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Tools - Semantic Web Standards

Tools - Semantic Web Standards
Overview This Wiki contains a collection of tool references that can help in developing Semantic Web applications. These include complete development environments, editors, libraries or modules for various programming languages, specialized browsers, etc. The goal is to list such tools and not Semantic Web applications in general (the interested reader may consider looking at the W3C SW Use Case Collection for those.) The tool content of this wiki is still to be maintained by the community and not by the W3C staff. If you are interested in adding to and/or modifying the relevant pages, please consult the separate Tool Contributors’ page. Search possibilities The current Wiki contains references to 336 tools. Search through categories, i.e., reasoners, programming environments, browsers, etc. Last modified/added Tool Data in RDF There is also an option to get one RDF/XML graph for all tools. Other resources Sweet Tools maintained by Michael K. History

Semantic Web The promise of web standards W3C standards define an open web platform for application development. The web has the unprecedented potential to enable developers to build rich interactive experiences, that can be available on any device. The platform continues to expand, but web users have long ago rallied around HTML as the cornerstone of the web. Many more technologies that W3C and its partners are creating extend the web and give it full strength, including CSS, SVG, WOFF, WebRTC, XML, and a growing variety of APIs. W3C Standards and Drafts Why W3C web standards? W3C publishes recommendations, that are considered web standards. W3C develops technical specifications according to the W3C Process, which is designed to maximize consensus, ensure quality, earn endorsement and adoption by W3C Members and the broader community. W3C web standards are optimized for interoperability, security, privacy, web accessibility, and internationalization. Wide array of applications

Tools This page gives an overview of software tools related to the Semantic Web or to semantic technologies in general. Due to the large amount of tools being created in the community, this site is always somewhat outdated. Contributions and updates are welcomed. See also: Tool Chains Adding your own Adding your own tool is as easy as creating a page. Do not forget to use a suitable category to classify the tool, otherwise it will not appear below. If your tool is an OWL 2 implementation or a RIF implementation not yet listed here, please consider to add it. Current tools on The following tools are currently recorded in this wiki. RDF2Go (Version 4.8.3, 4 June 2013) Bigdata (Version 1.2.3, 31 May 2013) Semantic Measures Library (Version 0.0.5, 4 April 2013) HermiT (Version 1.3.7, 25 March 2013) Fluent Editor (Version 2.2.2, 20 March 2013) The following is a list of all tools currently known (use the icons in the table header to sort by any particular column)

RDF Translator Kuchen für alle! 15 hilfreiche Tools für die Datenvisualisierung Datenvisualisierung bietet sich immer dann an, wenn man Informationen an andere Menschen weitergeben will, die mit dem untermauernden Zahlenmaterial nicht vertraut sind. Je größer die Datensätze, desto komplizierter wird eine händische Aufbereitung. Entsprechende Tools können die Arbeit erheblich erleichtern und schicke Charts basteln – wie beispielsweise unser Artikel zur Datenvisualisierung mit Charts.js zeigt. In den vergangenen Jahren hat das Angebot an webbasierten Lösungen und Desktop-Anwendungen für das Sammeln, Analysieren und visuelle Aufbereiten von Daten erheblich zugenommen. Wer mit großen Datensammlungen hantiert und auf perfekte Organisation, optimale Lesbarkeit oder ein individuelles Design nicht verzichten will, muss allerdings technische Kenntnisse und grafisches Knowhow mitbringen. Axiis Bei Axiis handelt es sich um ein Framework für die Datenvisualisierung, das sich sowohl an Einsteiger als auch fortgeschrittene Entwickler richtet. BirdEye Bonsai Ember Charts Envision.js

IsaViz Overview News IsaViz and Java 1.6 (2007-10-21) IsaViz 2.x is not compatible with Java 1.6 or later. It is recommended to download IsaViz 3.0 which does work with any version of Java. IsaViz and GraphViz (2007-05-23) IsaViz 2.x is not compatible with GraphViz 2.10 or later. Several bugs have been fixed in the FSL engines for Jena, Sesame and the visual FSL debugger embedded in IsaViz. Fresnel in IsaViz (2006-05-19) IsaViz 3.0 now supports Fresnel lenses and several elements of the Core Format Vocabulary. FSL for Sesame 2-alpha-3 (2006-04-25) The FSL engine for Sesame 2 now works with version 2alpha3 instead of version 2alpha1. FSL for Sesame 1.2.2 (2005-12-06) In addition to the Sesame 2.0 implementation of FSL, there is now a Sesame 1.2.2 implementation written by Ryan Lee from project Simile. Java FSL Documentation available (2005-11-18) Documentation for the three existing Java FSL engine implementations (for Jena, Sesame and IsaViz) is now available. FSL for Sesame 2.0 (2005-11-15) Screenshots

Flint SPARQL Editor Demo Welcome to Flint, our editor for SPARQL queries. Features Flint 1.0 is now available. This is our first production release. Flint has the following features: Support for SPARQL 1.1Syntax highlighting and error detection and indication as you typeCtrl-space auto-completion is sensitive to the syntactic context at the cursor position.Auto-completion for properties and classes, which are populated by what is actually in the dataset.Multiple query tabsConfigurable to work with multiple endpointsSlide out panel giving:Keyword buttons: SPARQL keyword buttons provide a simple means to enter keywords, and the buttons are enabled/disabled according to the syntactic contextThe properties and classes which occur in the datasetNamespace prefixes for the dataset (configurable)Sample queries for the dataset (configurable)Flint runs fully in the browser with no additional server-side dependencyCan be pointed to any CORS-enabled SPARQL endpointEasily embeddable in web pages Getting the Code Feedback

FlowingData Fresnel - Display Vocabulary for RDF This site provides an overview of the Fresnel display vocabulary being developed by participants of the Semantic Web Interest Group. Fresnel is a simple, browser-independent vocabulary for specifying how RDF graphs are presented. Introduction Presenting Semantic Web content in a human-readable way consists in addressing two issues: specifying what information contained in an RDF graph should be presented and how this information should be presented. Each RDF browser or visualization tool currently relies on its own ad hoc mechanisms and vocabularies for addressing these issues, making it impossible to share RDF presentation knowledge across applications. Fresnel's two foundational concepts are lenses and formats. Like CSS, Fresnel is designed as a purely declarative language. Fresnel is licensed under the terms of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) license. Vocabulary and Documentation Fresnel documentation: The Fresnel vocabulary is split into four modules defined by: Implementations

Links to Infographic Sites, Visual Designers and C - Cool Infographics Randy's infographic design consultancy to Visualize Business Intelligence Jacob O'Neal's site focused on designing animated GIF infographics Company that helps visualize business data Rose Zgodzinski's site to help client find visual solutions Consulting, Design and Social + PR Brian Cragin is an infographic designer in San Diego A masterfully constructed infographic campaign can work wonders for your business Dashboard Design: Data Driven helps your clients better understand and act upon your information Dejure Design provides interactive and visual design services to social justice organizations seeking to make their legal work more accessible and engaging. One of the UK’s leading providers of infographics and data visualisation for bloggers and businesses of all sizes An interactive design industry We make important data beautiful and easy to understand We specialize in transmitting messages in a clear, simple and attractive way.

Jena Semantic Web Framework
