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Lettre d'une pigiste perdue dans l'enfer syrien

Lettre d'une pigiste perdue dans l'enfer syrien
Ce texte sur son expérience syrienne a été publié le 1er juillet 2013, sur le site de la 'Columbia Journalism Review', par Francesca Borri, journaliste indépendante italienne, par ailleurs auteur d'un livre sur le Kosovo et d'un autre sur les rapports entre Israéliens et Palestiniens intitulé 'Quelqu'un avec qui parler' (Manifestolibri, 2010). Il a suscité de très nombreuses réactions, auxquelles Francesca Borri a elle-même répondu sur le site du 'Guardian'. Il nous a semblé qu'il méritait d'être traduit en français. Il m’a finalement écrit. Voilà plus d’un an que je lui envoie des articles à la pige. Pour lui, j’ai attrapé la typhoïde et reçu une balle dans le genou. Le même jour, dans la soirée, j’ai retrouvé le camp rebelle où je vivais, au beau milieu de cet enfer qui s’appelle Alep, et dans la poussière et la faim et la peur, j’ai espéré trouver un ami, un mot compatissant, un geste tendre. Donc, plutôt que de minimiser les risques, vous finissez par les maximiser. Francesca Borri

Columbia Journalism Review 9 questions about Syria you were too embarrassed to ask The United States and allies are preparing for a possibly imminent series of limited military strikes against Syria, the first direct U.S. intervention in the two-year civil war, in retaliation for President Bashar al-Assad's suspected use of chemical weapons against civilians. If you found the above sentence kind of confusing, or aren't exactly sure why Syria is fighting a civil war, or even where Syria is located, then this is the article for you. What's happening in Syria is really important, but it can also be confusing and difficult to follow even for those of us glued to it. Here, then, are the most basic answers to your most basic questions. First, a disclaimer: Syria and its history are really complicated; this is not an exhaustive or definitive account of that entire story, just some background, written so that anyone can understand it. Read award-winning novelist Teju Cole's funny and insightful parody of this article, "9 questions about Britain you were too embarrassed to ask

100 héros de l'information Ineffable. — American Dreamers These lights will make you feel brand new. Burning Man, it’s something that could never happen anywhere than American. It’s most powerful expression of the individual and its potential, the quintessence of the American lifestyle. I always thought that an intense expression of individuality would never be livable in society but it’s actually ok. I was born in Morocco, a magnificent country but filled with tons of taboos, coercive rules and society principles that are pretty strict. Oh, I would have never thought staring at more creation, seeing more value in giant mushrooms on fire than the whole Wall Street district.Since my college times, I really had a hard time enjoying beauty for what it is and completely stop to see things in an utilitarian way. On a spiritual level, I often tried to spark my interest to Sufi or Buddhist spirituality but, to be blunt, it’s really a pain in the ass. The Temple of Whollyness. What a punch of emotions. La Reina De Los Muertos.

Finie "la fabrique à idées", les journaux américains ferment leur salle de rédaction Les locaux du New York Daily News, en juillet 2018 ( GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / SPENCER PLATT ) Des journalistes, mais plus de salle de rédaction: la tendance était à l'oeuvre depuis quelques années dans les journaux américains mais elle s'est accélérée avec la pandémie, nourrie par des motivations plus financières que sanitaires. New York Daily News, Miami Herald ou Baltimore Sun ont officiellement rompu leur bail et rendu leurs bureaux ces derniers mois, de même qu'une dizaine d'autres journaux. Propriétaire de plusieurs de ces titres, le groupe Tribune Publishing a justifié sa décision par une nécessaire "prudence" face au coronavirus. Mais pour la plupart des journalistes interrogés, les rédactions ne rouvriront pas. "La rédaction, c'est une fabrique à idées", se désole-t-elle. "Les groupes de presse comme McClatchy ou Tribune profitent de l'occasion pour réduire leurs coûts", abonde Victor Pickard, professeur d'économie des médias à l'université de Pennsylvanie. - Comme au cinéma -

Now Is The Time For All Good Nerds To Come To The Aid Of The Internet The Internet is broken. It is burning. Facebook and Twitter fiddle while it smokes and we, the sapped members of the Internet class, watch the flames and wonder what’s next. Say what you want about the politics of whistleblowing or the tendency of the exhausted sysadmins to finally give up, now is the time to fix this before all we hold dear – the freedom that NSA snooping was ostensibly designed to protect – is gone. Ignore this moment at your peril. How can we start? Encrypt your hard drive. Require transparency and control of your service providers. Support open source. Don’t consent to be identified or use hardware that does. The absence of privacy is tragic and dangerous. One way of beginning to understand privacy is by looking at what happens to people in extreme situations where it is absent. You are all smart people.

