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In philately "typography", especially in the case of 19th century stamps, refers to letterpress printing. Typography is performed by typesetters, compositors, typographers, graphic designers, art directors, manga artists, comic book artists, graffiti artists, clerical workers, and everyone else who arranges type for a product. Until the Digital Age, typography was a specialized occupation. §History[edit] Printing press, 16th century in Germany The essential criterion of type identity was met by medieval print artifacts such as the Latin Pruefening Abbey inscription of 1119 that was created by the same technique as the Phaistos disc. Modern movable type, along with the mechanical printing press, is most often attributed to the goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg. Computer technology revolutionized typography in the 20th century. §Evolution[edit] The Roman typeface’s development can be traced back to Greek lapidary letters. §Experimental typography[edit] §Scope[edit] §Text typography[edit]

The Basics of Typography Typography is a central component of design. It gives us an understanding of the heritage behind our craft. It’s one of the primary ways we, as a society, pass on information to others. Imagine a website, a magazine or even TV without text. Typography is a subject that raises passions and it can become a consuming obsession. If this subject is relatively new to you, or perhaps something you want to know more about, then this guide can start you on that journey. What Is Typography? From a descriptive and simplistic point-of-view, typography is the arrangement of type. For me, how typography is used in a design is deeply rooted in its overall theme, tone and message. Your choice of typefaces and your technique of setting type give your composition its character, pace and style. A simple illustration of how influential typography can be is to look at the same text with different typefaces. Next, let’s go through a few basic typography terms and concepts. Lines Here are the five lines: Leading

Subtraction 7.1 Beta 50 Helpful Typography Tools And Resources Advertisement We love beautiful typography, and we appreciate the efforts of designers who come up with great typographic techniques and tools or who just share their knowledge with fellow designers. We are always looking for such resources. To help you improve the typography in your designs, we’re presenting here useful new articles, tools and resources related to typography. You may be interested in the following related posts: Typography: References and Useful Resources The Taxonomy of TypeThis article’s purpose is to help us as designers to distinguish basic properties of types. Typedia: A Shared Encyclopedia of TypefacesTypedia is a resource to classify, categorize, and connect typefaces. Typeface Anatomy and GlossaryMany fonts have abbreviations in their names. Typographic Marks UnknownThere are many typographic marks which are familiar to most, but understood by few. Periodic Table of TypefacesA reference table for most popular typefaces and their classifications. Combining Type

Digital Text Typography: 40+ Beautiful Text Typography Designs | Typography Digital text typography has really set a great trend in 2010 and 2011. Experimenting with the right choice of font, splashing with bold or plain colors, and designing it in different perspective are elements that works on typography. It uses on logo, poster, and websites. It does not only attract visitors attention but also create a cool look on your website. In this article, I’ll be featuring collection of typography inspired websites. Fonts Typographic posters is now more popular and we can notice a surge for Fonts Type work on portfolio sites, Here we have collected Digital Text Typography: 40+ Beautiful Text Typography Designs , I found these design really inspiring, hope you will be inspired. You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well. Font Typography Source Font Typography Source Font Typography Source Font Typography Source Font Typography Source Font Typography Source Font Typography Source Font Typography Source Font Typography Source

I love Typography (iLT), devoted to fonts, typefaces and all thi A Beginner's Guide to Pairing Fonts – Web Design – Tuts+ Tutorials Pairing fonts can be a challenge. Selecting two or more fonts which work well is one thing - selecting two which work together to achieve your typographic aims may have you reaching for the aspirin. Let's see if we can alleviate any headaches. Luckily, typography has been around a lo-oong time. Here's a quick breakdown of what we'll cover in this guide: Your Aim Keep the essentials in mind. How Many Fonts Should I Use? How many fonts you throw into the mix is entirely up to you, but bear in mind the overall effect you're trying to achieve. Make sure that there is some charisma in the group though; eight people with little to say just results in a toe-curling wait for the speeches.. It's no longer around, but the Fusion Ads 2011 bundle site sicks in my mind as a great example of successful stack-em-high font use. There are no rules to say you should or shouldn't use a specific number of fonts on a page layout. To Buy or Not to Buy? Quality. Compare these two similar fonts.. Originality.

Text Ideas in Design - Turn Typography into exciting designs! When you want to say something, say it with words. And if you’re a skillful designer, you can express those words in an unusual way, with typography. Tiling, gradients, bokeh and text design interlink to form an interesting background. Extremely effective and relevant use of handwritten text to form a background and an image. Looks like designers are having themselves a field day with big, bold headlines. This site has the outsized headline in lower case and the content in all caps in a smart yet simple design that optimizes the use of color and type. Courtesy: LemonDesign Here every word begins with the letter ‘A’ which takes center-stage in no uncertain terms. Create visual impact while leaving an impression with your message. Different forms of the word “coffee” make up this extremely inviting steaming cup of coffee formed completely with text. Type forms the shape of the number “21” – big and bold – a young designer’s announcement to the world that he has arrived.

Web Typography: Educational Resources, Tools and Techniques A Basic Look at Typography in Web Design Web design is so important to ensure a site has a good user experience and each aspect of it can have a huge impact on the usability of your site. One of these aspects, Typography is an often overlooked, but integral part of design and something your web design company shouldn’t be overlooking. Think of all the different uses of typography on the web, from large headlines and bold blocks of text to smaller-sized text in body copy, and you’ll soon realize that not only is it a crucial part of a web design, but that it’s a pure combination of art and science. We’ve come a long way since the start of the internet, but the use of typography is as important today as it was back in the day. Typography Basics Typography is the use of type in a design. There are two major classifications of fonts to choose from: serif and sans serif fonts. Serif fonts have serifs or extra embellishments at the end of stokes; some call them feet or tails. Things to Consider for Typography on the Web Web Safe Fonts

"What Font Should I Use?": Five Principles for Choosing and Using Typefaces Advertisement For many beginners, the task of picking fonts is a mystifying process. There seem to be endless choices — from normal, conventional-looking fonts to novelty candy cane fonts and bunny fonts — with no way of understanding the options, only never-ending lists of categories and recommendations. Selecting the right typeface is a mixture of firm rules and loose intuition, and takes years of experience to develop a feeling for. Here are five guidelines for picking and using fonts that I’ve developed in the course of using and teaching typography. 1. Many of my beginning students go about picking a font as though they were searching for new music to listen to: they assess the personality of each face and look for something unique and distinctive that expresses their particular aesthetic taste, perspective and personal history. The most appropriate analogy for picking type. For better or for worse, picking a typeface is more like getting dressed in the morning. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
