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How To Use Google Search As An Online Timer

How To Use Google Search As An Online Timer
Learn about a simple search command that will let you use Google as an online timer to help you remind of any upcoming tasks. Use Google as an Online Timer Do you need a simple timer to remind you of upcoming tasks like picking up the laundary, making that phone call to your client or for sticking to the Pomodoro technique. There are good web apps, for example, that let you create countdown timers in the browser quickly but you probably don’t need them anymore. That’s because you can now setup online timers inside Google itself by entering the timer command in the search box in the following format (the word “set” is optional): timer for <time> OR set timer for <time> The <time> can use a combination of hours, minutes and seconds. One more thing. This tip is courtesy Lifehacker.

Search Google Anonymously While Logged Into Google In Firefox One of the things that keeps some users from using Google Search is the certainty that everything that is done on the site is being logged and analyzed by Google. While it is possible to overcome this, for instance by launching searches only in the browser's private browsing mode, or using search engines such as Startpage that use Google search results but do not track you, you may prefer an automated solution that just works in the background without you doing anything. You could try and use Google while you are not signed in to your Google Account, but that too means some form of tracking as there are other means besides tracking a user by account. Plus, it means that you cannot use other Google Services such as Gmail properly without signing in first again. Another option would be to use two different web browsers, one for Google searches, the other for all other activities. The new Firefox add-on Searchonymous introduces a solution that resolves this issue.

30 Ingenious Business Cards That Reflect What Their Company Does 1 of 6 30 Ingenious Business Cards That Reflect What Their Company Does 30 Ingenious Business Cards That Reflect What Their Company Does by katie.ekbatani from Different Solutions in Art / Architecture Page 1 of 6 Nowadays we're bombarded with images trying to grab our attention everywhere we look. 1. Via Ads Of The World | By Publicis, Brazil 2. Via | By flux 3. Via Business Cards Zone By Fabio Milito design 4. Via Ads Of The World | By Marked for Trade 5. Via | Visit the law firm online at Wine-O-Saur Never miss a post! Join Diply Today Connect with a social network Sign In to Diply Sign into your Diply account with your social network Report Post Select the option(s) that best described why this should be removed from Diply.

10 Important Google URLs That Every Google User Should Know What does Google know about the places you’ve visited recently? What are your interests as determined by Google? Where does Google keep a list of every word that you’ve ever typed in the search box? Google stores everything privately and here are the 10 important links (URLs) that will unlock everything Google knows about you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (Google searches) (Voice searches) (YouTube searches and watched videos) 8. 9. 10. Also see: Secret URLs for Google Drive & Google Docs

Noeuds et surfaces de Seifert Le noeud le plus simple que l'on puisse imaginer est la "demi clé", et si l'on rejoint les deux bouts de la ficelle nouée, on obtient le "trêfle" ci-contre, un être mathématique étudié par la théorie des noeuds, une branche de la topologie aussi intéressante qu'esthétique. Le logiciel KnotPlot permet d'explorer ce monde étonnant et de représenter en 3D des noeuds très complexes, comme celui ci-contre. KnotPlot est cependant complexe à utiliser, aussi son auteur Rob Scharein a-t-il créé également KnotZoo, un catalogue de noeuds "simples" que l'on peut visualiser en 3D de manière interactive. L'applet Java de KnotZoo permet aussi de visualiser des noeuds plus complexes et de télécharger les modèles 3D des noeuds au format .OBJ Pour certains noeuds comme notre "demi clé", on peut créer une surface délimitée par la corde, un peu comme si on la trempait amidonnée dans de l'eau savonneuse pour créer une pellicule. Dans certains cas cette surface n'a qu'une face, comme un ruban de Moebius.

Power Google Welcome to Power Google, By Robert Harris, a practical, how-to book about using Google to locate information on the Internet. Below you will find a brief description of each chapter’s content along with two formats in which they can be viewed (Adobe® or HTML). If you do not have an Adobe® Acrobat® reader or would like to update your current reader to the latest version, click on the Adobe® icon below for a free download. Please note: Download times will depend on the Internet connection. Chapter 1: Why use Google? (41.0K) | or |HTML| Chapter 2: Developing a Search StrategyIf you want only a quick take on a common idea, you can simply type in the appropriate phrase into Google’s search box and quickly find your answer. (41.0K) | or |HTML| Chapter 3: Building a QueryOne of the advantages of Google’s effective method of finding and ordering pages for you is that even a simple search, such as typing in a couple of words, can produce excellent results. (42.0K) | or |HTML|

