmation URL. not logged in How spamgourmet works If you give your email address to everyone, you are bound to receive spam emails, and you won't know where they came from. That's exactly what spamgourmet offers! Protect yourself from spam in three easy steps: 1. 2. 3. where someword is a word you have never used before, x (optional) is the number of email messages you want to receive at this address (up to 20, and the number 3 will be used if you leave it out), and user is your username. For example, if your user name is "spamcowboy", and BigCorp wants you to give them your email address (on the web, on the phone, at a store - it doesn't matter), instead of giving them your protected address, give them this one: will work the same way) If you want more options, choose the "advanced mode" tab above.