Compagnies aériennes: jusqu'où iront Ryanair et les autres rois du low cost pour réduire les coûts? Face à la concurrence qui fait rage, Ryanair et les autres compagnies aériennes sont prêtes à tout pour faire des économies. Parfois, les mesures prises ressortissent à la plus pure radinerie, même si, au final, elles se traduisent par des millions de dollars d'économies chaque année. Mais parfois, elles peuvent aller à l'encontre de l'exigence de sécuriité. Revue de détail. Le champion du monde des réductions de dépenses tous azimuts est Michael O'Leary, le patron de Ryanair, qui ne ménage pas son temps pour produire des idées lui permettant d'économiser et... accessoirement de faire parler de lui. A l'occasion d'une interview accordée au Républicain lorrain, il avait ainsi carrément annoncé qu'il souhaitait supprimer des toilettes dans ses avions : "N’en garder qu’un sur quatre suffit largement, nos trajets étant en moyenne d’un peu plus d’une heure. Et cet Irlandais qui dirige Ryanair depuis près de 20 ans a de la suite dans les idées.

Les 100 bonnes idées à importer en France (1 à 10) Tickets de bus par SMS, distributeurs de livres, vente de médicaments à l’unité... Voici les dix premières bonnes idées suggérées par nos riverains de l’étranger. Le vendredi 5 juillet, nous avons lancé un appel à nos riverains vivant à l’étranger. Nous leur avons demandé de nous envoyer « des idées à importer » : un bon service, une bonne pratique, une bonne réforme, etc. Nous avons déjà reçu des dizaines de suggestions, que nous vous présenterons petit à petit. Merci de nourrir cette rubrique en nous envoyant de courts textes décrivant des trucs que vous souhaiteriez importer en France (quelques paragraphes et, si nécessaire, une photo ou une vidéo). Les chauffeurs de taxi qui vous reconduisent, vous et votre auto Prague, République tchèque Capture d’écran du service Drink SOS, à Prague A Prague, en République tchèque, la tolérance pour l’alcool au volant est de 0,0 degré. (Merci à Guillaume.) Des machines distributrices de livres Montréal, Québec (Merci à Valentin.) La « boîte de maternité »

Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide' - The Chronicle Review By Daniel J. Solove When the government gathers or analyzes personal information, many people say they're not worried. "I've got nothing to hide," they declare. The nothing-to-hide argument pervades discussions about privacy. The nothing-to-hide argument is everywhere. The argument is not of recent vintage. I encountered the nothing-to-hide argument so frequently in news interviews, discussions, and the like that I decided to probe the issue. My response is "So do you have curtains?" On the surface, it seems easy to dismiss the nothing-to-hide argument. One can usually think of something that even the most open person would want to hide. But such responses attack the nothing-to-hide argument only in its most extreme form, which isn't particularly strong. To evaluate the nothing-to-hide argument, we should begin by looking at how its adherents understand privacy. Privacy, in other words, involves so many things that it is impossible to reduce them all to one simple idea. Daniel J.

NSA "Whistleblower" Snowden: Hero? Fool? Traitor? Or ... ? Oops. I'd thought there was a good probability I could get through today without having to post again about the ever more confusing NSA mess. Not a chance, as it turns out. This saga is now taking on the various aspects of a 60s-era spy spoof film, and its bizarre twists and turns are making David Lynch's 1984 production of "Dune" look clear and easily comprehensible by comparison. Here's where we stand. Word is out that the NSA leaker, "whistleblower," or whatever your preferred terminology may be, is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former CIA tech assistant who (until very recently) was a contract worker at NSA on behalf of various outside firms, like Dell and Booz Allen. Snowden is now reportedly holed up in a hotel room in Hong Kong, and states that he hopes to achieve asylum in Iceland. He asserts that he has done "nothing wrong." Snowden is already being hailed as a "hero" in many quarters, and comparisons are being made to U.S. I'll admit to being puzzled by such actions. Be seeing you.

What is the NSA's PRISM program? (FAQ) | Security & Privacy Editors' note: Updated on June 12 to include new information. You've been hearing about a top-secret government program reportedly giving the NSA access to digital consumer information held by large tech companies. But what is it, really, and how does it affect you? Reports are changing fast, so we created this FAQ to let you know what is known so far. What is PRISM? It has now been acknowledged by the Obama administration. In the words of national security reporter Marc Ambinder, "PRISM [is] a kick-ass GUI that allows an analyst to look at, collate, monitor, and cross-check different data types provided to the NSA from Internet companies located inside the United States." It only targets foreigners? Why would there be foreign intelligence on American servers? So how does this affect an American's data? What is PRISM not? Which companies are involved? All nine of them have explicitly denied that the government has "direct access" to their servers. How? Why isn't Twitter a part of PRISM?

Why Working More Than 40 Hours a Week is Useless For many in the entrepreneurship game, long hours are a badge of honor. Starting a business is tough, so all those late nights show how determined, hard working and serious about making your business work you are, right? Wrong. According to a handful of studies, consistently clocking over 40 hours a week just makes you unproductive (and very, very tired). That's bad news for most workers, who typically put in at least 55 hours a week, recently wrote Sara Robinson at Salon. The most essential thing to know about the 40-hour work-week is that, while it was the unions that pushed it, business leaders ultimately went along with it because their own data convinced them this was a solid, hard-nosed business decision….Evan Robinson, a software engineer with a long interest in programmer productivity (full disclosure: our shared last name is not a coincidence) summarized this history in a white paper he wrote for the International Game Developers’ Association in 2005.

"La vérité, c’est que nous sommes des ratés." by laurentdinh Feb 17