« Tous les livres du monde, excepté un » : L’influence d’un livre (1837), roman de la lecture | Érudit | Études françaises v47 n2 2011, p. 141-163 | Résumé Cet article propose de relire L’influence d’un livre (1837) de Philippe Aubert de Gaspé fils en tant que roman de la lecture qui problématise le rapport à l’écrit de la culture québécoise naissante. Tout le roman est en effet sous-tendu par deux pratiques de lecture concurrentes : la lecture intensive et la lecture extensive. Abstract This paper proposes a rereading of L’influence d’un livre (1837) by Philippe Aubert de Gaspé fils as a novel serving to problematize the relation to books in the nascent Québec culture.

Google Guide Quick Reference: Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet) The following table lists the search operators that work with each Google search service. Click on an operator to jump to its description — or, to read about all of the operators, simply scroll down and read all of this page. The following is an alphabetical list of the search operators. This list includes operators that are not officially supported by Google and not listed in Google’s online help. Each entry typically includes the syntax, the capabilities, and an example. Some of the search operators won’t work as intended if you put a space between the colon (:) and the subsequent query word. allinanchor: If you start your query with allinanchor:, Google restricts results to pages containing all query terms you specify in the anchor text on links to the page. Anchor text is the text on a page that is linked to another web page or a different place on the current page. allintext: allintitle: allinurl: In URLs, words are often run together. author: cache: define: ext: filetype: group: id: inanchor:

How to Be a Bad Girl: 7 Steps Edit Article Edited by Juelle Bembry, FlaminPunkMonkey, Laptop123, Jamjam and 54 others Boys love them, and girls want to be them, deep down. That's right -- we're talking about bad girls, those exciting, elusive, and fun creatures you may see riding their motorcycles or cutting school. Ad Steps 1Be fun! 7Learn to party. Tips A bad girl loves fashionable necklines, high heels, skirts hemmed at mid-thigh, strapless anything, and sexy lingerie. Warnings Do not be slutty.Don't wear skanky clothes. Google Search Operators - Search Help You can use symbols or words in your search to make your search results more precise. Google Search usually ignores punctuation that isn’t part of a search operator. Don’t put spaces between the symbol or word and your search term. A search for will work, but site: won’t. Refine image searches Overall Advanced Search Go to Advanced Image Search. Search for an exact image size Right after the word you're looking for, add the text imagesize:widthxheight. Example: imagesize:500x400 Common search techniques Search social media Put @ in front of a word to search social media. Search for a price Put $ in front of a number. Search hashtags Put # in front of a word. Exclude words from your search Put - in front of a word you want to leave out. Search for an exact match Put a word or phrase inside quotes. Search within a range of numbers Put .. between two numbers. Combine searches Put "OR" between each search query. Search for a specific site Search for related sites

How to Get a Copy of Your FBI The Freedom of Information Act is a powerful thing. If you've ever wanted to know just what those guvmint bastards have on you, anyway, here's your chance. Just fill in the italics in this form letter with the appropriate information, get your signature notarized, send it off, and you're in business! This should be free, though if your search returns reams of information, you may be charged 5 cents per page in duplication fees. The law says that your request must be responded to within 10 days, but you can expect something closer to 2 or 3 months for a definitive answer with the current backlog of paperwork. Your Name Today's Date Your Address Line 2 of Your Address Federal Bureau of Investigation Records Resources Division - Attn.: FOIA/PA Office J. This is a request for records under both the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act. My full name is: Your Name. I hereby agree to pay reasonable costs associated with this request up to a maximum of $30. Sincerely,Your Signature

14 Special Google Searches With Instant Answers Google can do more than display lists of websites – Google will give you quick answers to many special searches. While Google isn’t quite as advanced as Wolfram Alpha, it has quite a few tricks up its sleeve. We’ve also covered searching Google like a pro by learning the Google search operators – if you want to master Google, be sure to learn those. Calculator You can use Google as a calculator – just type in a quick calculation and Google will provide an answer. Unit Conversions Google can also convert between a variety of units. As with the calculator, the unit conversion tool is clickable. You can also combine unit conversations and math. Currency Conversions Google can also do currency conversions for you. Your IP Address You can determine your current public IP address by typing what is my ip into Google – or just search for my ip. Weather Sunrise and Sunset You can also view the sunrise or sunset times for a location by typing sunrise location or sunset location. Times Package Tracking Data
