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Nombre d’or, suite de Fibonacci et autres grilles de mise en page pour le design web

Nombre d’or, suite de Fibonacci et autres grilles de mise en page pour le design web

Modèles A4 à imprimer Plafond en nids d'abeilles de l'arc de triomphe de Glanum(St-Rémy-de-Provence) Dimensions des feuilles A4. Le format A4 des feuilles de papier est défini par une norme internationale utilisée par tous les pays (sauf quelques pays d'Amérique tels USA, Canada, Mexique ...). Les formats A0, A1, A2 ... correspondent à des feuilles de surface (aire) 1 m2, 1/2 m2, 1/4 m2 ... En pliant en deux une feuille A0 on obtient deux feuilles A1, en pliant une feuille A1 ... De plus les proportions 'Longueur/largeur' doivent être les mêmes pour tous les formats, ce qui implique L0/l0 = L1/l1 avec L0=2xl1 et l0 = L1 qui conduit à l'équation 2xl1 / l0 = l0/l1 qui donne l0/l1 = racine carrée de 2 = L0/l0 = L1/l1 = ... 2006 (Nb premiers, inverse, Fibonacci, Catalan, factorielle, puissances ...) Grilles Pavages réguliers Pavages semi-réguliers Carrés et triangles équilatéraux (3,3,4,3,4) fichier .pdf Carrés, hexagones, dodécagones (4,6,12) motifs de grande taille ou de taille moyenne. Papier pointé Rosaces Courbes

Applying Divine Proportion To Your Web Designs Advertisement Effective web design doesn’t have to be pretty and colorful — it has to be clear and intuitive; in fact, we have analyzed the principles of effective design in our previous1 posts2. However, how can you achieve a clear and intuitive design solution? This article explains what is the Divine proportion and what is the Rule of Thirds and describes how you can apply both of them effectively to your designs. Divine Proportion Since the Renaissance, many artists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio — especially in the form of the golden rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the golden ratio. As Mark Boulton states in his article Design and the Divine Proportion3, “one of the key components in the vehicle of communication is composition, and in design schooling it is something that is taught as something you should feel rather than create logically.” Consider the example above. The Rule of Thirds Summary

BLUE VERTIGO | Web Design Resources Links | Last update FEB.25.2009 Handy Tips for Creating a Print CSS Stylesheet Print stylesheets often come as a secondary thought on many websites, after all, who prints a webpage anyway?! Despite their slightly infrequent use, a print stylesheet can really help polish the printed document for when it is used. It doesn’t take too long to create, so let’s take a look at some handy tips that you can put into practice on your own site. For this example, we’ll be going through the process of building the print stylesheet for Line25. Being a design blog there’s plenty of articles that users might want to print to refer to; for instance a user might want to print a tutorial to save switching applications; print an article for a meeting; or simply rest their eyeballs from the computer screen and read in bed. Adding some Fancy Styling With a bunch of objects removed the print styling is taking shape, and has dramatically reduced the number of pages in use, which all helps save the world. Display Link Destinations Split Comments Onto a Separate Page The Final Stylesheet

J'affiche...! L'actualité en affiche par Geoffrey Dorne Chartered Institute of Public Relations The CIPR has gathered together some of the UK's foremost social media thinkers and contributors to provide input into the Institute's policy guidance, education and training. Led by CIPR board member Rob Brown, the panel will look at issues such as online reputation developments, convergence in marketing communications and best practice social media measurement. CIPR President Jay O'Connor said: A core theme in our three-year strategic plan is social media and the impact on the public relations profession. The panel is a diverse group comprising some of the best thinkers and practitioners, including:

CSS Specificity And Inheritance Advertisement CSS’ barrier to entry is extremely low, mainly due to the nature of its syntax. Being clear and easy to understand, the syntax makes sense even to the inexperienced Web designer. It’s so simple, in fact, that you could style a simple CSS-based website within a few hours of learning it. But this apparent simplicity is deceitful. Understanding a few often overlooked concepts is also important. Two of these concepts are specificity and inheritance. The notion of a “cascade” is at the heart of CSS (just look at its name). Please consider reading our previous related article: CSS Specificity: Things You Should Know 1. Style sheets can have a few different sources: User agent For example, the browser’s default style sheet.User Such as the user’s browser options.Author This is the CSS provided by the page (whether inline, embedded or external) There is also the ! Knowing this, let’s look at the final order, in ascending order of importance: 2. 2.1 How to Calculate Specificity? 3. 4. 5.

Shadow, l'outil de développement web mobile gratuit d'Adobe Adobe a dévoilé Shadow, un petit outil de développement web qui permet aux concepteurs et aux développeurs d'avoir un aperçu de leurs créations sur plusieurs appareils mobiles en même temps. On peut découvrir comment fonctionne Shadow sur le site d'Adobe Labs. La version bêta du logiciel est disponible en téléchargement gratuit. L'outil Shadow d'Adobe permet de naviguer en même temps sur le bureau d'un ordinateur et un terminal mobile. Voir et inspecter Shadow permet aux développeurs de pointer les erreurs, de tester de nouvelles idées et mises en page, et de voir les changements en temps réel sur les terminaux mobiles connectés. Les niveaux de fonctionnalités varient selon le navigateur, quelques-uns comportent de nouvelles technologies, en avance sur les règles du W3C, ce qui suppose un contrôle constant pour s'assurer que le site web fonctionnement bien sur tous les support, ou au moins qu'il subit des impacts supportables. Une meilleure navigation avec le HTML 5

Tracking the Buzz: How to Monitor your Brand Effectively | Social Media Trader Are you’re ears burning? If you’re supplying content to the online community, chances are that people are talking about you. Whether or not companies are actively engaging directly with their audience through social media channels, they should at least be aware of conversations taking place about either their brand or anything that may directly impact them. Listening to the buzz around you brand is not only important from a reputation management standpoint, but also because it serves as a way to better understand ways of improving your brand. We take a look at ways to help you monitor online conversation and trends that can affect your brand, as well as show you a few nifty tools that can make your life a whole lot easier. Google Alerts and Yahoo Alerts Alerts are a good way to get an overview of what is going on . You should be using search engine alerts to find out whenever your company name, url, public figures or products are mentioned. Google Blog Search Yahoo Pipes BlogPulse Google Trends
