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Looking Glass

Looking Glass

Stencyl Build Worlds If you're used to graphics editors like Photoshop, you'll feel right at home in the Scene Designer. Familiar features, such as a selection tool, zooming, grid-snapping and flood fill, will help you quickly craft complex worlds out of Actors, Tiles and Terrain. Create Actors Drop in graphics from your computer to create Actors on the fly. Then use Stencyl's Actor Editor to tweak your Actors' appearances, behaviors and physical properties, and to get them ready for showtime. Browse Game Assets When it comes to game development, most of us aren't Jacks of all trades.

Kodu | Home Welcome :: CheckiO Gamestar Mechanic Livecodelab Lightbot - Playforce: Learning from the games we play Scratch - Scratch est mon langage préféré ! Il est ultra-simple à apprendre et à utiliser. C'est très facile de programmer avec. En quelques clics de souris, on peut arriver à sa première animation. En plus, il existe en français ! Il fonctionne à programmation visuelle, c'est-a-dire que tu choisis les instructions que tu souhaites faire à tes différents personnages, dans une liste. Scratch a été inventé au MIT (université américaine très connue), spécialement pour apprendre aux enfants les concepts de base de la programmation, de façon amusante. En découvrir plus sur Scratch: (si le site ne s'ouvre pas automatiquement en français, tu peux choisir la langue en haut à droite). Ecran d'exemple:

Code & Conquer Most Important: Have Fun. And earn some badges. See how your strategy works out in different scenarios, challenge other players, receive points, earn badges and climb your way to the top of the leaderboard. Boost your coding skills. This game provides the perfect setting to introduce the key concepts employers ask you to know. Atlantis Remixed Transformational play involves the use of virtual worlds to help people learn and grow in a context where they can fail safely. Theory At its core, transformational play is a learning and empowerment philosophy that is grounded in the belief that each one of us is capable of, wants to, and deserves to achieve, great things. Unlike any other form of curriculum, these games offer entire worlds in which learners are central, important participants; a place where the actions of a ten-year old can have significant impact on the world; and a place in which what you know is directly related to what you are able to do and, ultimately, who you become. The theory highlights relations among the three interconnected elements of person with intentionality, content with legitimacy, and context with consequentiality. This stands in sharp contrast to the more traditional positioning of content as facts to be memorized, not as meaningful tools that are necessary for transforming a problematic situation.

Webok La Méthode d’Enseignement «Programmation Animée» est tout à fait adaptée afin d' apprendre à programmer pour les enfants Mais comment choisir langage informatique pour enfants ? Avant de répondre à cette question préoccupante voyons un peu comment cette méthode a été née. L’aventure de la conception de cette méthode a démarré lorsque l'un de ses concepteurs a entrepris de tenter d’expliquer quelques notions de langage de programmation C++ à un garçon, le fils d’une amie. La « Boîte Variable » est ainsi née au coin d’une table, à partir d’un Tuperware. Poussé par l’intérêt de son petit élève, le pédagogue s’est lancé dans l’aventure, façonnant les personnages de Monsieur Processeur, Monsieur Compilateur, les animaux opérateurs... Pour ne pas perturber son petit élève, l’enseignant voulait à tout prix éviter d’utiliser des termes de programmation. Cette histoire semble incroyable, mais elle n’en demeure pas moins vraie.

Welcome to, the new way to learn programming Pixel Press Floors - Pixel Press | Draw your own video game. > Pixel Press Floors app – You’ll need an iPad to “Create-from-Paper” and play – and you can create directly in the app just like you would on paper using touch or a stylus with our “Draw-In-App” tools. > Paper, Pencil & our Sketch Guide (optional) – Print the free Sketch Guide at home (visit to download the PDF) and take a picture of what you create with your iPad’s camera. The glyphs you draw (for example an “x” is a spike and a “+” is a coin) are transformed into gameplay objects. From there you can apply a design to the element, test it, and play it. It’s that simple, and once you learn the glyphs, you’ll be creating like a pro. Full instructions on how to create can be found in our Sketch Guide and How-to Videos at iOS 7.0+ iPad 2, iPad 3, 4 and 5 (Air), iPad Mini, iPad Mini with Retina – supports “Create-from-Paper”, “Draw-in-App” and “Arcade” play. iPhone 4s, 5 & 5s, 5c, iPod Touch 5th gen – “Arcade” play only.

Waterbear: Welcome
