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Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) for Pandemic Influenza Medical Countermeasures Utilization Protocol & Decision Tools

Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) for Pandemic Influenza Medical Countermeasures Utilization Protocol & Decision Tools

Are You Ready Series: Pandemic Preparedness Let’s cut to the chase, it is very difficult to prepare for epidemics and pandemics especially for those living in close proximity to others. These natural reoccurring disasters tend to occur suddenly and without warning. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), serious, deadly contagious disease outbreaks can and do happen. CDC investigates new contagious diseases—averaging one new contagion per year. These new contagious diseases can emerge right here or only a plane-ride away from here. Looking back at the Black Plague, those living in high populated areas were hit hardest by this pandemic. Many believe the misuse of antibiotics in the past has led to the dangers of super bugs such as the spread of MRSA — or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Before we get into the meat and potatoes of pandemic preparedness, let’s look at the changes that will likely occur in your community if this disaster were to occur: Community Preparedness Will Play a Large Role Source Google+

Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sterilization of medical instruments and supplies in survival situations In survival situations, medical emergencies will arise. One of the main concerns with any medical procedures is clean, sterilized equipment so as to not pass on infection and compound or completely compromise any medical procedures that must be done.. Here is a basic primer on disinfection and sterilization in survival situations Q. A. Sterility is only a temporary state – once sterile packaging is open or the product has been removed from an autoclave colonization begins almost immediately just from exposure to air and bacteria present in the environment. Q. A. Infection rates are no greater if a superficial wound has been irrigated and cleaned with tap water vs. being cleaned and irrigated with sterile saline. Expendable vs. Expendable supplies are used once and discarded. Sterilisation of specific items: Syringes: There are two types of syringes: disposable and reusable. The best method to sterilise syringes is to use a rack to suspend the barrel and plunger. Surgical instruments:

United States Accused of Planting Avian Flu in Recent H7N9 Outbreak Janet C. PhelanActivist Post Amidst allegations by a highly placed Colonel in the Chinese army that the U.S. has released a bioweapon in Mainland China, concerns are ramping up that this year's version of the avian flu, H7N9, may turn into a major pandemic. The last few years have seen several false alarms on the pandemic front. Neither the bird flu of 2004 nor the swine flu of 2009-2010 ended up being of much concern, although agencies from the WHO on down certainly created quite a flurry around both of these flu bugs. H7N9 has already shown itself to have a high mortality rate, higher in fact than the Spanish flu of 1918, which caused 50 million deaths worldwide. According to Keiji Fukuda, WHO's assistant director-general for health, security and the environment, "This is definitely one of the most lethal influenza viruses that we have seen so far." Already, there are questions as to whether H7N9 has mutated and is now transmissible from human to human.

Abandoned Places Pandemic Watch: Another insider announces that a global pandemic is imminent Janet C. Phelan Dr. Quoted in an article in US News onDecember 24, Dr. Through his declaration of the imminent nature of a pandemic, Kim adds his name to a growing list of insiders who are stating that we are shortly facing a disease event of a global magnitude. At the very time that our attention is focused on the possibility of losing our rights to defend ourselves via our potential loss of our second amendment rights, the insidious possibility of a global pandemic is lurking....well, right under our pavement. The possibility for utilization of the water system as a delivery system for a pandemic-type agent remains salient. Truthfully, I prefer the word “genocide” to “population reduction.” Dr. Merck has been under scrutiny for a number of years for problems with its products, including drugs such as Temodar, PegIntron, and Intron A. Inovio continues to partner with Merck, according to the Inovio website. Dr. Dr. Read other articles by Janet Phelan Here

Survival Manual - Learn How To Make Homemade Candles This is how you can make your own candles. Take the hard fat from a deer and rendered it down to make tallow. Tallow is hard like wax. Rendering is a process which takes fat which would otherwise go rancid and removes impurities, this keeps it from going rancid. Fat from deer, sheep, beef and bison is considered tallow while fat from pigs is considered lard. Now cut into small peices completely devoid of any red flesh. The amount of hard fat on a deer is variable and depends on the size of the deer and how far north you live as well as what part of the season it was killed. Now boil the fat in water because it is safer and prevents overheating. Bring water/fat to a boil and immediately reduce to a simmer. Now after boiling strain it through a fine a mesh strainer. The strainer bits can be fed to pets but for this process it is just scrap. Now set it aside and let it cool off. Break up the tallow into a small pan and place that pin in a large pot with some water.

