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5 Mind-Blowing Books That Are Worth The Struggle To Read

5 Mind-Blowing Books That Are Worth The Struggle To Read
Books are obstacle courses for the mind. By confronting us with paradigm shifting ideas they challenge us to stretch our capacity for understanding. And when we succeed, they will open up a world which we couldn’t see before. And then, in this unfamiliar world, we find ourselves having new thoughts and breaking new rules, using new magic and exploring new possibilities. You Must Change Your Life – Peter Sloterdijk In this dazzling display of historic inquiry Sloterdijk delves deep into our human tendency to experience ‘vertical tension’ – the call to outgrow oneself and leave behind our old deficient selves. Darwin’s Pharmacy: Sex, Plants, and the Evolution of the Noösphere – Richard M. From his own personal encounters with the Ayahuasca spirit to the ‘other vector’ of evolution, namely, sexual selection, Prof. Nietzsche and Zen: Self Overcoming Without a Self – André van der Braak Everything you ever wanted to know about Nietzsche and Zen can be found in this magnificent book.

The Ape in the Corner Office: How to Make Friends, Win Fights and Work Smarter by Understanding Human Nature: Richard Conniff: 9781400052202: 100 de lucruri pe care trebuie să le faci de-a lungul vieţii Cu toţii ne dorim să ni se întâmple ceva memorabil zilnic. Lumea este imensă şi diversă în jurul nostru. Sunt atâtea în ea, încât ne este greu să facem alegeri. Unde să mergem, când în jur sunt atâtea tari interesante?! Ce să gătim la micul dejun când în magazine sunt atâtea ingrediente delicioase?! 1. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. 30. 32. 34. 36. 38. 40. 42. 44. 46. 48. 50. 52. 54. 56. 58. 60. 62. 64. 66. 68. 70. 72. 74. 76. 78. 80. 82. 84. 86. 88. 90. 92. 94. 96. 98.

Philosophy of the Acrobat: On Peter Sloterdijk | 7 Books We Lost to History That Would Have Changed the World The vast majority of the knowledge humans have assembled over the centuries, has been lost. The world's geniuses either kept their revelations to themselves and then died, or else they put it down on paper which has long since rotted or burned or been used to line some parakeet's cage. Obviously we'll never know what great books have been lost to time, but we have clues on some of them, and what those clues tell us is mind-boggling, and a little bit depressing. If you could make a library out of just books that didn't survive, you'd have a collection of some of the best freaking books ever written. The Gospel of Eve, by Unknown What is it: It is apparently a totally sexually perverse lost book of the Bible. (Wait, what? Why it's Awesome: Ah ha! Why You'll Never Read It: In the 4th Century church officials like Epiphanius lashed out at the book, apparently having nothing better to do than stop everyone from having sex and eating a little bit of semen. Heh heh heh. [Artist's depiction.]

Three Essential Skills to Success as a Digital Nomad [Editors Note: This is a guest post by Sean Ogle of Location180] I remember the moment in January of 2010 that I stepped off the plane in Bangkok, Thailand to begin my new life: I was clueless. A few months prior, I’d quit my job as a financial analyst with only two goals in mind: to travel and run my own business. I had grandiose dreams of living on a tropical island and making money in my sleep–you know, the same illusion every other cubicle dweller as at some point or another. From not knowing how to order Pad Thai on the street, to getting my first Thai massage and not knowing what to do, it’s safe to say I was the worst digital nomad in the world. If you’re reading this, my guess is you’re on a path to do something similar. Obviously, there are a limitless number of ways to approach it, and what worked for me may not be work for you. Skill #1: Discipline (yes, this is a skill) I couldn’t believe this is what my life had become. It was the disciplined decision.

Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?: Seth Godin: 9781591844099: 10 Ways To Raise Your Consciousness “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” -Lao Tzu What highly conscious people talk about (from the film 'My Dinner With Andre') “Watch your thoughts; they become words. 10 Ways To Raise Your Consciousness Becoming more conscious is the progressive realization of conscious mastery over your mind. 1. First, accept the truth. Secondly, speak the truth. The more you’re able to accept and speak the truth, the more conscious you become. Yes, there may be consequences when you switch from lies and half-truths to the full truth, but highly conscious people know that crossing that bridge is well worth the effect. A short-term adjustment is nothing compared to the joys of living honestly and openly. 2. Courage is the gatekeeper between unconscious growth and conscious growth. A powerful guiding principle to adopt is, “Whatever I fear, I must face.” 3. 4. 5. 6. First and foremost, know thyself. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Peter Sloterdijk in English [updated July 2013] | Te Ipu Pakore: The Broken Vessel Peter Sloterdijk (b.1947) is the coming man in philosophical anthropology (or rather, on the comeback after his first brush with fame in the 80s) — though his work is translated more often in French and Spanish than in English. His Sisyphean Spheres trilogy (1998, 1999, 2004), a decade in the making and as yet untranslated in English, seems to have prevented his work becoming more broadly known in the Anglo world. This has begun to change over the past year, as his hyperbolic philosophy has returned parabolically, as it were, his motifs of anthropo-technology, spherology and atmoterrorism having found their moment in this time of genetics, globalization and global warming. Texts already translated into English (in chronological order) Critique of Cynical Reason, trans. Thinker on Stage: Nietzsche’s Materialism, trans. Theory of the Post-War Periods: Observations on Franco-German Relations since 1945, trans. Terror from the Air, trans. Bubbles, Spheres, vol. 1: Microspherology. . . .
