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Reasons My Son Is Crying

Reasons My Son Is Crying

This is Pareidolia thepaisleyboyfriend: Pareidolia at its best. Humans have evolved a very sophisticated pattern-recognition system. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead us astray; people often perceive patterns out of completely random input, especially when they are ‘primed’ by previous input. Hence the fact that everyone who looks at this picture sees a face instead of just a faucet. Pareidolia is also responsible for the “face on Mars,” the backwards “Satanic messages” in 70’s music, and the Jesus tortillia. (Source: particlesandpsychedelia)

15 Ways to Get Past an Awkward Moment Aug 13, 2012 We’ve all been in awkward situations, our lives are full of them. Nobody’s perfect, but how you handle it can turn an awkward moment into a partial win. Below you will see 15 awkward situations and what these people did to try and turn it around. It might not always work but the best you can do is try, and nobody can take that away from you! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. *Bonus* If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends: Apparently any size box will do OH MY GAWD Optical Illusions funny, scary and amazing optical illusion magic to fool your eyes. Rapperz On Instagram

Liste des Jeux où les devs se vangent des pirates (Vaut en fait pour l'erotic visual novel "Cross Days") Là les pirates prennent bien cher : dans ce jeu pornographique japonais, la version piratée contenait un trojan, qui, lorsqu'il était activé, demandait au joueur de remplir un formulaire avec tout plein d'informations personnelles. Bon déjà, on peut se dire, qui allait remplir ça ? Eh bien des gens l'ont quand même fait, si bien que leurs infos ont été postées sur le net, visibles par tout le monde. Mais c'est pas le pire, le virus prenait aussi des screenshots de l'ordinateur du pirate et les publiaient, essayant de trouver un quelconque motif pour du chantage... Ce qui se passa, c'est que pas mal de joueurs se firent prendre en train de faire/lire/regarder des trucs bizarres, dont notamment... de la pornographie avec des plantes. Oui, oui. Au final les sites où étaient postés les sondages ont été supprimés, vu que c'était quand même illégal...

Look behind you NeverSeconds The VirtueScience Number Database: Properties and Meanings You are here:Index The Database of Number Correlations The purpose of this section is to discover unexpected connections between various material and occult phenomena. A great resource for mathematicians. Notable Events for over 2000 years of history: Discover unusual synchronicities in World History. 2000 plus pages. The Numbers: Numbers 501 - 1000Numbers 1001 - 1500Numbers 1501 - 2000Numbers 2001 - 2500 Higher NumbersRandom Number OverViewNumber PropertiesGeometryPhysicsChemistryBiologyMyth and MagickTriviaHistory An Overview of the Database of Number Correlations The Ordering of Phenomena The data in The Database of Number Correlations is roughly categorized in a hierarchy from unchanging mathematical properties at the top down to trivial man made number correspondences at the bottom. Numbers and Synchronicity Synchronicity provides an external clue to inner affinities and acts in accordance with the law of sympathetic vibration. Number Properties Primes A list of Prime Numbers. Chemistry
