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20 Foods that Detox Your Body & Mind

20 Foods that Detox Your Body & Mind
The connection between the body and the mind is a very real one, with the way your body feels playing a big part in how your brain functions and whether or not you experience a state of well-being. Keeping it free of toxins, free radicals, and other nasty things that can end up in our insides is essentially to maintaining a healthy life. You’ll notice that with many of these detox foods the road to purification goes through the liver, and getting it to full capacity can have several long-lasting benefits throughout the body. Artichokes Artichokes help the liver function at its best, which in turn will help your body purge itself of toxins and other things it doesn’t need to survive. Aside from all of the benefits to your liver, it’s also filled with fiber, protein, magnesium, folate, and potassium. Asparagus Despite being a tasty veggie asparagus ranks highly on the detox-o-meter. Avocados Beets Broccoli Cabbage Dandelions Garlic Many detox diets list garlic as a crucial piece of the puzzle.

20 Diuretic Foods to Lower Blood Pressure and Lose Weight Diuretic foods can be helpful if you’re looking to lower your blood pressure, or if you’re retaining water. Some dieters also use it to help them lose weight, and purging the body of excess fluid is good for your overall health and wellbeing. One option is to take water pills in order to get your body to release extra water and salt, but before going that route it may be a better idea to make a few dietary changes and see if that helps. Here are our picks for the best diuretic foods available to keep things natural. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. You may also like: is committed to providing information on natural and alternative health, but is not written by health care professionals. Links on this website may lead you to a product or service that provides an affiliate commission to the owners of this site should you make a purchase.

Vaccination Opt-Outs Have Declined in Many US States Despite well-publicized concerns that parents are not getting their children vaccinated in parts of the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that by kindergarten age, the vaccination rate for the current school year is 90% or better in all but three states and Washington, DC. This year 22 states had a vaccination rate for entering kindergartners of at least 95% compared to 17 states last year. Reporting in this week’s issue of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Review, Ranee Seither, MPH and colleagues found that during the 2015-2016 school year, median vaccination coverage for more than four million US kindergartners was 94.6% for two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), 94.2% for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP) and 94.3% for two doses of varicella. Eight states included data for some home-schooled kindergartners, which could explain why the vaccination rate was not even higher. In the state of Michigan, non-medical exemptions decreased by 1.7%.

Herbs for Weight Loss: A Recipe for Slimming Herbal Tea Previously we discussed a few things to help us focus on developing the habit of healthy living — click here to read that post. Today, I’d love to talk specifics and share a few of my most favorite herbs for weight loss, detoxification, and over all well-being. But first let me say… …herbs should not be considered a magical solution to anyone’s weight-loss efforts! Nonetheless, I do believe that they play a huge role — most effectively in the role of appetite suppression and detoxification. There are several different herbs that have improven to increase metabolism and/or suppress the appetite — naturally helping us achieve our weight loss goals. Just be careful — please note…this statement is my disclaimer — with any information you read (yes, even this information that I am sharing with you today) regarding herbs with weight loss claims. The Best Weight Loss Herbs As mentioned above, there are countless herbs and remedies in the realm of weight loss. The Recipe Method Now it’s your turn!

10 Natural Ways to Burn Belly Fat If you’re wondering how to burn belly fat and have even considered taking diet pills or fat burners, you should try to do it the all natural way before taking extreme measures. It’s not really natural for us to carry all that weight on our midsections, so getting back to a more natural state is one sure way to watch the fat go away, almost as a byproduct of our actions. It doesn’t have to be an all out war to kill your stomach fat. Just make these 10 all-natural adjustments and it should effortlessly come off. 1. 2. Get a scale that measures your body fat percentage and aim to get that down to a level that is right for your gender. 3. 4. The process is pretty particular, so you’ll need to study up on it. 5. You should be eating foods high in Vitamin C, as well as Vitamin E if you want to give yourself the best shot at losing that stubborn fat. See the foods highest in minerals here 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. You may also like:

6 Important Prebiotic Foods - Absorb Health Prebiotics are just as important to your gut health as probiotics. They help probiotics do their job of keeping your guy in top shape. Here are 6 important prebiotic foods that you should be eating more of… AsparagusBananasDandelion greensGarlicJerusalem artichokeOnions Read more about these foods here. 5 Herbs that Reduce Stress and Anxiety Here are five herbs that have to be proven effective at reducing stress and anxiety: 1. Licorice Root contains a natural hormone alternative to cortisone, which can help the body handle stressful situations, and can help to normalize blood sugar levels as well as your adrenal glands, providing you with the energy necessary to deal with the stressful situation at hand. Some claim licorice stimulates cranial and cerebrospinal fluid, thereby calming the mind. As a soothing tonic, drink it warm as in a tea. 2. The parts of the passion flower plant that grow above the ground can be dried and steeped for tea. 3. Kava Kava is very easily found as a capsule in the supplement section of any grocery store. 4. St. 5. While lavender can be consumed in a tea, it may work best as an essential oil that is breathed in by way of a diffuser or, in the case of stress and sleeplessness, an eye pillow. Or of course, a good yoga or meditation session may work better than anything else.