The hepatitis C study America never heard about - The Berkson Clinical Study (NaturalNews) If someone were to take a look at the impressive credentials of Dr. Burton Berkson they would likely think that any study he conducted would easily find its way to publication - especially one which demonstrated remarkable success against chronic hepatitis C. Such was not the case with the Berkson Clinical Study in the U.S., despite Dr. Berkson's credentials. Instead, the U.S. study ended up being published in the German medical journal Medizinishche Klinik. A sample of Dr. Assist. Why the study wasn't published in the U.S. The last two items in the credentials may give a hint of why Berkson's study was never published in America. Antiviral treatment costs range well upwards of tens of thousands of dollars annually. The Berkson Clinical Study The patients also took vitamins B, C, and E and a mineral supplement each day. The patients The results From the study's conclusion: Sources: Mr.

How to Travel Full-Time for $17,000 a Year (or Less!) Wise Bread Picks For the last five years, I've been traveling the world full-time, and for less money than I've ever spent (and I'd wager less money than most people would spend) to live in one place. My worldly possessions fit into one bag (just larger than carry-on size) and a backpack containing my laptop and computer gear. This small entourage (weighing less than 45 pounds in total) comes with me as I wander around the world, sometimes quickly, but mostly slowly. In 2011 alone, I traversed 13 countries and over 45,360 miles. What if I told you it wasn't? Believe it. How to Keep Your Travel Costs Low Of course, I could travel for way more than $17,000/year. Here are a few of my secrets. Don't Pay for Accommodations In the entire year of 2011, I paid $173 for accommodation. Work-Trade/Volunteer There are lots of creative opportunities to work in trade for your accommodation (and sometimes food) and enjoy a more immersive travel experience. Hospitality Exchange House/Pet-Sitting Travel Slowly

Polish study: Vaccines carry the potential to do tremendous harm‏ The authors of this powerful new review wrote: “It is not reasonable to assume that manipulation of the immune system through an increasing number of vaccinations during critical periods of brain development will not result in adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.” Here’s what they found. A new scientific review from Poland discusses irreparable harm done by vaccines. This review addresses the issue in terms of adverse effects, immune system effects, neurological symptoms following vaccination, and a history of vaccines demonstrating little benefit. Adverse Effects Different systems of defining types of vaccination adverse events include dividing between immune system and nonimmune system, or classifying according to whether they’re local, general, shortly after vaccination, or develop more slowly. Their study leaves little doubt that vaccines produce serious risks that are entirely out of line with any benefits gained. Immune System Effects They go on to state that: They state that:

Library Index | Survivor Library Categories Library FAQS Reader Programs These are the two most common programs used to read the Library files. Adobe reader is a commercial program and read only PDFs. Many of these books are from an age before Attorneys and Government Agencies existed to protect us from ourselves, the world and ensure that we’d all live forever and never suffer a scratch, bruise or other injury. These books have been collected over the years primarily for their Historical value in teaching us about the way prior generations lived. ALWAYS keep in mind that the knowledge, techniques and skills in these books come from a century ago, sometimes earlier. COPYRIGHTS: All of the books listed are Public Domain or have expired Copyrights so you are free to download and print them. EPUB vs PDF FORMATS: The advantage of the EPUB version is that it is much smaller than the PDF version. EPUB ACCURACY: EPUB versions of most books are created by OCR scanning of the PDF version of the document.

Risk of Human-to-Human Spread of Deadly New Bird Flu Virus Higher Than Previously Thought Before this year the H7N9 bird flu virus linked to 133 human infections and 43 deaths was never seen in people. All the available evidence suggests that an effective biological barrier apparently kept a pandemic at bay—humans only contracted the novel virus via direct contact with poultry or environments such as live bird markets rather than by human-to-human transmission. New analysis from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), however, suggests that the virus is closer to becoming a disease transmitted among humans than previously thought. A large study comparing the genomes of the five reported human H7N9 strains with 37 H7N9 viruses isolated from more than 10,000 poultry market, farm and slaughterhouse samples from across China suggests that the virus would only need small mutations in its protein structure in order to become easily transmissible among humans. The Science paper’s results diverge somewhat from earlier research.

Survival Gear Review CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine Contaminated With Cancer Virus The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which is now cached, ( but now has been removed) admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine. V40 is an abbreviation for Simian vacuolating virus 40 or Simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. SV40 is believed to suppress the transcriptional properties of the tumor-suppressing genes in humans through the SV40 Large T-antigen and SV40 Small T-antigen. Dr. The matter-of-fact disclosure came during discussions of polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 virus which caused cancer in nearly every species infected by injection. Both the oral, live virus and injectable inactive virus were affected. -SV40 was discovered in 1960. Source:

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