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Caption Hover Effects - Demo 7

Caption Hover Effects - Demo 7
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Les propriétés CSS :nth-child et :first-child Afin de styliser en CSS une liste d’éléments, que ce soit pour la navigation de votre site web ou pour une liste dans vos contenus, vous pouvez utiliser un « ID » différent pour chacun de vos items. Cependant, cela aura comme inconvénient de vous créer plusieurs lignes de codes qui auraient pu être évitées à l’aide de différentes propriétés telles que :nth-child, :nth-of-type, :first-child et :last-child. Ces propriétés sont également très utiles lorsque vous avez une liste avec énormément d’éléments. Voici un article illustrant à merveille l’utilisation de chacune de ces propriétés CSS dans différents contextes afin d’avoir un contrôle absolu sur vos listes HTML. L’article suivant a été écrit par Chris Coyier du site web Sélectionner seulement le 5e élément Si vous devez sélectionner seulement le 1er élément de la liste, vous pouvez utiliser ceci li:first-child ou tout simplement li:nth-child(1). Tout sélectionner sauf les cinq premiers Sélectionner seulement les cinq premiers

QR Code Generator – create QR codes for free (Logo, T-Shirt, print, commercial usage allowed) Root Path of your HTML directory for script links UI Elements - Free UI Elements from Around the Internet Introduction to CSS3 Transitions - Eternal Coding A good-looking application must provide user with visual feedback. User must always know that an order (a click, a tap or whatever) is well received and understood by the application and animations are a great tool to do so. The new HTML 5 specification (to be honest, I should say “the new CSS 3 specification”) introduces a great tool to handle simple animations: the transitions. According to “CSS Transitions Module Level 3” specification on W3C site, CSS3 Transitions allows property changes in CSS values to occur smoothly over a specified duration. The aim of this article will be to first describe the concept of transitions and then to see how CSS3 Transitions works and how we can handle browsers that don’t support the feature: In addition, I suggest you to read the “Introduction to CSS3 Animations” (by David Rousset) which is an excellent companion for this article. To launch a game, just click on “Mix it!” The code of this game is available here. Introduction Declarations Delay Events

How to create impressive 3D graphics in CSS3 | Web design CSS3's 3D transforms are fast becoming a legitimate option for adding depth and interactivity to web projects. In this tutorial we'll walk through how you could approach the process of setting up a 3D stage, building a 3D object, adding shading and animation, and bringing in dynamic content to create something you can use on your own site. We'll also learn some advanced CSS3 features and address some common issues. Why use CSS? There are loads of ways to create 3D graphics in HTML. CSS 3D isn't as optimised as WebGL. Not all browsers fully support for the 3D transforms used in this article, so for brevity I'll make use of the -webkit prefix. Basics: creating a 3D cube To start we'll build a basic 3D cube, placing and animating it in 3D space. I've chosen to use the figure element, but it could be a div, span or whatever type of element you prefer. Setting the stage The first thing we need when building a 3D scene is to create an element to act as a stage. Transformers are go Shading

Allonger temps session ? Allonger temps session ? quinto: Quote from: shadown on June 08, 2010, 08:47:17 AM Je suis chez OVH en mutualisé. J'ai déjà trouvé des tutoriels sur le Web pour modifier le php.ini mais la quantité d'infos à assimiler et bien trop importante pour cette seule modification. En attendant, si tu as une solution à base de htaccess, je prends ! Merci. Bin en fait j'en ai besoin aussi car j'ai voulu faire des modifs une fois sur une page et j'ai dépassé le délais de 20 minutes, résultat j'ai perdu mes modifs... J'ai fait des tests ce matin avec MAMP (mon serveur sur MAC) et j'ai augmenté le temps de session seulement quand on se trouve dans la partie administration simplement en plaçant un fichier .htaccess dans le répertoire admin de websitebaker. Le contenu du .htaccess pour une heure correspond à ça :Code: <IfModule mod_php5.c>php_value session.cookie_lifetime "3600"php_value session.gc_maxlifetime "3600"php_value session.cache_expire "180"</IfModule> shadown: Cool ! Cool ! Navigation

Plans & Politics To change the city, you must first know its rules! As a product of society, any city naturally adheres to certain sets of rules. Some of them are officially stipulated, while others exhibit their prescriptive force more implicitly as traditions and conventions. With their capability to negotiate collective and individual interests, rules are a cultural achievement. As we like to perceive design as an act of subversion, the task is not necessarily to work along a given set of rules, but to play with them, to use their power for other kinds of qualities, to exchange existing rules with new ones and to find projective loopholes within alleged limitations. We formed the Office of Urban Regulation as an urban consultancy, which is founded on our ongoing research on rules within very specific urban contexts.

Transitions & Animations - An Advanced Guide to HTML One evolution with CSS3 was the ability to write behaviors for transitions and animations. Front end developers have been asking for the ability to design these interactions within HTML and CSS, without the use of JavaScript or Flash, for years. Now their wish has come true. With CSS3 transitions you have the potential to alter the appearance and behavior of an element whenever a state change occurs, such as when it is hovered over, focused on, active, or targeted. Animations within CSS3 allow the appearance and behavior of an element to be altered in multiple keyframes. Transitions As mentioned, for a transition to take place, an element must have a change in state, and different styles must be identified for each state. There are four transition related properties in total, including transition-property, transition-duration, transition-timing-function, and transition-delay. In the example below the box will change its background color over the course of 1 second in a linear fashion. Box

How much text can I include in my ad's image? | Facebook Help Center