18 Foods High in Omega-3's for Optimal Health Omega-3 fatty acids are an important element for the body to have, and going without them for too long can lead to inflammatory conditions in the body. By not getting enough of them each day you are shortchanging your body and leaving it without the basic building blocks it needs to function at its full potential. If you go a long time with an omega-3 shortage you might suffer from premature aging and leave yourself susceptible to diseases and conditions that otherwise would not have surfaced. 1. Walnuts may not be the most popular nut when it come to snacking, but they should experience a surge since they’re so rich in omega-3s. 2. Salmon is one of the most well-known sources of omega-3s, and it’s not just a rumor, it really does pack a punch when it comes to these fatty acids. 3. These tiny seeds are great to keep in your kitchen because they can go in or on just about anything, and provide instant omega-3 benefits. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. You may also like:

An Interview With Yuko Inoue, Coffee Masters NYC Champion After a fierce weekend of competition at the second annual New York Coffee Festival, a new champion has been crowned at the Coffee Masters Tournament: Yuko Inoue, of Timberyard UK in London, England. Third time was the charm for Yuko Inoue, who has competed at two past Coffee Masters tournaments before taking home the grand prize in New York. This includes a nail-biting second place finish at the 2016 Coffee Masters Tournament at London Coffee Festival, to which she lost a squeaker on points to two-time champion Ben Morrow. Yuko Inoue will spend this prize menu visiting more origin countries, including their first-ever visit to Africa. A huge congratulations on winning the Coffee Masters, Yuko Inoue! I have been in coffee industry for about 6 years. You’ve won $5000 USD for winning the Coffee Masters. This is the question that I have been asked by many people and I have been asking myself after winning the Coffee Masters. I chose the coffee first for my signature drink. Yes.

Moved to Shirataki Noodles: Low-Carb Blessing Or Curse? Are shirataki noodles appropriate when you are livin' la vida low-carb? One of my many faithful and dedicated readers asked me a question today about a supposedly low-carb pasta product called shirataki noodles. Jimmy what do you know about these Japanese noodle? Actually, I have not personally had the opportunity to try this product yet, but I have heard about them previously. So what about these noodles makes them so special? According to the Food Network's encyclopedia, shirataki (pronounced shee-rah-TAH-kee) is actually translated as "white waterfall," referring to the way the noodles look. Here is the nutritional label for the specific brand Konjac Shirataki Angel Hair Noodles sold at Low Carb Connoisseur: As you can see, there's not much of anything nutritionally in these noodles -- NO fat, NO net carbs, NO calories, NO sugar, NO protein, and NO gluten! I really like the fact that these noodles have fiber, an essential element of any successful low-carb program in my opinion. .

11 Morning Rituals That Can Change Your Life Your morning can be that make-or-break time that sets you up for a good day or a bad day. Here are 11 habits you can establish that will put you on the path of stringing together good day after good day. 1. Drink a Glass of Warm Lemon Water Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning is an excellent way to get your body going. You want the water to be warm so that it’s not a shock to your system first thing in the morning. The Rehydration Process When you wake up in the morning you’ve just gone without water for about 8 hours, so it’s important to turn things around and start up the flow of water again. 2. This is priority one because in order to fit in a fantastic morning you’re going to need some extra time compared to your current routine. The Ideal Time to Wake Up Wake up in conjunction with circadian rhythms if possible. 3. Taking time to scrape your tongue is one morning routine you won’t want to give up once you start it. The Right Scraper 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Global Healthy Living Foundation Fact Checks ICERs Myths Report Reveals Insurance Ties and Disregard for Patient Input in Analysis Reports Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF) released a fact check report entitled “Omissions in ICER’s Claims” in response to a report recently issued by the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER). Notably, the GHLF fact check report reveals ICER’s close ties to the insurance industry, undermining the objective role that ICER claims it plays in deciding whether patients are granted access to life-saving medication. On August 9, 2016, ICER issued a report entitled “Addressing the Myths About ICER and Value Assessment”, that aimed to respond to the growing questions over ICER’s credibility by a number of doctors and patient advocacy groups. “ICER is more interested in helping the insurance industry save costs than understanding the life-saving merits of new and innovative drugs,” said Ginsberg. About Global Healthy Living Foundation Copyright Business Wire 2016

Natural Beauty - 21 Day Morning Detox Routine Hello new readers from Pinterest, Herbs & Oils World and, well, all over the internet! If you like this post, leave me a comment and make sure to follow Little Green Dot on Facebook to make sure you don’t miss any new recipes and tutorials! This week I taught a workshop on how to Detoxify Your Skin. It’s always fun – we show you tons of recipes to make your own natural skincare - but one of my favorite beauty recipes is actually not something that you put onto your skin, but rather into your body! It’s a routine that I love doing and I really want to encourage you to join me! Here’s what you do: Right when you wake up, before you eat anything – drink a big glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon. Here’s the thing: when it comes to our culture of beauty, think about how many products we use on our skin everyday. We use all of these beauty products, exposing our skin to so many different chemicals and the really irritating part is that a lot of them don’t even work. Ingredients:

These foods HARM your brain - beware The #1 WORST Food that HARMS Your Brain (avoid!) Some foods you might be eating daily can actually DAMAGE your brain over time. In this article, we'll explore foods that HARM your brain vs foods that PROTECT your brain. by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist Co-Author of the best seller: The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging First, the BAD NEWS... Certain foods you eat can indeed harm your brain, both in impaired learning ability as well as impaired memory. A friend of mine just told me that her dad died of Alzheimers recently and it was just a terrible disease where he didn't even know who she was anymore towards the end. So let's dig in with the topic today of foods that harm your brain, and what you can do about it... Food #1 that HARMS your brain: Fructose In a 2012 UCLA study published in the Journal of Physiology, researchers found that a diet high in fructose over time can damage your memory and learning ability. Last thing to note about fructose... The good news is... Want more...
